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Status Replies posted by Spaceritual

  1. is aksing you *What was your first Game* ?
    1. Spaceritual


      Elite I think for the commodore 64...spent days playing that....so sad...
    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  2. Got today my 3D Tv (Samsung LE46C750) :DD
    1. Spaceritual


      You could look upon the smoke as suggesting a while has past and it is from the cigarette , which was how I was looking at it..
    2. (See 68 other replies to this status update)

  3. Project beauty for New Vegas is up and it is called Fallout New Vegas Redesigned
  4. Ask yourself: WWSD. What would Silas do?
  5. My New Year's Resolution? More Fallout 3!
  6. WANTS MORROBLIVION!!! Damnit to hell !! That was my first thought this morning. Why does Bethesda let us do ANYTHING we want with these games, but draws the line at combining them ?! Grrr
  7. WANTS MORROBLIVION!!! Damnit to hell !! That was my first thought this morning. Why does Bethesda let us do ANYTHING we want with these games, but draws the line at combining them ?! Grrr
    1. Spaceritual


      And I missed the Jeff Buckley chat....drat and drat..
    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  8. Finally got my Oblivion back up and running...but who knows for how long?
  9. Soo..its 2011...
  10. Soo..its 2011...
  11. So, a new year. Gonna make (and break?) any resolutions?
  12. Happy New Year all..lets hope 2011 is a good one..as apparently the world will end in 2012....erm...not cheery news that...
  13. New *About Me* Page :D
  14. Anyone spotted any good jewelry mods for NV yet? besides the neck chains one..
  15. Anyone spotted any good jewelry mods for NV yet? besides the neck chains one..
  16. http://fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=21315 Chapter 19. Had to reupload the shot because of some visual issues. Sorry!
    1. Spaceritual


      Ah..that explains it....I was sure I had seen it before...will go and read the story now a little more certain that I am not losing it :)
    2. (See 75 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hey Guys!! Need some good Christmasayings. Post all you know here :)
  18. Thawing out a bit now so things are looking up :)
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