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Everything posted by Cyberweasel89

  1. Wait wait wait... You can flirt with Veronica? I have Veronica, I'm playing as a female, and I have the Cherchez La Femme perk. So far, Veronica has not flirted with me. It must've been subtle... When was it? To be honest, I wasn't even sure if she was a lesbian or just bi... She had a relationship with a woman, but she was young and even states herself that she wasn't sure it was love. Maybe that was just a phase? I don't think it's ever stated if women are her only interest... And a lot of male NPCs comment on her hotness... It's a shame about Arcade being gay. He's pretty cute, and I have a thing for men that aren't... well, men that aren't fully socially gifted. Considering all the lesbian references in FO3 but the zero gay references, I'm surprised Arcade was as obvious as he was. "So... why hasn't some lucky young guy come and swept me off my feet? The simple answer is... I'm boring." But take it from me. You guys aren't giving ghouls and super mutants enough credit. Charon is by far the hottest guy in the Fallout series to date. I swoon when I see him. At first I only had the 360 version rented, and I chose him and Dogmeat. Once I bought the PC version, I just used Phalanx for all the followers. And Fawkes is oddly charming. Maybe it's his intelligence? Or, it might be because of the "My Species Doth Complain Too Much" trope. After fighting all these Super Mutants throughout the game, finding one on your side is just... overwhelmingly awesome. Personally, I like the idea of a ghoul who thinks he/she's ugly, but the player thinks otherwise (much to the ghoul's disbelief). But I guess that's just my nature of taking an interest in people who look lonely. I know some of you may find that situation hard to imagine with a ghoul, but consider it the same as finding a girl with a disfiguring burn scar beautiful. She's insecure about it, and thus shocked that anyone would find her pretty. Guy: (just confessed his love to her) Burn scarred girl: (crying) "But... I'm so..." Games these days need more romance is what I say. That and more nudity.... and brutal violence... and man candy... and more boobs... Wait, nevermind that last one. Heh...
  2. I'm more concerned about a fix for the ending the Return to Sender quest is supposed to give you. If you concince him to stop falsifying reports, it gives you the ending as if you had exposed him. No diplomacy ending, and surprisingly no fix for it.
  3. Same here. Maybe not bringing them to the Mojave, but I want all three Dead Money companions following me at once while during the events of Dead Money at the Sierra Madre. I mentioned Unlimited Companions not working for the Dead Money companions in the mod's comments, and I even mentioned how Dead Money breaks the mod itself. But no response. Maybe he doesn't check his mod comments much. Think I should message the creator?
  4. I'm just hoping the Unlimited Companions guy can make a patch for Dead Money...
  5. Ah. Looks like this problem needs to be stopped. The Lyons' Pride looted the weapons and ammo from all the Super Mutants at GNR. Tell me how followers looting weapons is supposed to be a good thing, again?
  6. I sent you a message. Please read it and respond if you have the time, but no pressure. Thank you!
  7. Well, someone was planning a mod like that... but it was cancelled due to personal issues with the modder making it. Just look up "Fort of the Union" in the mod list. It's that one. Better yet, let me provide you with a link. Fort of the Union mod
  8. Not an option. I want Malcom to wield a Hunting Rifle. Plain and simple, no questions asked. ..... Okay, that sounds rude of me. But if you really knew the reason I wanted him to wield a Hunting Rifle, it'd just sound really silly...
  9. Omigod, thank you so much! <hugs> This is the nicest thing anyone's done for me on the Nexus to date! I don't know how to thank you! If there's anything I can ever do for you, let me know. No one does nice things for me without getting something in return. Personal policy.
  10. Yes. We already have a mod like that. Dead Money Companions mod Enjoy!
  11. Ah! I was just about to ask the same thing. I tired to copy what the Unlimited Companions mod did, but I'm just a newbie modder, so it's way too complicated for me... If anyone would be willing to make a mod for all three Dead Money companions to be active at the same time, it'd really help ease how otherwise disappointing the DLC is...
  12. Hmmm... Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it's close. Thanks!
  13. Hmmm... Are there plans to make this DLC free after a while, like they did for the DLCs for Fallout 3, which are now available for free on the Nexus? Because I'm not sure I want to shell out 10 bucks for this...
  14. The Clint Eastwood Pack looks great! Thanks so much!
  15. Hmmm... if we go with house cats, should they be unmutated over the years like dogs, or should we give them some kind of mutation? Ya know, like... unnatural fur colors and patterns, or... Meh. Not sure of anything else.
  16. Hi. Is there a way to keep followers from looting enemy corpses? I use Phalanx, and Malcom keeps looting any weapon he can find off enemy corpses to replace the Hunting Rifle I gave hiim. I've searched the Nexus files, I've searched the forums, but there doesn't seem to be any such mod. So I have to wonder... is it even possible to stop followers from looting corpses? It's just... really troublesome that I have to keep taking weapons from Malcolm so he'll use his Hunting Rifle... Some answers on whether this is even possible would be very much appreciated. And if it is, some help with making it as a mod would be wonderful. Thank you in advance!
