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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. i'm not sure i understand your problem..... are you saying that you cannot place any of the cards in your hand?? because that is one serious problem, if nothing is working......
  2. OK, i didn't know about him being banned...... now, what do you want to port really?? i mean, if all you want to do is re-create items, all you have to do is create the items, which is quite easy if you need help in doing something, maybe i can help you just ask or tell me what you want\need, and i'll see if i can help
  3. if you look in the Fallout 3 section of the Nexus, and search STALKER, you will find a huge mod, with many of the armors and weapons from the STALKER games i think you can remake those armors for NV for your personal use ONLY, but you can also ask the modder if he would port his mod
  4. this is because you don't understand what you can do believe me, i thought the same, but i found out what i didn't know when you select a card to play, you can change it using the arrow keys and if all you see is the "discard" option, just cancel the move, and play another card instead i've just learned it today, though i still don't really understand the game.... guess i should read the tutorial too..... :tongue:
  5. no problem i just try to write down as i would have understood that, as i had no idea what this meant once..... it's hard to keep thinking like a noob, or in simple terms so there is really no harm done
  6. no problem luckily, this is one of the few things that i do know, so i'm glad i could help :)
  7. wait a minute, what?? i'm sorry, but i really don't understand the question besides, if this is about downloading from this site, then it is not in the right section this section is for mods that aren't working right, not bad downloads...... now, if i understand correctly, what you are asking is which program to use, to open downloaded files?? if so, then most files you download are either .rar or .7zip for these files you can use WinRar, 7Zip or any other program of that type if this isn't the question, than please clarify what you want to know
  8. if it hasn't changed from Oblivion and Fallout 3, it should be "showracemenu", which will open the character creation, from which you can modify the face hope this is true and helpful :happy:
  9. i'm not sure it is possible just wanted to point it out but it's really not trouble maybe it will even draw more peoples' attention :thumbsup:
  10. this looks amazing!! i don't have NV yet, so i didn't know about the new modification system, but i'm really glad to know that it is not only good, but also being used for best results i have to tell you, whenever you launch this mod, i'll get my fully customized .44 DE, it looks just smoking :biggrin: thanks for doing this, it's truly awesome :thumbsup:
  11. well, you might want to change it from FOOM to FOMM, that would really help understanding what you want...... sorry i can't offer you more than that, though i hope to get an answer on the same question
  12. well, it is kind of general, don't you think?? you should really point to which weapon mods you want...... (unless Fallout 3 guns is a mod that i don't know of.......) anyhow, you can do it yourself, and it's kind of easy just get the NV GECK, if you don't already have it, and recreate all the weapons you want, since you can just use the meshes and textures of these mods (of course there are two things to remember, the first is to add these items to the NV directory, and second, YOU CAN'T RELEASE WHAT YOU ARE DOING, UNLESS THE ORIGINAL MODDER ALLOWS YOU TO) if you have any idea on how to create items in the GECK, you should have no troubles doing it :)
  13. i doubt that there are bugs at that game maybe you just didn't understand the rules...... look here, i think this should help you understand what you are facing
  14. ok, you need to understand that there are two different things here you have changed the weapon in the GECK, and that's one thing but the magazine is a part of the model, so to change it's place, you will have to modify the model, and then use NifSkope on it again, so that the reloading animations will work on the new magazines' position this is quite a bit of work to be done, for such a simple tweak, don't you think?? :tongue:
  15. well, that's a bit hard to answer, seeing as we don't see the quest, or the scripts that make it...... maybe if you post the script behind that part of the quest, we can figure out why it's not working for you
  16. well, the idea behind the evil choice was that now you can loot the special room under the citadel (which the only special thing it holds is a better .44 magnum, other than that more normal stuff) but now all BoS will attack you on sight so basically, if you plan on playing a "one man against the world" game, than that is how you do it :tongue: other than that, yes, it does feel rather pointless..... still, at least they gave us that option.....
  17. ok, there is one big problem with what you just said if you want to make games, like full games, that is one serious things, and it requires lots of knowledge and such, so i doubt people here can really help you with that if you are interested in making mods, than you have another problem, as you didn't even mention which game you want to mod........ i think you need to add some important data to your post, as you say too little to ask for help.......
  18. LO stands for Load Order, which is the list of all the plugins and masters loaded by the game, in the order in which they are loaded, hence load order :biggrin: and maybe if you try to install it as an OMOD, it will work, as it has many optional esp files and such, and making an OMOD is usually the safest way to install
  19. well, scripting has been pretty much the same between Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, so if you need help with scripting, this site is the place to go :) there is a great tutorial for scripting, and it has all the commands, so you can find what you need hope this helps :)
  20. that is strange..... when i installed OOO, i got the latest version, and made an OMOD of it that installation is by far easier, and much better, due to the sub-folders and such try to install this as an OMOD, and see if this works
  21. well, FO3Edit is a great tool for solving such problems but what is your problem really?? i mean, does the game start. but does a CTD on loading? or does it even start??
  22. yes, of course there is basically, find the folders that this mod adds (as in, the meshes, texture etc) and add them to your NV data folder then open the NV GECK and recreate the armors, and there you have it :)
  23. you need to download it it's the construction set of New Vegas
  24. well, i wouldn't recommend doing this, but there is an alternative instead of changing the armor, why not just create a new instance of the armor, without the faction designation?? the only thing you need to understand to do so, is how the faction designation works i'm afraid i don't have new vegas, but i will have it very soon, and i would be glad to help you, when i'll be able to if you know about scripting, check if this armor is scripted if the script is what does that, all you have to do is create a new version of the armor, and remove the script
  25. i think you meant "immediately" no problem, i'm glad to help people out i'm almost sure this command will do the trick, just be careful about disabling anything else, as it might be really problematic
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