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Everything posted by Cyberweasel89

  1. Okay, this is real quick. Should only take a minute or two to answer. I have a ! box on my character. One person tells me it's a missing texture, another tells me it's a missing mesh. Now, I've managed to use FOMM to figure out which file is causing the ! box to appear on my character. The problem is this: How do I find out which mesh or texture is missing? FO3edit shows no errors, so I have no way of knowing on my own. Thank you for your time.
  2. Oh? I wasn't aware of that... damn...
  3. Hm... Pretty good! You've got some interesting ideas there. Say, should we come up with a reason they don't accept women into their ranks? Oh, I'm working on a bit of fleshing-out myself. I'm coming up with some fan-lore on the Aliens from Mothership Zeta. Ya know, their species, their culture, their mission, their home planet, etc. Might wanna check it out, yeah? No rough drafts yet, though. I'm letting other people pitch ideas (though no one has done so yet).
  4. Nah. Phalanx just did it where a Follower's name will change depending on how much HP they have left ("Zim (wounded)", for example). And by "readout", I mean that, on request, a message box will pop up and tell you what Zim's stats are in his skills like Energy Weapons, Repair, etc. And you can check his SPECIAL stats and Tagged skills with a separate request, which show up in a message box. Naturally, his Science is probably through the roof, considering that Aliens have next to no physical ability and rely almost exclusively on his technology. Medicine and Repair are a grey area. They seem like something an Alien would be good at, but the Alien Biogel and Alien Epoxy kind of render the need to manually learn these skills unnecessary. I'm thinking... (with SPECIAL bonuses included) Barter - 40 Big Guns - 25 (for the Drone Cannons) Energy Weapons - 100 Explosives - 60 Lockpick - 20 Medicine - 35 Melee Weapons - 50 (for his Shock Baton) Repair - 30 Science - 100 Small Guns - 10 Sneak - 15 Speech - 45 Unarmed - 5 Roughly along those guidelines. I didn't want to give him a good Melee Weapon score, but I didn't want his Shock Baton to be completely useless for him... Tagged Skills: Energy Weapons, Science, Explosives SPECIAL Strength - 1 Perception - Endurance - 2 Charisma - 2 Intelligence - 10 Agility - Luck - (Interrupted - to be finished later) Anyway, I'm surprised you don't know about Phalanx. I figured it was essential ware for Fallout 3 mod-users. Click here for Phalanx You should really download it. It's awesome. ^_^
  5. Actually, I'd love to see a lot of the costumes from Rogue Galaxy. A lot of the characters had awesome alternate costumes, like Zegram's "Swordsman's Gi", or Lilika's "Star Traveler's Clothes", or Deego's "Full Metal Jacket". Oh my god, the Full Metal Jacket would be sooo awesome!!! And considering that it shows the top of Deego's chest, the female version could show some cleavage! =3
  6. It seems like it would have it's uses, I'd say.
  7. I think I saw a Keyblade in a mod that contained a set of weapons... Granted, it was essentially a large, heavily stylized "modern" key (as in, with the ridged edge instead of the teeth), but it was still a Keyblade in name... I'll have to look into which weapon pack it was. I'm not at home right now, so I can't check at the moment. But I can do it once I get home later...
  8. Tali's my favorite, too. I really wish she could've been a love interest for Shephard. I mean, Ashley and Liara are great, but Tali is just the best. ^O^ Though I gotta admit, while Tali's my favorite character, Wrex is my eye candy. <3 What? I don't care if he has a nutrient-storing hump on his back. He's basically the predecessor to Charon, I tells ya! On a Tali subject, anyone just love her accent? X3
  9. Odd, I heard that missing meshes were represented by invisibility of an object... Okay... So how do I find out what exactly is causing the ! box to appear? How do I find what the missing resource is, where it goes, and how do I obtain it? Otherwise, I'm stuck with a ! box on my character for the rest of my time with this game... T_T I've unequiped all the items on my character, but it's still there. So it's either the Dimonized Type 3 Cali skin, a conflict with the previous Exnem skin I used, or the result of an invisible item placed on my character by a game feature, like a "follow token", or something... I suppose I could just try playing the game with different mods removed and see if it stops doing it, but that doesn't fix how I'm supposed to know what the missing resource is, and it doesn't fix how I'm supposed to obtain the missing resource... I mean, if it's missing, I obviously can't get it from where I originally got the mod, right?
