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Status Updates posted by Spaceritual

  1. will stock up on mint sauce in case there is a glut of lamb chops...
  2. thanks and look forward to seeing more of your scenes :)
  3. like the new avatar...is she about to devour that sheep?
  4. nice pic you posted...made me laugh :)
  5. like the new avatar :)
  6. only just realised you got the sheep thing as well :)
  7. no worries and will check the mod out now :)
  8. ah,...did wonder what the noise was...glad the cats in the clear now..
  9. wow..the sheep got you as well....
  10. I was trying to escape from the sheep...glad to see you are still resisting the urge to jump about in a woolly way..
  11. Thank you..and I see those sheep got you as well...:)
  12. you seem to be a well travelled sheep...with access to many different modes of transport..I sense a conspiracy...
  13. Just noticed I have read both your comic strips...any more to come? :)
  14. sheep hypnotists..we are all doomed..
  15. actually all these bouncing sheep do get hypnotic if you stare at them for a while...
  16. Nexus needs sheep dogs...
  17. they do both use the same game engine so he was probably using the FO3 textures maybe and that is why Nexus would not allow it..although he does seem to have got the okay from Bethesda...it is a mystery...
  18. the sheep are taking over :)
  19. it really is good..just wondering whether to add detailed normals to it and the other one you mentioned a while back...it is a pity they didn't let him put it on Nexus..would be a top rated mod
  20. Those sheep got you as well...
  21. mad sheep disease seems to be highly contagious...
  22. the back up file is just the falloutnv.exe in case for some reason the programme does not back it up...which it should..
  23. your getting attacked by sheep it seems...
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