  17. If you want a good Follower system overhaul, I recommend Phalanx. Phalanx aims to eventually bring back a lot of elements from Fallout 2, but for now it's, in my opinion, the best follower overhaul system on the Nexus. And it has an awesome in-game troubleshooting system to ensure everything works properly. Other than that, I also recommend the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch to fix a lot of the little bugs here and there. Hair Pack provides a very nice selection of hair to choose from. I always use the ponytail for my female characters. ;P Upgraded Caravan Merchants is a very underrated mod that, rather than simply setting the traveling merchants to essentially and letting them die over and over again, instead gives them a fighting chance with better weapons, armor, and more guards. Armored Vests allows you and your followers to wear whatever armor you want and still have good defense stats, while Gnome Ammo Refill Unit is a little-known but very expertly made mod that lets your followers use regular weapons and still have infinite ammo, but it only works for your followers. Misc Item Icons helps lessen the prevalence of the generic junk icon in your Pip-Boy, but it may require some tweaking in FO3Edit to make sure it doesn't overstep its bounds. Most of the mods I use, though, are small mods that help add quality or depth to the Fallout game world. Notably, a unique skin for Paradise Lost, receiveing Lyons' Pride Power Armor from Sarah Lyons when you join them at the end of the vanilla game (instead of generic Power Armor), adding the Tenpenny Helmets to the Tenpenny security guards, giving Doctor Li her glasses, and adding some of the missing unique weapons and armor back into the game world. Unique Uniques showed promise, but sadly was abandoned by the creator, with no one else taking up his offer to continue it... Though I'm fairly certain Unique Uniques was the inspiration for the unique textures the unique weapons use in Fallout: New Vegas, like Benny's 9mm Pistol Maria.
  18. Hmmm... I thought "I am of your faction" sounded a bit more eloquent than "I'm on your side". But I admit using a modder's term is a bad idea. I'll have to change that. Not sure about the Buffy Speak. Zim's got quite a vocabulary for speaking English as a second language. But I suppose it's possible he may not know what certain Earth items are called. Player: "Where'd Sohma find that Combat Shotgun?" Zim: "Her what? Oh, you are referring to her Earth firearm." Hmm... I might contact the guys who made Mothership Zeta Crew, then. I'd like this mod to have a version compatible with their's at some point in the future. For the record, this mod isn't dead. I just don't have many updates during the writing of the script. Plus, I still have unanswered questions, like tag skills for Zim, perks for creatures, and how many lines of battle dialogue to make for each situation, as well as how many situations there are. I will give a teaser, though... there's a super-secret reason that Zim's helping the abductees escape, but Zim won't reveal what it is, even if asked, until after Mothership Zeta is completed. Yay for small plot twists!
  19. Um... is there a way to delete your own posts, delete your own topic, or edit the title of a topic you posted? I've checked the rules, and I don't see anything about it... Thank you in advance! Sorry if this is a dumb question...
  20. Ah. Nevermind. Turns out the process involves scripting. And I'm not good at scripting. Sorry. v.v
  21. I'm sure it'd be simple to implement. Just copy-past the bottle cap adding feature from the Nuka-Cola bottles. In fact, I could probably make it in FNVEdit. Want me to?
  22. Yeah. Remember the quest "Return to Sender", and how it gives you a special slide during the ending slideshow about the fate of the NCR rangers? Well, it's bugged. Regardless of who wins at the Hoover Dam battle, if you convince Chief Hanlon to stop falsifying reports, the ending slide defaults to the ending you would've gotten had you not exposed Chief Hanlon. And considering the most "lawful good" ending involves convincing Chief Hanlon to stop falsifying reports rather than not exposing him... this is a problem. Anyone willing to make a mod that'll fix this bug and re-implement those diplomacy endings for the Return to Sender quest? I did numerous searches in the mod list, and I'm surprised we don't already have a mod that fixes this glaring defect. Could anyone please help me with this? Thank you in advance!
  23. Indeed. I saw a gameplay video of the first 15 minutes of the game On Demand. It looks epic. Plus, all you have all three Followers at once! The three separate quests to recruit them are collectively known as "Assemble Your Team". EPIC! Well... If you want to be technical, you have three of the four at once. That is, if you count Dog and God as separate characters. When my brother heard there was a follower named Dog, he thought it was an actual dog that had a collar put on it. And since the collars are linked, you need to recruit this dog named Dog like you need to with Christine and Dean Domino. Personally, I think that'd be a pretty good idea, but a Super Mutant is still pretty cool.
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