  10. Okay, so I've got a huge ! box on my character's body. I'm told that indicates a missing texture. But I've unequiped all the items on my character, and it's still there. I have two theories: 1. It's caused by an invisible "follow token" placed on me by one of my followers. Unlikely. 2. It's caused by my recent installation of Type3, with special textures from an optional file. Likely. Note that this ! box doesn't appear on me the moment I start the game. It takes a bit before it'll show up, and the time usually differs by a few seconds each time I start the game up again. Each time I've tried starting up again, I've waited a few hours, and it shows up soon after the waiting has finished. So: I'm told that FO3edit can detect conflicts. Can it detect missing textures? If yes, how? Because mine does not. Or, at least, if it does, I haven't figured out how to get it to do so. If it can't, how might I find where the missing texture is? And once I find out where the missing texture belongs, how do I get ahold of the texture that's missing? I mean, if it's missing, I probably won't find it in the mod's files on the Nexus. On a side note, the same thing happened to me with all the items from Tailor Maid. They all just showed up as a ! box.
  11. Also, I suspect my FO3edit isn't working right. It won't straight up and tell me where there's conflicts. At first glance, when looking at the list of files, everything looks okay. I actually have to open up files and look through each. And every. Single. One. Once I actually find a file that has a conflict, only then will it tell me that there's a conflict. Is FO3edit supposed to work that way? Or is mine broken?
  12. Um... Maybe I should've clarified: I have both FOMM and FO3edit. Neither tells me the proper load order, aside from ESMs and ESPs. And as for conflicts, FO3edit doesn't tell me where there are missing textures. I appreciate your input. Thank you very much. But considering that I already have both FOMM and FO3edit, and neither are helping... yeah... So where can I get a missing texture? I've been trying to uninstall RTS (assuming it's the cause of this ! box), but I'm spending hours trying to undo master files that I created using FO3edit to resolve previous conflicts.
  13. Hey, thanks, Spammster. This would seriously be a dream come true for me. I'll owe you big time! Now, some details: Will this early version focus more on the Mothership Zeta plotline aspect, or more on the permanent Follower aspect? If the latter, I'd really love if we could encorporate some aspects from Phalanx into Zim. Like, for example, being able to see his stats upon request. Phalanx is an awesome mod, and I'd love if Zim could have a bit of compatibility with it, if not a few of Phalanx's features built in. We'll have to give credit, of course... And don't worry, I'm well aware that to have full compatiblity, we'd have to add Zim to several of the lists in Phalanx, like the "take a break" command list, and such. That why I'm also hoping for some compatibility. Now, is there a way to enable him with sandbox mode? And is there a way to make sandbox mode and "wait in one spot and don't move" separate commands?
  14. Hi. I just installed an ass load of mods, and I went to test them out (after some extensive console commands of adding outfits from Ling's Finer Things: A Type 3 Shop to my inventory). Here's the order of things. I've gone through this several times, so the problem has to lie somewhere in here. 1. Real Time Settler (RTS) gives me a message that it's on. 2. I reconfigure the buttoms for RTS so that the Construction Kit isn't running on the same key as the interaction key. 3. I leave my modded Megaton house (which uses the Megaton House and Theme Overhaul) 4. Those three guys who I assume help you start your settlement are just outside, usually in a narrow walkway blocked by their pack Brahmin. (the following have happened in varying orders) 5, 6, or 7. I unequip all of the items I'm wearing in preparation for trying on the Ling's Finer Things outfits (occasionally omitted in the process, but still leading to the same result). 5, 6, or 7. I have a conversation with one of the three guys and agree to help him find a place for a new settlement. 5, 6, or 7. I Wait five hours so that it will be daytime. With Fellout, I can only see clearly in the day, and I need to see the outfits. 8. Nothing at first. 9. After a few moments, a diamond-shaped box appears over my charracter, with an exclamation point (!) in it. When I walk, it trails behind me just a tad, but catches up when I stop. I can't get rid of it, other than to quit the game and start up from back inside my house (at the beginning of this process). My theory is that agreeing to help those guys find a new settlement puts a invisible armor item on me that marks me for them to follow. However, this "follow token" armor item probably has something wrong with it, causing it to bug that ! box on my character. I've encountered the same thing when I first tried to use Tailor Maid. Any Tailor Maid item I equipped just showed up as a ! box. Thus, I'm one of the few mod users who doesn't use Tailor Maid. Not much point wearin' a ! box, yeah? Anyway, main point: First, what does the ! box mean? I have my suspiscion that it's a bugged or missing world model, but I need confirmation. And second, is my theory above on RTS causing the problem correct?
  15. I'm more interested in weapons that go in both hands at once. Like dual pistols, cowboy style... Yeah, some dual revolvers... then my cowboy recreation would be complete...
