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Everything posted by Herculine

  1. You know, I now look forward to seeing new posts here more than I look forward to new episodes of my favorite television programs.
  2. But what was the reward? :biggrin:
  3. Herculine


    Hi and welcome to the Nexus. Hope you give Oblivion a try too.
  4. :biggrin: Thanks for the advice and for having faith in me. :biggrin:
  5. Herculine sat staring at her computer display in utter awe, awe of the volume of work this amazing writer was continuing to post on the gaming website. She did a bit of writing herself from time to time, but to her chagrin had never produced any substantial volume of work. Thus she was amazed by "Maharg67", for he consistently on a daily basis released new installments of his story that in her opinion were quite worthy of publication. Thus she envied him his talents, his prolific writing prowess, and actually felt a bit ashamed of herself for not completing more of her own work. As she clicked her mouse to move on to the next forum topic she made a resolution to herself, resolved to again shower Maharg67 with compliments the next time she posted a reply in one of his threads. After all, he deserved it.
  6. Hmmmm..... robotic pleasure beds.......
  7. Of course I don't mind. I enjoy watching a work in progress mature and evolve.
  8. Holding my breath until I know Goddess Aeryn is safe...
  9. Hello and welcome to the land of mods!
  10. Thank you for sharing these emotions with us.
  11. i explain you when you want. Thanks. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  12. This looks like an excellent prologue to a novel.
  13. Sure you could. This isn't bad for a rough draft. :biggrin:
  14. Happy Drunkday...er, I mean Birthday!
  15. Thanks. Maybe it's time I learned some scripting? :biggrin:
  16. Thanks! I'll look into this... that would be soooo helpful with my companion modding. :thanks: I'm downloading from the links now...
  17. Is it possible to use two different female body replacers simultaneously, assigning one to a specific race while assigning the other to another specific race? If so, how could it be done?
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