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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. are you perchance using a mod like Quick Loot , something that incorporates the Fallout 4 loot menu into Skyrim? because in the normal game you need to open the container's inventory menu , and you shouldn't be able to unsheath your weapon through that menu......
  2. the mod in question was removed due to it containing some disturbing materials pertaining to minors if the mod authors were to come back and remove these , I'm sure the mod would be allowed here but for now you cannot find that mod here
  3. I'm pretty sure LE gives you far more options , as many mods haven't been ported to SE quite yet though there are mods exclusive to SE as well , as some mod authors started with SE , and as far as I know there is no easy way to do a backwards conversion so if all you are looking for is the diversity of mods , I think LE would be best for now , though maybe it'll change in the future as more mods are made or converted for SE the ease of modding should be pretty much identical , as the games are so very similar , so I don't think there is an actual difference in this as for stability , I believe the SE is far more stable compared to LE , which is the main reason I've personally moved to playing SE , even though some of the mods I'm used to using aren't yet available for SE all in all , it is obviously up to you to decide what is more important if you are simply interested in the diversity of mods , maybe LE is worth it for you , though it is probably a short time investment as in time SE might reach equal or even higher diversity of mods (though I would recommend browsing the two Skyrim Nexus sites to get a feel of the mods available , and making a more informed decision on that) if stability is king , I suspect SE would be the better choice for you I can also suggest trying to find videos or documents comparing the games , to make sure you understand the differences , as these are the main factors that you should consider when deciding which version to purchase
  4. there are few mods that have requirements like you describe , and a requirement tree like this is extremely rare , as mods rarely require more than 1 or 2 other mods to function so I'm guessing you didn't realize most of these mods aren't required to run the mod you want , but instead require it if you want us to verify this , please leave a link to the main mod in question
  5. I think you may be using a mod that changes the crafting requirements of power armor , because as far as I know Scrounger was never used for any crafting from what I've found , the requirements for model upgrades only require the first rank of the Science perk , though the real usage of it is with the additional features that you can apply (like the jet pack) the majority of the model upgrade requirements is with Armorer , as far as I can tell I'm basing this on what I managed to find online , as I've never really used power armor on any character , so I don't really know much about these mechanics....... if you do have some overhaul that might touch power armor upgrading and such , it might be wise to look through that mod's description or readme to see if it contains a better answer to your question also if you are currently still building the mod list and haven't started the character , I would highly recommend you try https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28222 one of the beautiful features of this mod is that it allows you to unlock the Science perks when investing in the Science skill , so it's no longer tied to your intelligence stat , thus giving low int builds far more options
  6. the reason it was deleted is that the author had no permissions to use these assets in their mod as to your general question , a deleted mod could be a mod the author has deleted , one that a staff member has deleted on the author's request , or one a staff member has deleted due to some rule violation
  7. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6091?tab=description&BH=0 download and install this mod , it'll solve the issue you should also make sure to check the requirements on mods you download , it'll save you such issues in the future
  8. well , I've been using Imperious for most of my playthroughs in recent years , and never had an issue like that , so Imperious is definitely not the cause of the problems I've never even heard of the Leyenda skin texture mod , though looking through it shows only textures so it's strange if these somehow change your body meshes that mod's installation looks like a pain due to the sheer amount of options , but that doesn't affect your problem I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with these textures , though since you use MO2 it should be really simple to just deactivate that mod and maybe rebuild your body in BodySlide and check if it works in game
  9. when you say race changing mods , what do you mean? because as far as I know , the only issues are with mods that change the models used by specific races , or if the player gets assigned a unique model I don't know if this is the case for you , but that might be the cause the issue I'll have to check what is the exact course of action in such a case , as I've never really used such mods if you do have such a mod , could you please leave a link to that mod's page? I'll try looking through it to see if I can figure out what needs to be done
  10. that doesn't make sense..... I mean , BodySlide generates a new model based on the slider data you are using if you copy the model to the correct directory , it should overwrite the existing model (from CBBE) and it should apply in game which means that either you aren't doing this properly , you aren't placing the output model in the correct directory or something else entirely how are you installing your mods? if you are using a mod manager , which is it? are you sure you have everything required for BodySlide to properly work? (I'm pretty sure you have if it works and you can build in it , but still better safe than sorry) there is the BodySlide wiki that is linked on the mod's page , as well as the wonderful video tutorial by Gopher , also hosted on the mod page . both contain the answers so pick one and look through it to see if you missed something
  11. hanaa148 banned. Reason: spammer Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  12. honestly I can't recall ever hearing of such issues...... but seeing as we are talking about Armorsmith Extended , and Gambit (the mod author) is really active , I would recommend asking this in the posts section of the mod , so that Gambit will get a chance to see and help you
  13. this doesn't really have anything to do with the topic , and we don't really allow topic hijacking so please make a new thread regarding your issue , and hopefully someone will try to provide an answer
  14. I think you are mistaking two different things , if I understand your post correctly you need to download mods to NMM (or download them manually and add them to NMM , this also works) . after this you need to install them via NMM , and of course you need to set up NMM for modding for it all to work if I understand you correctly , you didn't install the mods , and I believe you expected to see the mods in the in game mod menu , which controls mods from Bethesda.net , so it's something else entirely I would suggest that you stop what you are doing and go either watch or read a tutorial on how to use NMM and how to set up your game for modding , to make sure you are doing it correctly I personally recommend Gopher's tutorials (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CSCMwaDubQ4rcYCpX40Eg) . they are somewhat slow but really in depth and are great for beginners
  15. since you didn't mention it , have you installed all of the requirements for AE? because it requires this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6091 in case you don't know , there is a tab in the description that shows which mods are required for a mod to work , and which mods require that mod it would also help if you posted your load order , as it might give us some hints on the problem , as you really didn't provide much info......
