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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. Now i cant figure out how to exit the door i came in, i go back out and i end up coming out of another door in the same town


    Each door has a map teleport marker attached to it that designates where your character will appear when exiting; they should look like pink arrows. If you get these markers mixed up it can cause confusion. You can double-click on these markers to see which doors they are linked to. Also, if your town has more than one door in it, when you first linked the interior to the exterior there's a drop-down menu in the pop-up menu we talked about that let's you select which door. If you picked the wrong one then this is what will happen and it can also screw up things if that door was previously associated with a different interior.


    If you can't sort out where and what went wrong, my recommendation would be to simply delete the doors and their teleport markers and try again from scratch. I've been there, and I learned it all the same way through this sort of trial-and-error experimentation. Stick with it and you'll get the hang of it.


    Something I always do when modding anything is make a back-up copy of my .esp file someplace like on my desktop so that if I totally screw up something I can easily go back to a point where I know everything was okay. I highly recommend making such backups, especially if you're still learning.

  2. Going from the exterior of my house to the inside, how do i do this?

    I dont see an option for editing the doors destination.



    It's been a while since I've done this in Morrowind so forgive me if this is misinformation...


    If you have placed a load door in both your interior and exterior cells you should be able to double-click on one of them and a menu will then pop up enabling you to link the two and set their respective markers.



  3. NCCS deals with this problem in the base companion scripts in its master file

    Is there a non-NVSE trick which you have used, to modify all the base game scripts? If it is not specific to your mod, then I can add it to my teleport markers.


    If your solution is hardcoded or relies on NVSE, is there any possibility to update it to the solution given by Quetzlsacatanango? In that case, your follower will also teleport through my markers instead of being left behind.


    No base game scripts were modified and it does not require NVSE but it is specific to the NCCS companion script. As Quetzlsacatanango points out, it would similarly be up to the creators of every other companion system to add such a fix to their companion scripts as well for this sort of thing to work universally. To my knowledge at the moment NCCS is the only companion system so far that has accomplished this. NosRhyfelwr is the scripter of our team and could give you more info.




  4. Why couldn't TES have VATS? Do you seriously think by that it's meant that the game should have a PIPboy and vats? :teehee:

    Of course it doesn't have to be called that or even look like that, it just should give the user the ability to target certain body parts for different effects.


    Looking at it from this point of view something similar to VATS or ironsights could be implemented to the aiming of a bow without departing from the Medieval atmosphere. It would be representative of a marksman's ability to squint one eye and focus on his target. Just change the sound effect from that hydraulic-like thing to the sound of a bow string being pulled and you'd have yourself a winner.




  5. I didn't vote because I'm kinda yes and no.


    If I try to play something like Two Worlds or Dark Messiah, I don't get far beyond the tutorials before I lose interest because the games are lacking so many of the qualities I've come to expect from Bethesda games.


    On the other hand, I'm currently enjoying playing through Neverwinter Nights for the first time and since playing Oblivion I've also enjoyed games like The Witcher and Dragon Age Origins. Different styles of play, but still these games are designed well enough to hold my interest.


    While I enjoy "open-world" games like Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, I'm also a dungeon-crawler at heart thus I can be content with more linear gameplay designs if I'm given options in the ways that I can develop my character or affect the flow of the storyline to some extent. The exterior world of Oblivion was indeed a pleasure to explore in search of new locations, many of which were optional, but at the same time I found many of the dungeons disappointing since they were only comprised of a few rooms with a few enemies and treasure chests and then you're done. I'm not saying they were all like that, but many were and I find I enjoy a good dungeon that might take me an hour to explore and perhaps even get lost in. At the moment Neverwinter Nights is satisfying the dungeon-crawler in me, and I'm hoping that with Skyrim Bethesda won't be so focused on the OMG! graphics that they forget the other elements that have made some of the most famous RPGs so enjoyable.

  6. This is very frustrating to me as well. As far as I can tell, many of the music tracks are duplicated in the various folders and in order to replace one track I believe we would have to replace each instance of the track because it's impossible to tell from the music files themselves which ones are called by the game at any given time. Furthermore, adding new tracks might be very difficult if not impossible without knowing how to make the game call upon the new tracks.
  7. Unfortunately, Windows (including WinXP, Vista and Win7) relies on the archaic Windows Registry to tell itself where to find programs and parts of programs. And it doesn't change some of the entries in the registry when you move a complex program from one location to another - So, It loses the information on where a program or certain parts of a program are stored. Sometimes moving works and sometimes it doesn't.


    Here is the official steam post on moving it to a different location without losing anything or having to reinstall the games.


    How to Move your Steam to another location Without having to reinstall anything.





    I just did this and it worked perfectly. Thanks for the info bben46!



  8. America lacks history? I'm almost offended. Based on what you said about having every nationality imaginable, doesn't that mean America can claim all of those histories along with it, plus its own. For what is a nation but a collective of people?


    I believe he meant as in visible history. America has millions of pages of actual history, but little of it is seen strolling down the megalopolis. Compared to England, we don't have nearly as many historic buildings or 300 year-old monuments. Time is all it takes, though.



    Agreed. Architecturally, ours is among the youngest countries in the world. European countries are rivaled by only a few other areas of the world in their ancient architecture.


    EDIT: Perhaps I meant to say "historic" rather than "ancient"...



  9. A brilliant holiday indeed. Glad you enjoyed your visit with us Yanks. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


    Ironically, I'm American-born and have always wanted to visit Great Britain. Such are the mysteries of the universe...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif

  10. I logged on today to see if anyone left any comments on my mod (Vault 66) which can be found Here and I had at least 8 comments, But today I see they are all gone, infact It says I have -1 comment, why were they removed? I recieved no warning or message.


    I tried to leave a comment but got a warning that the topic has been locked by a moderator.


    EDIT: I must've been typing while LHammonds was posting...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif

  11. You get the armored vault suit and they say "a girl came by here 10 years ago" or something like that. Does anyone have any idea who that was?


    The Lone Wanderer's mother.


    Well, that would be very soap-operaish. Doesn't really gell with everything that people like James or Doctor Li say though.


    We know Dad was outside the Vault before we were conceived, and Moriarty met Mom so obviously she was out there too.




  12. I love using the CM mod! However, I downloaded the companions, partly, to see them. They are always in chameleon or invis mode. How do I stop this? If I have to take away a spell okay, but I can't figure out what to do or where. Help!


    There is a version included in the download that will prevent this. Examine the file structure of the archive you downloaded and you should be able to find it.




  13. Thanks. I heard though that this is also a place to join in teams for personal game projects to get experience in the field. How would I go about doing that?



    Under the main heading for each of the respective games in the forums is a topic for modding suggestions and ideas. This can be a good place to start looking for people who are starting new projects and looking for help.



  14. The NV GECK seems to be very tempermental in that respect. You have to open the face with the "face advanced" tab first, and make sure you close the NPC and save any changes you made before you try to switch to another tab, ESPECIALLY the inventory tab. That's when it always crashes for me. Frustrating and buggy I know, but you just have to be careful and save every step of the way. Hopefully they will soon release an updated version of the NV GECK.
  15. As a once-but-currently-not premium member I have to say that I really don't mind the new add so much. I'm so used to this type of add from like every other website that I visit that my mouse already knows where to find the "skip this add" button. I say if it helps keep the Nexus out of the red then I'm all for it; it's a lot less annoying than the Resolve stainbusters video.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
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