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Status Replies posted by Spaceritual

  1. I love making friends with the all the sheeps...XD
  2. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  3. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  4. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  5. Man...there are sheep everywhere! Phew! What a smell!
  6. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  7. Found a mod that unhooks New Vegas from Steam...seems to result in amuch more stable game..worth a try anyway...3GB Fallout NV Enabler PLUS
  8. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  9. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  10. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  11. I just read a list of 100 things to do before you die : http://brass612.tripod.com/cgi-bin/things.html and i'm suprised that "yell for help" was not in the list.
    1. Spaceritual


      I managed 20...but a lot of the questions assume you are American...
    2. (See 95 other replies to this status update)

  12. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate? Something Stronger? What's your drink of choice?
  13. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate? Something Stronger? What's your drink of choice?
  14. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  15. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  16. Found a mod that unhooks New Vegas from Steam...seems to result in amuch more stable game..worth a try anyway...3GB Fallout NV Enabler PLUS
  17. I finally posted the new Silas Caine story, Today It Ends. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=21628
  18. Ask yourself: WWSD. What would Silas do?
  19. For anyone who's interested, I posted the title page from my upcoming screenstory on the FO3 image share: http://fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=21549
  20. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  21. New favorite game, Mass effect 2!
  22. is aksing you *What was your first Game* ?
    1. Spaceritual


      Ah Tetris...must get that again...many happy hours playing that one....
    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  23. Got today my 3D Tv (Samsung LE46C750) :DD
    1. Spaceritual


      Yep our small telly is a Samsung...Alice in wonderful 3D is totally amazing..and the glasses aren't as bad as I thought they would be..
    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  24. For anyone who's interested, I posted the title page from my upcoming screenstory on the FO3 image share: http://fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=21549
  25. is aksing you *What was your first Game* ?
    1. Spaceritual


      Space invaders was one of the first video games I played but on pub machines...and Asteroids...wonderfully simple times...
    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

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