  16. Nah, to be honest, I'd welcome any kind of help. I'm just happy someone is showing interest. You can probably help me with fleshing out Zim's character. I wanna make sure he has a unique personality, backstory, etc. Not to mention a reason a Mothership guard knows the English language... I'm seriously surprised no one's made an alien Follower mod yet... But, then again, it's DLC reliant, and not everybody uses those... I just wish he could equip different outfits and have tagged skills. But I'm pretty sure aliens are considered creatures in the game file... Meh. I should be glad he'll at least be able to wield weapons. Now, is there a way to make sure he can only equip alien weapons? Maybe I should change the title of this topic to "Ambitious Mothership Zeta Mod: Alien Ally". XD
  17. Now that I think on it, it would be pretty lame if the player were to accidentally mistake Zim for one of the regular Aliens on the ship and shoot his ass... Maybe I should look into someone making a custom suit for Zim's sprite... I'd also love for Zim to be voiced, but that's lowest priority, considering everything else this project requires...
  18. It's okay, I figured out what the problem was. Thanks for your help! It turned out that one of the mods I use, "Abandoned Village" does not work. I am well aware of this, as my game immediately crashes no matter what so long as "Abandoned Village" is checked. The mod was high up in my load order, and when FO3edit tried to load it (which I did to see if it didn't work due to conflicts), the file was so messed up that FO3edit couldn't load it, and trying to load it halted the loading process. As long as I leave "Abandoned Village" unchecked, it loads everything fine. Thank you for your help! Sorry for the drama...
  19. Is this mod compatible with the Megaton House and Theme Overhaul? And if not, is there a way to help make it compatible? Because I tried a Megaton Walkway mod, and I couldn't find ANY way to make it compatible with the Megaton House and Theme Overhaul. Probably because the Megaton House and Theme Overhaul alters the outside of the player's house...
  20. Okay, my idea: Splinter is a non-feral Glowing One living in Underworld. Being a Glowing One, he's a bit of a freak, even by Underworld's standards. He's easy to spot, since he wears an Advanced Radiation Suit. Not to protect himself, but to protect any non-Ghouls from the radiation he constantly emits. Even stranger: In a world where food is either mutated or 200 years old, he's taught himself how to cook using old pre-war cookbooks. He can be found in the Inn in Underworld, where he makes the food that's sold in the diner part of the inn. Most of the food sold, however, is scavenged, not made by him. If you speak to Splinter, he'll offer you some food he cooked himself. If the player accepts and eats it, they can tell Splinter what they thought of it. If the player says it's good, Splinter will thank the player, who then can offer Splinter the job of joining him/her, where his food will be appreciated. For evil characters, the player can tell Splinter his food sucks, and when he apologized the player can offer to take the Glowing One with him/her to improve his skills. Splinter's mechanics is that he's essentially an infinite supply of food, albeit only being able to dispense some periodically. He can be told to Wait, has his own sandbox animations, and can be fired and sent back to Underworld. His skills, however, are not combat-based. His tagged skills are Medicine, Science, and Repair, none of which are used in the conventional sense, but instead used for cooking. Likewise, his SPECIAL stats lie mostly in varying high levels of Perception (for selecting ingredients), Endurance (for kitchen heat), Intelligence (for recipes), Agility (for speedy preparations), and Luck (for experimenting with new foods). He severely lacks in Strength and Charisma, probably close to 1. He is set to avoid enemies, but will heal the player automatically during a fight, presumably with quickly given rations. Granted, he does not actually cook any food, as that would interfere with other cooking mods, which are much more immersive. Rather, he is simply a supplier of food and aid during battle. To improve his usefullness, it is possible that he can restore or speed up the regeneration of AP. Naturally, as Splinter is fairly useless for the practical player, this mod is mostly done for flavoring. But any suggestions to improve it's appeal are welcome. An alternative is for Splinter to be a medic, located in The Chop Shop of Underworld. He will automatically give the player Stimpaks, Super Stimpaks, RadAway, Rad-X, Med-X, and possibly other chems, and will give the player chems periodically if asked. I would like to incorporate a Trauma Pack on his back if he is to be a medic (look it up on the Wiki, it's from a previous Fallout game), which would require some help with meshes and textures. While a medic is much more practical, I suggested a chef first, since I have already seen a mod for a medic follower, and food and cooking is something not touched upon much in Fallout 3 (apparent by the fact that food items are worthless for how much they heal and how much they weigh). Any ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions? Please comment. Thank you.
  21. Awesome! I look like a housemaid now! Thanks so much! ^O^ And with my American flag bandana, I look like a class-A fouchebag (that's a female douchebag, like a mimbo being a male bimbo)! ^_^
  22. I apologize for the repetitive "yeahs". It's what I do in RL when I'm excited or nervous. And I type like how I talk, so...
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