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About SirCadsimar

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    Skyrim SSE AE
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    Skyrim SSE AE

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  1. I don't believe they need to restart the quest, just find the secret room and Journal #2.
  2. So, all of his issues were entirely user-end..?
  3. That guy is dumb as hell and everyone but him knows it. Also the game he was trying to get mods working for is crap not a very good game, some Resident Evil sequel game remake that is bad so no wonder there's broken mods for it, modders mostly abandoned that game.
  4. I wouldn't report it even if I could (I haven't logged into BethNet in years and I forgot my password there). Just going to let the already inconvenienced PlayStation Bethesda game players have some nice things for once.
  5. You need to find the secret room. It's behind a "Wardrobe".
  6. @scathtroy2147 did you find Butcher Journal #1? I'm pretty sure it's important.
  7. Many outfit mods are light plugin types (ESL, ESPFE) and are usually safe to install to an ongoing playthrough.
  8. I think most of the problem comes from Bethesda game updates, not so much the modders and their lack of desire to go through the inconvenience of updating (or downgrading) their game to a version they don't want to use to update their mods (or make new versions of their mod for older versions of the game, etcetera). But, whattaheck do I even know, I've not even been here 3 years yet...
  9. Pickysaurus corrected it now. I almost got confused
  10. Sadly a common problem with TrueHUD and True Directional Movement, especially when active together in the same load order.
  11. Ditto to what @scorrp10said. Big mods with Master Files are in many cases pretty bad to install to an ongoing playthrough. Problems can range from assets/textures/entire places getting messed up, to game crashes and freezes. Some Master File mods and ESP mods won't even work properly or not work at all when installed to an ongoing playthrough (ditto what scorpp10 said, again). And mods with ESP regular plugins, it's generally not good to mess around with the load order to an ongoing playthrough like that.. ESLs are usually almost always safer to install almost any time, depending on what they are, probably ESPFEs too (someone please correct me on that if I'm incorrect). Usually much worse to remove them midplay than to add them midplay (<--this also applies to all plugin types). And of course things will either not work well or game won't even load if you're over the 254* regular mod limit, this should go without saying. Sometimes it's not good to update big mods during an ongoing playthrough, sometimes it is okay it depends, should probably always check the mod's page before you update the mod, check the Description for info, and maybe some Marked comments by the Mod Author in the Posts.
  12. I always just use the "View forum messages" to get to my message inbox, then click "Home" or "Browse" to get to the rest of the Forums. Seems kinda silly, I know, but it works.
  13. Try this (found on Reddit) 1-Close steam 2-Go to local disk 3-Go steam folder (not in program files, only inside Local Disk, you'll see steam folder there) 4-Once there, try to find "version.dll" and delete the file 5-Open steam by itself, after that, open wilds
  14. It's a bit suspicious that both the mod is apparently gone, AND someone who made videos about the mod, is also gone (whole YouTube channel deleted, I mean). I'm getting a feeling something bad happened, and the people that know about it don't want to talk about it...
  15. I think you should probably ask about this in Reddit if you can, sure there's lots of trolls that are just going to troll and be useless and whatnot, but there will also be more eyes helping to look for this... Maybe even someone that might also remember, or know people who know... I've looked through all of the mods tagged with "Locations - New" for SE on Nexus, the closest things I believe I could find are the things I already mentioned, I've also looked on ModDB and couldn't find anything like this.
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