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Status Replies posted by Spaceritual

  1. here's the number of notification and message i got this past 3 week : http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/104/vcvcvcvccccccc.png' alt='a>'> :p
  2. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. My dog back home says hello ~ http://i56.tinypic.com/mh4vw9.jpg
  3. Those Shojo/Shoto images again , have started a topic on the Feedback forums as this seems to be forum wide and casing many heated exchanges.
  4. *rant mode turn on* Aye yi yi @ this guy- http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/267720-j05hda5-banned/ Why do these fools label anything related to children as pedophilia? I've got a Shojo Race 'toon of my own, doesn't mean I *censored* off to her- I run around and vaporize things with her. How is that sexual? *rant mode turn off*
  5. just got his ankle dislocate,so he won't be around for a couple of days ~_~, sorry guyz.
  6. After a long hiatus. We're back bitches!
  7. Hello, everyone!
  8. Trying NV whilst it is not crashing....3 times tonight already maybe it is a hint to find the rest of those year book piccies :)
  9. has been very distracted by re-populating Albion! Sorry about that! lol
  10. do these comments on the profile delete themselves when you run out of space..or are we meant to do it manually..
  11. hearing Kay Kyser - Jingle, Jangle, Jingle. Damn, i really love this song :D
  12. do these comments on the profile delete themselves when you run out of space..or are we meant to do it manually..
  13. do these comments on the profile delete themselves when you run out of space..or are we meant to do it manually..
  14. if my Last Active box shown "Private" that meant i'm in secret mission tracking down Profile Peeker.yes ! you can't run or hide from me ! i'll hunt you down ! O,m,O
  15. Come one Guys, show me ur Smileys :D
  16. Come one Guys, show me ur Smileys :D
  17. Got NV in the post today and i am sort of wishing I had ordered the basic version..but anyway it is verfied on Steam which it can not do till tomorrow .
  18. Trying NV whilst it is not crashing....3 times tonight already maybe it is a hint to find the rest of those year book piccies :)
  19. Got NV in the post today and i am sort of wishing I had ordered the basic version..but anyway it is verfied on Steam which it can not do till tomorrow .
  20. Anyone know how to explain those Shojo races? I have tried reading up on it on the net but none the wiser...
  21. I see you guys.. peeking at my profile. Leave comment here pls, even if it's to say something mean :P
  22. I am not getting New Vegas. Bite me.
  23. sure would like to know why his user rating is dropping
  24. Anyone know how to explain those Shojo races? I have tried reading up on it on the net but none the wiser...
  25. NV Nexus is open! Bring on the mods!
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