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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. go to this mod in the downloads, under the updates section, there is the file that you could use, to make AI work just download it, and place it in you data folder, and it should work just fine :)
  2. did you read what is written there?? listen, any weapon has a basic damage value, but the value you see is how much YOU deal with the weapon now, if you are using a blade, but have a low blade skill, and low strength, than the weapon you will deal won't be much and due to how the calculations work, it is possible that a shortsword and a longsword would deal the same amount of damage (due to the fact that the game rounds the numbers, if needed) so everything is ok with your game (at least on what you've asked) and when you are really strong, then you will deal massive amounts of damage but don't expect to do so on level 2, unless you cheat.....
  3. correct me if i'm wrong, but when you play from a CD, don't you need the CD in order to run the game?? unless you can make a virtual image of Oblivion, then i have no idea i have very limited knowledge on this subject.......
  4. no problem i have a tutorial, but it's really long, and i didn't have the patience to start with it guess i'll have to try it soon..... :) now, these pictures aren't small, but they show a huge amount of details this is some great work you did truly amazing models, and the textures are equally good
  5. let me see if i understand you can play the game with the copy CD, but you can't use it for installing SI, right?? maybe if you find a crack for just Oblivion, without SI, maybe then it will work.......
  6. no problem i don't really know how to do all this myself, since i don't model, but i know the procedures do you make WW2 plane models, as in on the computer?? i would love to see them :) and if you know of a good tutorial for modeling, i wanted to start it for a long time, and could use any help :)
  7. so the script is ok, but it's not working?? it doesn't do what it is supposed to??
  8. you need to get NifSkope, and convert the models into Nif files then you will need to create the item in the GECK, and then you are all done :) i think this tutorial should help you out (haven't read it all, but it looks like what you need, at least some of it) by the way, the model looks really good :)
  9. this is a really good question as far as i know, there shouldn't be a problem, if you are only releasing the plug-in file as long as you don't upload any copyrighted materials, then there should be no problem but, isn't there a little problem with uploading such a plug-in?? i mean, will it work, if the file path is different then yours??
  10. well, as far as i can say, if you get a no-cd patch, then it should do the trick (at least as far as i know) it isn't the best option, i know, but that's the only one i know of (but i don't really know about it, so my knowledge is rather limited) hope you can get it to work :)
  11. this site is basically the GECK tutorial, with probably all the information you will need now, if this is the first time you are modding, then you might want to start on something smaller than making a house...... anyhow, get the NV GECK, decide what you want to do, read the tutorial on that, and try it :)
  12. if you look at the bottom of the mod, the modder says that redistribution isn't allowed, so most likely he won't give permission to port this mod but why don't you ask him if it's allowed, before making this request?? after all, if he won't allow it, then this request can't be done.......
  13. well, this isn't the whole script, right?? if so, can you post the whole script?? also, when you try to save the script, a screen will pop up and notify you of the problems in the script could you write what it says?? i'll try to help you fix this script also, i think i have seen this done before, so i'll look into it
  14. i'm still not 100% sure, but i think that if you add the animation to the animation folder, than you can make the weapons use specific animations, so you can give each weapon a unique animation
  15. well, i am not 100% sure this is perfect, but it should work, and should be what you wanted it to be i tried doing all your choices, and i hope it's fine for you the weapon is in Primm, in the sheriff's house enjoy :) and if there is a problem, please do contact me oh, and the weapons' name is Repeater, just so you'll know what to look for
  16. you can't port such things, as they are copyrighted models...... if someone made a similar model, than that could be ported, if permission is given that is, as far as i know
  17. if you don't mind, i prefer contact through here i am here for quite a lot of the day, so it is easier to track messages and give quick answers and i'm going to check about your question now :)
  18. well, i think i need to explain myself when i say that something is hard to do, that is because i have no idea how to do it i'm sure that making such animations isn't too hard, for a person who knows how to animate (which i don't) now, the only game i played that you mentioned was GR:AW 2, and i do remember these specific animations, though these are the only animations i can recall (as in, you still had a count of ammo, and no magazine check, as far as i recall) and yeah, it is a very nice addition, but i doubt that most developers would do such a thing this is what mods are for, i think so if you, or anyone for that matter, could make such changes to the game, they will be very welcome :)
  19. if i remember correctly, there is a slot in the weapons' data, for a script effect so i think you can add the script through it
  20. don't worry, your english is fine it's just a matter of understanding the small print or little details, which is something that most don't write now, i'm afraid i'm not quite sure about that i've never tried to put a new animation on a gun, but if i remember correctly, you can do it basically, if you place your animation inside the animation folder, where all the weapon animations are, then you will be able to choose that animation for a weapon (or at least, that's as far as i can remember) i think i'm going to work on the GECK tomorrow, doing a request, so if i will, i'll check about that, and i'll give you a new answer
  21. well, you can't port that weapon, since it's copyrighted materials but you have the cowboy repeater, and it's quite easy to make a unique version of it, and put it in the game i'll tell you what if you give me the specs of what you want, i can create a unique cby. repeater for you, and put it in the game for you, but you will have to test it, and see if it's fine for you sounds good??
  22. the button is above the Tab button, at least on my keyboard, but it may be different of a laptop but it's that button that opens the console, and no mod is needed as far as i know, even on laptops, it's still the "~" button
  23. well, i can't say i recall mods for such things the only mod i can think of, would be this one i don't think it's on the nexus, but it's an awesome jewelery replacer (at least i think it's awesome) and if by things that work with HGEC you mean clothing, i can give you plenty of mods, but i will need a more specific request, though i can say that i don't recall any funky\emo clothing or such
  24. no problem i remembered seeing this, so there is no reason why not to help :)
  25. i think you can use this function if it's not what you are looking for, look in this site at the other functions, under R (maybe there is another remove that does what you want, if this doesn't)
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