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About SirCadsimar

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    Skyrim SSE AE
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    Skyrim SSE AE

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  1. Mods like that would take a lot of work, and Bethesda's game engine does have limits.
  2. I think you need: SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin), it doesn't look like you have it.
  3. Nemesis Armor Set by Magus80 Or, there's Reforged armor set from the Divine Crusader micro-DLC from the Creation Club is what I sometimes eventually have him wear when I get that armor set in the game, I usually have him wear Ebony Armor or some sort of chainmail armor from some mod, or the Mithril armor or Kvatch Champion Cuirass from the Beyond Skyrim: Bruma mod, usually with some sort of enchanted mage hood.
  4. I am now on game version 1.6.1170 and I still I use both of those mods, have for over 2 years now maybe almost 3. Coming from console to PC in spring of 2022, one of the few gripes I had was the wonkiness of the dialogue and messagebox controls, really annoying almost unplayable. Thankfully someone made these mods. They are not ESP or ESM file types, so they don't take up important mod slots of the 255 regular plugin type limit, if they each take up a slot of the 4096 light plugin limit, I really don't care lol.
  5. I'm not entirely sure if it's legit or not, but PS 4 and 5 are now getting some mods that use external assets, including Sofia the Funny Fully Voiced Follower, it was released for PS4 and 5 late January and is still up. What is going on? Is this legit, is this actually happening? Or is it just certain modders finding loopholes again, and these mods will all be removed soon (again)..?
  6. Spiced Wine is supposed to be uncommon. It's made with spices that are imported from other places (as the plants that produce the spices can't be grown in Skyrim, need different climates). Mead with Juniper Berries was only made by Vilod of Helgen, who died after Alduin attacked, and his mead production wasn't extensive nor transported in large quantities outside of Helgen (might not have been transported out at all). Cyrodilic Brandy is expensive and a favorite of many people of Tamriel, so whatever bottles of it that got to Skyrim before the game started, were almost all drunken up already. So, there's logic as to why you won't find too many of these.
  7. Was it FurArmorSetSE(FrostFall Aware) ? version for LE: FurArmorSet(FrostFall Aware)
  8. Kinda messed up, and probably telling, that they laughed about that mod... Good riddance to them.
  9. You can log in to Bethesda.net and search through the mods you've used for the PS4 version. On a web browser on computer.
  10. Cry me a river while the world's tiniest violin is played in the background.
  11. I think it's a "revival" of the meme when some people were uploading the entire 1 hour 30 minute Shrek movie as a ".GIF image" (*but it was actually an .MP4 file, usually), around 4 years ago, on Reddit and wherever else, lmao...
  12. LOOT (Load Order Optimization Tool) can tell you how many regular plugins/light plugins you have active. https://loot.github.io/ Here's a video on how to properly install it: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/videos/29635
  13. Remove SkyHUD. Remove those other HUD mods too, especially TrueHUD. Schlongs of Skyrim is outdated and causes many issues. Reconfigure The New Gentleman so that it doesn't depend on Schlongs of Skyrim files (re-install TNG). How the hell do you not have FNIS or Nemesis?!
  14. AHZMoreHud is very likely the culprit, even though it's not mentioned in the Register nor the Stacks. And/or True Directional Movement. SkyPatcher was causing crashes in my game very recently, I had to get rid of it; I had heard a lot of negative things in the Skyrim community in various places about it before, I was hesitant to even try it in the first place, only got it because some other mods seemed to require it.
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