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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. Trying out Honest Hearts with minimal mods ticked and it seems fun so far :)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      After discovering the mod I was using NevadaSkies began working after patch 1.3 was installed I thought it was part of the 1.3 Patch. Now I know NevadaSkies.esp is the real cause. The last time I checked weather reports in those places of Utah used in Honest Heart's sandstorms weren't a part of the regular weather. Author of NevadaSkies.esp need's to start watching < http://forecast.weather.gov/wwamap/wwatxtget.php?cwa=usa&wwa=Hazardous Weather Outlook > at NOAA if...
    3. Deleted54170User


      ...they are going to try and put weather condition's any game's mod.
    4. Spaceritual


      ah that explains it then it is the mod causing your storms :)
  2. yes..might give it a try later :)
  3. have you got the new DLC yet? :)
  4. good story I think I have caught it all so far :)
  5. ah..good point...been a little tied up with offline stuff but I do peek a lot still will try and get more sociable :)
  6. I am just cutting out the graphic mods as MrC mentioned his game runs fine without them so giving that a go first :)
  7. might give that a try as a working game is probably worth losing a bit of graphic niceness :)
  8. It is taking ages getting it to work properly , I may have to consider using less mods :)
  9. yep...haven't played NV for some days now while all the mods get fixed again... UHNV just has been fixed so might give the game another try :)
  10. Yep it does seem like the patch has effected stuff , had to totally restart mine with a new character ..
  11. Had to redo my game after that patch , anyone know which mods were effected by it ? :)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. llamaRCA


      Well, if you updated to 1.3 and you have mods in your load list that aren't updated you might absolutely have crashing issues as a few important things changed in the esm. You'd have to check the mod pages to see which mod authors have updated their mods for 1.3. Although going through the usual routine looking for which one is causing the crashing might work just as quickly if you have a big list running :)
    3. Spaceritual


      could be worth a try , will give it a go :)
    4. Spaceritual


      could be worth a try , will give it a go :)
  12. Hope you had a good Easter :)
  13. hope you had a good Easter :)
  14. bit jerky...hoping the new patch will finally sort things :)
  15. Happy Easter to you :)
  16. Thanks and Happy Easter to you as well :)
  17. Happy Easter to you :)
  18. Thanks , I am looking forward to the Easter eggs bit..and Happy Easter to you :)
  19. Very good scene as well and nice to know you are going to post more often :)
  20. It is hard to get a link to it , I finally found one through a google search :)
  21. I had to use the 4gb extender thing from the nvse site to launch NV with but so far crash free :)
  22. yep...all going well...it is just taking me ages to get New Vegas looking good again plus I am being sidetracked with TDU 2 :)
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