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Status Updates posted by Spaceritual

  1. Ah that would interfere with the underground hideout wall of weapons I think...
  2. I have tried looking for the mod you suggested but can not find it yet...
  3. ah no...will go peek now..and good avatar you have there :)
  4. Happy festive season to you as well , hope it is a good one :)
  5. Sorry about that thought I had already added you :)
  6. Ah you did the two really brilliant scenes I couldn't see very well...well could but would have loved to have seen them bigger :)
  7. nooo..it's Danthegeeks one ...I wouldn't have a clue about mod making :)
  8. my seemingly not so subtle plan for weaning you off JB...erm..never mind...I am sure there are other world problems for me to solve ... like more mannequins for the underground mod...
  9. drat...foiled again...
  10. Ah nice one...got all mine done luckily..and some to overseas folk I have had Amazon do..they gift wrap as well....cheating I know but at least they will get there :)
  11. Doing nicely...just updating my mods ..seems to be lots of updates today..and you?
  12. he should try purple...I am sure that would help...plus perhaps would stop his Justin Beiber addiction...don't think he reads this bit do you?
  13. no worries...and nice new avatar :)
  14. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37145 seems it was on FO3 as well...so no really unique to NV stuff yet possibly..
  15. There is the temple shop mod...was that FO3 as well?
  16. That is the thing...it is going to take a while before NV catches up with FO3 if ever...most mods do seem to be ports and additions brought from the previous game...some nice weapons though :)
  17. I use bits of the Venomous armour one by Sinblood I think it is,,and Tailor Made with a little bit here and there of Wasteland Courier..but for a unique look the mix and match of Tailor Made is hard to beat so far..
  18. ah yes...that is the one phrase I know now...well actually there is another..will try it out tomorrow :)
  19. Apa kabar? ....erm that is all I know actually so please don't respond with more...it is a lovely rhythm to it though..did a little read up on it and it sounds fascinating..sadly I am really bad at learning new languages
  20. ah..well two spots...but you would be unlucky to stumble across them both one after the other...can't say any more as it would ruin your fun..and there is fun to be had when you explore :)
  21. ah the deathclaws are to stop you heading north too early in the game...doesn't really stop you for long but it is the best they could think of I guess...
  22. ah..not familiar with that at all...does sort of trot off the tongue though..sounds very attractive..must give it a listen sometime :)
  23. just realised I understood World of Warcraft...things are looking up :)
  24. please tell me you guys are chatting in a different language and it is not some sort of terminal decay in my eyesight ...
  25. Nice one...good mods are arriving and Llama is bound to do something interesting on the companion front mod wise so things will get better :)
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