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Status Updates posted by Spaceritual

  1. Ah right...with you now :)
  2. Hope the move to the supports section idea takes off... it is a really good way to let everyone's creative freedom flow :)
  3. Ah..you said you were waiting for the EVE beta...is that the online game or the Energy visual enhanced mod?
  4. Ah yes..my worst was healing 10,000 damage with stimpacks...seemed to take forever...anyway...will see if my new mods make things more exciting :)
  5. erm yes...just noticed you have changed your avatar again :)
  6. ah..was trying to get the last achievements in NV but I really can not stand the idea of playing or trying to win 30 games of Caravan..then I have to get banned from 3 casinos...not exactly fun either..oh well :)
  7. there are some picture posters I look out for knowing whatever they put up ought to be at the very least interesting...and maybe more.. gets my day off to a good start :)
  8. ah caught your New Vegas one...nice :)
  9. ah..remember your pictures now....you haven't posted for a while though on Oblivion? :)
  10. Just moved to Antartica...at least it seems so judging by the view from my window...
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Spaceritual


      ah..nice one ...yes the sun would be bad news :)
    3. Spaceritual


      Mittens...haven't had any of those for years...wow..must get some :)
    4. bethjunkie


      Could I borrow some cold weather? I'd like to turn my driveway into an ice skating rink but my ice keeps melting :(
  11. spotted you a little while after :)
  12. Doing well..just getting into a it of a rut with NV , but have a few mods to try so will see how it goes , hows things with you ? :)
  13. another thing is when you want to get going on your travels and the only option you have is "goodbye" when really you mean "lets go"...
  14. Anyone else tried the Desert Succubus custom race mod for NV yet ?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spaceritual


      ah..seen it...I can not get anything like that..reverting to the previous set up I used...
    3. llamaRCA


      I went with this, finally, because even with Lings + whatever body and Type 3 face textures I couldn't get rid of the smudges and shadows on my character's face. DS textures has makeup as a default, which is taking some getting used to, but the terrible smudges and shadows are gone.
    4. Spaceritual


      might give it another try then....good point there..
  15. Erm..half of what ? :)
  16. Nice new avatar by the way :)
  17. Seems it is only for the Xbox at first and pushes the cap by 5 to 35...must be some sort of MS tie in that has made them decide to release it this way..
  18. No but great news...any idea what it might contain yet? it really does need to raise the level cap and perhaps some more interest to the desert :)
  19. Sounds like a good reason for a get together :)
  20. Hi there , I have enjoyed looking at many of your fine screen shots :)
  21. hi there and nice to hear from you :)
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