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Status Updates posted by Spaceritual

  1. that is the one yes...making things look a lot better and no performance hit as far as I can tell :)
  2. ::peeking then spotted your status update::
  3. Hi there...downloaded that texture improving mod and going to give it more of a try out :)
  4. ah..what have I gone off with now?
  5. wow....didn't notice...does make me wonder who gave them and why...is nice though that someone has gone out of there way to say "thanks"
  6. But surely everyone who has the game has to use Steam? or do they mean regular players not offline ones?
  7. You have New Vegas now ? :)
  8. wow..I would have thought the game sold a lot better than that....strange..
  9. thought it would be a lot more than that...or do you mean just on Nexus?
  10. :::peeks some more :::::
  11. oh yes it was that New Vegas patch I mentioned. Need to take off a few mods now if they have fixed the bugs.
  12. Good news on the UHNV plus Darn's site is back up again:)
  13. oopsy...happy belated birthday wishes :)
  14. I get site down for data base work when I try and access it..you get through okay?
  15. seems the main darnified site may have been attacked as they are having a big data base problem..
  16. ah yes..his site was down for me as well...let me check..
  17. oh yes , I got it from File Planet , I think it is still beta :)
  18. Oh yes Dragon Age is brilliant..great story to get into and lots of very good mods for it :)
  19. oopsy I meant Dragon Age 2.....same firm totally different title...
  20. ah no Mass Effect 3 ...already got it on pre order...will check its release date...
  21. mind you we have Mass Effect and the Witcher coming out in the next few months so plenty of rpg games to keep busy with :)
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