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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. yeah , NMM isn't officially supported on the Nexus anymore , but there is still a development team working on it , just on a different site so in the page where you've downloaded NMM there is a link to a GitHUB page . this is where the NMM team is working , and that is where you can download the latest version of NMM
  2. from what I'm seeing , the few files that are trying to overwrite each other are identical , and are simply provided by some of these mods so in the case of such files , it doesn't matter which one ends up overwriting the others , as they are identical if you see any such files that aren't identical , you should ask over on the specific mod page , but I doubt there are such files
  3. you should be able to use your existing save files , though if they were made while your game had specific mods active , and you are not going to use these mods , that could potentially cause issues with these save files which is why it's generally best to start new games to test these things I highly recommend the alternate start mod , to skip the long and unnecessary opening sequences . it should help speed up your testing by a lot . also if you create your character and make a save there , before leaving the bathroom , that would be a great save for testing as long as whatever you are testing doesn't actually require starting a new game (some mods do require it , and won't work with the alternate start mod unless you choose to awake in the cryo chamber , or going through the whole sequence which somewhat defeats the point of having the alternate start mod , at least to some extent)
  4. there are two folders that contain data for the game there is the installation directory , where you have the game's files and where mods are manually installed (though if you use a virtual directory for mods , they would be placed in the virtual folder) and there is the folder in Documents , which contains the ini files and the saves folder so for a full fresh installation you should delete the contents of both directories do note that the UI text is something configurable within the game , and it consists of 3 sliders for color . so having a white UI means that all of these sliders are set to 0 the letters and symbols sound like you still have some UI changes from some mods , but I could be wrong on this hopefully just cleaning the two folders should work , though it also depends on how you install mods and run your game , as well as how you've cleaned that part
  5. well , NMM (or Nexus Mod Manager) is not set up to work with all of the games hosted on the Nexus and from what I've seen , I don't think it's set up to work with Stardew Valley it could have been added in a newer version (as I don't really use NMM , and I have a somewhat outdated version) , it could also be that Vortex is set up to work with the game , or it could be that no mod manager is set to work with the game but mods do have very clear installation instructions , so just follow those instructions and use the tools they state to use , and you should be fine
  6. f*#@YouNexusIUseTempEmails banned. Reason: inappropriate username and multiple accounts abuse Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  7. IreallyhateNexusandLogins banned. Reason: inappropriate username and multiple accounts abuse Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  8. are you sure you've changed the correct sliders? because there are two sets of sliders , one for 0 weight and another for 100 weight . so if you have any other value , the way the body looks is calculated by the values for these two presets this means that if your character is weight 100 and you only edited the 0 weight preset , you won't see any difference in game this could also be due to you not placing the new meshes in the correct folder so that depends on how you've installed your mod , how you are running BodySlide etc there are way too many options for what you may have done wrong , so it would really help if you could describe what you've actually done with as much details as possible
  9. I'm pretty sure the Last Upload is what HadToRegister meant , as that shows you which mod had a recent file upload you can't really update the mod without uploading a new file , so that is the way to check for latest updates
  10. http://boss-developers.github.io/
  11. glad I was able to help :) it was a lucky guess that you were just using a problematic aspect ratio...... I'll try to remember to recommend the second option , if I see such an issue in the future
  12. the sound clips you've taken , are they from an old movie that is no longer copyright protected? is this from an actual movie , or some fan made project on YT? also what is the length of these sound files?
  13. people have ported Inconsequential NPCs . the issue is that Ripple (the original author) didn't give permissions to convert the mod , so no one can officially release the port here look at the comments of the original mod , you would see what I'm talking about as for fire and ice overhaul , it appears that the author has hidden all of their mods can't say I know why , but they have every right to do so that also means you'll probably not see this mod ported , especially if people that still have it can't get permissions to post the port definitely not the answers you were looking for , right? but that's the reality of things......
