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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. you were right....good way to wake up for the day...can not wait for the next instalment :)
  2. ah...very good sneak indeed... sort of a sneakidy sneaky sneak :)
  3. wow..not good..hope you keep safe and will check again tomorrow :)
  4. ah...no worries then ..second time that has happened to me...storm passed now?
  5. nice to hear...I am sort of muddling about till DAO 2 comes out..or the DLC for NV...whichever gets here first :)
  6. was just wondering if your Goth girl mod would be winging its way to NV?
  7. your in the middle of a storm? that might explain things...
  8. did you post a pic then take it down? was sure I was about to thumbs up one of yours and then it vanished..
  9. mind you sheep in space does sound interesting now I think of it..
  10. she would have got sheep in space..not ghouls :)
  11. only just over a month till DAO 2 is coming out...have you heard yet if it will be modifiable?
  12. ah..no I wouldn't sabotage them..they seem a friendly lot and it is nice to think they have found somewhere to settle..
  13. is a nice moment..I do wonder if they made it and to where? and have you had the bit with a high enough skill you can alter the spaceships trajectory to make them more accurate? it's by the control panel where you launch them?..got it for the first time the other day...
  14. posted...funnily enough I did not think anyone would want to see them so was just about to delete them..glad you popped by really they do give another take on the scene/s
  15. great..I am going through a two tone phase at the moment and have lots of shots of the rockets left over..will post them :)
  16. in a sort of two tone-ish colour scheme? well more three tones..
  17. nice reworking...makes for an easier read while still retaining the charm of the original...
  18. Glad you resisted the dancing sheep avatar... nice willpower :)
  19. already read it....wonderful work indeed..kept me amused the whole time while reading/seeing it and great characters :)
  20. 11th March DAO 2 is due :)
    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Odile


      DA is sort of like playing an interactive movie. I'm a sucker for cutscenes. They really add depth to the NPCs...since they interact with your character so much you really feel like you're a part of the story.
    3. amw80


      I'm so looking forward to it. Pre-ordered ages ago. I enjoyed the first one so much, so I have high expectations for this installment. 2/22/11 they will release a demo, so at least it will give us a taste lol.
    4. Spaceritual


      not long to go then for the demo :)
  21. Very well written indeed...and a wonderfully crafted world for your characters to exist in . I agree with IthildinThat the story deserves a wider audience but getting there is no easy task unless someone does know a pulbisher.. and you also have to be aware of those "vanity" type publishers who will charge you for publishing as well... But if you have more and can bind the stories together to form say a book of short stories then nothing is impossible.
  22. ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland it is a nice mod for adding atmosphere...and lights...


  23. nice avatar change :)
  24. going to get me ordering one soon...erm..early food shopping :)
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