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Status Updates posted by Spaceritual

  1. Indeed...very underrated...he did steal the scenes he was in and was a perfect foil for the Eastwood character...
  2. the funny thing is I was checking on his biog and I hadn't realised until then that he was in High Noon..
  3. ah..didn't realise you had not got it back onto your pc ...
  4. and at the end of a few dollars more...classic gunfight..really brings the whole revenge thing to a powerful climax..mm...bacon..oopsy..looking at satanslilhelper's post
  5. You haven't posted many pics lately...not found a new game?
  6. lots going on here it seems...will get back to the piccies :)
  7. that is colder than here....
  8. Doing nicely so far though it is cold here at the moment...just going to give NV another try later but I really can't seem to get it to look right..
  9. One of my favourite films and he does it so well , perfect in the role :)
  10. Very nice picture you posted by the way , great atmosphere :)
  11. that is a good way of getting noticed :)
  12. This could go on forever :)
  13. oopsy yes...that was me...peeking back again now :)
  14. every time I see your screenie I visualise Lee Van Cleef in one of his many brilliant western roles...generally playing opposite Clint Eastwood...
  15. mittens are a great idea...will go with the seafarers wellies I have ordered :)
  16. Thanks for dropping by....I guess it is my overuse of "vibe" "trippy" and "flow" I blame the 70`s....oh and you guitar likes would just about suit my musical tastes perfectly...
  17. Very nice..not really up on what is what in anime but sort of fits the cute vibe :)
  18. Hi there...have you stopped playing NV?
  19. I think it would probably be impossible...and happy belated birthday wishes :)
  20. ah..spotted the waving :)
  21. Hi there ::::waving back :::
  22. It is more a tribute thing with me than a race really.. mind you I am compulsive about completion...
  23. I think he has lots more than me mind you I think all the beer slows him down a bit :)
  24. why sell it...mind you ours went and we now have a Wii which so far we haven't used :)
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