  14. the description itself actually does tell you how to use the mod so obviously you need to learn and cast the spell to summon the helper , and simply talk to them as for presets and all , I haven't seen any mention of it not working for other users can't comment personally as I've never tried this tool . I just remember seeing Gopher's videos regarding it point is , I feel like you are getting overly upset for no reason . so please calm down and go over the description again I'm sure you'll see the instructions which are clearly written there if for some reason an aspect of your game still doesn't work properly (for example , you can't apply a preset) I would suggest making a polite comment on the mod's page asking for assistance explain (again calmly and politely) what the issue is , what you've tried and what happened , and hopefully someone that knows the mod will be able to help you do note that the whole angry ALL CAPS approach isn't going to work . it's just liable to annoy people , which means they won't spend time trying to help you . so keep that in mind ;)
  15. glad this indeed solved your issue :)
  16. why aren't there such mods? probably because no one made them...... or maybe there are such mods and we just don't know about them the site has so many mods , there is no way for you to know all of them but let's actually discuss this . what do you mean by Cthulhu mods? because if you've seen any discussions about Lovecraftian horror , it was never properly shown in games or media , because it was always about horror of the unknown , which doesn't really work when you see the monsters and can kill them so what exactly are you hoping to see? P.S. , I'll move this into the correct category , to actually help start an argument about this
  17. the fact that the mod can exist here doesn't mean that you can upload videos using it to YT , due to how their system works , especially for content recognition if you are doing a full lets play which shows everything you do , simply avoid using any music mod that might trigger such issues if you are only using parts of your actual gameplay and editing it , you could play with the mod but whenever you want to record just silence the music in the menu there really isn't anything we can do to help you with this..... you would have to start butting heads with YT , and good luck with that....... I'd suggest looking at how others are uploading such videos , and maybe contacting them asking such a question after all , YT uploaders would probably know best how to deal with such things
  18. not sure if you are talking about the Skyrim or New Vegas version (or other games , if it exists on other games) but the mod has very detailed instructions on how to use it for the Skyrim version , Gopher has made a nice video about it , which explains how it works (or at least how it worked at that time , not sure if works the same way today) . you can find it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__AjiwdtuxU if you could please post a link to the mod you are looking at , because what I saw had very clear instructions on how to use
  19. I believe this is mostly relevant if you have autosave on , as it creates a save upon these cell changes and these issues become worse the longer you are using that save . so a new game will have no issues , a few hours in it may become worse , 100+ hours in you may have extreme problems with saves there is no formula for this , as it really depends on the mods you are using , and whatever problems they may cause (save or script bloat etc) these games also seem to have issues due to how many save files you have , as it seems like using a cleaned saves folder will produce better results than using one full of save files Bethesda games are full of mysteries , so I wouldn't try to fully understand the absurdity behind how they work but there are plenty of issues to them , especially when modding is involved I would also try looking online , there are bound to be tutorials on optimizing your game , or even going with ini modifications these could and should greatly enhance your performance , and shouldn't really hurt the visuals of the game
  20. well , I don't know if these are frequently asked , but I'll mention this to the admins tomorrow if they feel it's really worth mentioning , maybe they'll decide to add it to the FAQ
  21. the posts you make in any Nexus site are also shown in the forums , as comment threads for mods etc are also forum threads so you can see these in your forum profile , by clicking on your username and choosing My Content in this page you'll see a list of threads in which you've posted . they will also show updates , if you are trying to check for answers . if you really want to see your posts specifically , in the list on the left side choose Only Posts , that will change the list to show all of your posts
  22. lower graphical options and less demanding mods (using 1-2K textures instead of 4-8K) should reduce loading times the amount of mods you use shouldn't really matter , though it really depends on the mods themselves you should also probably avoid the unoptimized official high resolution DLC , as that one is known to cause issues due to how badly optimized it is there is also an issue that the longer your save exists , the more information is stored on it which would also increase loading times so such problems tend to get worse the more you use that character but these things really depends on your specs (for example if you are using a HD or SSD) , the mods you have and your game's settings
  23. I tried looking around , and all I saw suggested you are using an ultra wide resolution , so a resolution in the 21:9 aspect ratio if that is indeed correct , there are several supposed fixes you could try https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1778/? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84627 https://www.flawlesswidescreen.org/ I never had any ultra wide screen , so I've never encountered such issues , and as such can't confirm or deny if these would actually fix your problem but assuming I've identified the problem correctly , these are the results I found online , hopefully one would work for you
  24. while it is true that a lot of mods are ports , other users have uploaded fully functional BodySlide files as separate mods that you can download (and you should be able to find these by either searching the name of the mod , looking through the comments or looking at mods that require the mod you are looking at) . so with these most of the old ports have caught up to CBBE , at least in some respects so with that in mind , it's all about trying to find the body mod that supports as many of the armor and clothing mods that you wish to use it could be CBBE , UNP or something else entirely , and solely depends on you I have used CBBE for SSE , I don't think I've tried UNP for SSE (though I have used it for LE and loved it) . there is no clear answer in my opinion
  25. what was the dominant body mod in LE , in your opinion? because as far as I know , the two dominant ones were UNP and CBBE , with a few minor others that never really got anywhere near as much traction (at least as far as I'm aware) though I suspect that due to BodySlide , CBBE just gives users far more options for customization , which is why many choose to work with it but UNP still has a large loving audience in fact , going through the most endorsed armor mods , I see a lot of UNP mods , far fewer CBBE mods , and a lot of mods with no specific body in the title obviously considering the fact that CBBE came to SSE a year after UNP , it's not so easy to judge this , but I'll just say I don't think one is clearly dominant over the other
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