  16. no , mods won't work just like that it is the same engine in terms of console commands , but it's not an identical engine also you need to consider the fact that mods for a specific game require that game's master plugin , which the other games don't have add to think differences in how assets are handled , which types of assets the game uses , different encoding of plugins , it's really not as simple as you think just look at how porting mods from Skyrim LE to Skyrim SE works , and think of the issues when trying to move between other games that's not to say that it's impossible , as some mods from Fallout were ported to Skyrim and vice versa , but it requires a process . mods won't just work if you install them to the wrong game
  17. that mod is currently down due to permission issues hopefully that will be settled , after which the author will probably upload it again
  18. are you talking about idle animations? because I'm pretty sure you don't want the game to randomly take control away from you while your character is interacting with something...... maybe I still don't understand , as I've never heard of such things for the player unless it's idle animations or an activatable
  19. would you care to explain what you mean? because I'm not quite sure I understand your question.......
  20. evadarr has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, evadarr has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 3 days Important links: Our terms of service
  21. SoldieroftheLord8604 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here Important links: Our terms of service
  22. to stress something that you may not know , the forum feature works on both forum posts and Nexus posts , so through the forums you can fully track your posting on the entire Nexus it is better for forum posting , as posting comments in a Nexus page is different in how it's made regarding replies and all , but you can see when a posts section gets updated through these features , as all of these are forum threads as well
  23. from what I've heard of the game , FO76 is basically the culmination of the moddable Bethesda games , though in the most skewed fashion possible want to add stuff that isn't lore friendly? who cares about lore anymore , just have whatever you want don't want those pesky quests? we won't waste time making them the game seems to be a simple playground , with nothing more to it if you consider the fact that the moddable Bethesda games have always been a simple basis upon which mod makers have built great things , FO76 is in essence just this basis , only it probably won't allow for anything more complicated to be built around it it's like taking your kids to the park and letting them run together and do whatever the hell they want , with no rules (and obviously the neighborhood jerk can come ruin their fun , as jerks do) . this appears to be what they are making here who wants such a game? I guess someone who is tired of the game dictating what they should be doing , as there seems to be no narrative to even nudge you in any direction so basically it's for someone who is perhaps the absolute opposite of a normal Bethesda fan and considering the fact that Fallout Shelter seems to be more worthy of the Fallout title than this amalgamation of a game , and with Elder Scrolls Blades also coming , I think Bethesda are just trying to capture a whole new market , as maybe they are tired of their existing one (just remember how long time fans have reacted to Fallout 4 , with all it's issues and disregard to the Fallout universe)
  24. to elaborate on what Picky said , there are two ways (that I know of) to see posts you've made the first is to go to your forum profile and click on Posts , though this only shows you your latest posts . if you want to see more , there is a button on the side Find Content , click on it and choose Only Posts from the list on the left , and it should show you all of your posts (or you could choose Topics to see which of them has seen more posts after your own) the second (and the one I personally use) is accessed by clicking on the small downwards arrow next to your profile on the forums , and choosing My Content from the drop down list . this shows you a list of all topics you've posted in , where topic names in bold have new posts you haven't read yet (though if you post something through a Nexus page instead of the forums , that would still count as unread . nothing serious but it's worth noting) as a side note , every forum topic has a Follow This Topic button which you can use , and you can configure how you are getting notified in your preferances
  25. sj2121 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, sj2121 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 3 days Important links: Our terms of service
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