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Everything posted by SirCadsimar

  1. One of them turns into a hostile werewolf later on... Oops, is that a spoiler..? Lol.
  2. Think it's something about making multiple accounts to artificially boost endorsement numbers.
  3. Now that I think on it, I think this problem happened in my game on Xbox1 years ago. Can't remember what caused it or how I fixed it, though...
  4. I hope you didn't import Inigo into the multiple followers framework mod you might be using? You really shouldn't do that, it breaks him.
  5. Hell yes. And multiple pockets. I like pockets.
  6. Hoodies and cargo pants, or cargo shorts in the warmer months. Hoodies for comfort and utility Cargo pants/shorts just for utility. And I wear a toque or hoodie when using headphones/headsets, these devices bother my ears without the comfortable head covering like a or toque or hood.
  7. Ah, then you shouldn't have to worry too much about main menu replacer mods not displaying properly on your screen, I don't think. Anyways, I am assuming you already saw the forum page on AFKMods that has instructions on how to make a MMR (Main Menu Replacer)? It was the first search result that Google gave me when I typed in "Skyrim - how to create a main menu replacer". I'm surprised (and disappointed) that there's not more sources that teach how to do this... https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/6100-how-to-create-a-new-main-menu/ Apparently you need a program that can export .SWF files. Adobe Flash is dead and was replaced by Adobe Animate, which one has to pay for... I checked the contents of a bunch of MMRs, none of them have .swf files, I am assuming .swf is only for animated visuals or something..? The MMR mods that I did check were only a still image replacer, some with music replacer some not, .ddl and .nif file types but no ".swf".
  8. LOL silly kitties Anyways, I found the link to the info I was looking for, it was actually right there on NexusMods which I thought it was (but didn't mention that part, wasn't exactly sure at the time, pretty sure I saw a few multiple sources when I had first researched this). It was posted in 2021, very soon after the original AE game update which changed some programming on how the main menu is displayed. Nearly 3 years ago, so not sure how accurate the method is... but here it is: Make any start menu wallpaper replacer compatible with Skyrim AE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/3610
  9. In Fallout 3, Fawkes as well as all the Super Mutants are voiced by Wes Johnson. As to why he apparently sounds different in your separate playthroughs, I have no explanation for that.
  10. Keep in mind, Bethesda's Skyrim update(s) changed something in the menu display programming with either last year's big game update or the year before's. Takes a bit of file tweaking on the user's part to get main menu replacers that were made using the old methods on older game versions (ie. older pre-version 1.6.640 (I think??) menu replacer mods), to display properly. I have no idea if Fallout 4's menu programming was edited with its' game updates, but I would imagine probably it did. Saw a guide somewhere on how to tweak it properly, can't remember where though...
  11. It's almost like their inner guilty conscience is projecting their crime, lol... Naw, more like they don't even skim-read through the site rules.
  12. That's the Shadowrend Great Sword from the Shadowrend Creation (old Creation Club creation).
  13. That almost seems like an auto-correct... "Pirates of the Caribbean" lmao like they were about to just type in "pirated" but then that came up in the list of possible "auto-corrections", and they were like "hey this might fly!"
  14. Aye, it's a light plugin so it requires none of the 255 limited regular mod slots, and is safe to install mid-playthrough, tested that myself. Although it might not work with heavily modified NPCs.
  15. Having a patch for Open Animation Replacer (IED COndition Extensions), not having Open Animation Replacer itself but having Dynamic Animation Replacer instead.
  16. Not going to bother looking back in this thread to see if this was mentioned already (15 pages), but the mod Where Are You - Lookup And Track Followers and other NPCs it's great to use to find NPCs, much easier to use than the basic unmodded console command jargon.
  17. I would bet money, and double down, that it's TrueHUD and True Directional Movement being the culprits.
  18. TrueHud or True Directional movement is *probably causing that. I've seen many reports with similar problems that had either or both of those mods. December and January's game updates broke those mods very badly, because they rely on SKSE and other things that rely on SKSE. Look how many times HUD was mentioned in the Stacks: six times. True Directional Movement: 3 times.
  19. Ding ding ding! Some one finally figured it out! Thanks @7531Leonidas!
  20. Aye, I felt something relatively big swim under me and touch my foot when I swam in the large river near my neighbourhood, when my neighbour took my family out there on his boat one time and some of us swam. It might have been a muskellunge or a sturgeon.
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