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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. How did I overlook this awesome thread? :wallbash:


    I never would have guessed that I'd be surrounded by so many talented writers here!


    Your work shows much variety and skill, M., and I enjoy it very much. Please don't ever stop.


    I'm especially loving your latest, Welcome To Tamriel. I'd often wondered what a Fallout3 character might do in Oblivion, and now I'm going to find out. I'm already anxiously looking forward to the next passage!

  2. There could be a few different things causing the companions to disappear, I think.


    If you tell a CM to "wait here" I think they revert back to their AI package, including the "wander" part. They will do whatever their package tells them (or at least they should do) and will go elsewhere if the package points to a specific location. Try using "stand guard" instead.


    If the house is something like Frostcrag Spire or one of the vanilla houses for sale, the entire interior gets reset whenever you buy an upgrade for it, and that reset will ERASE your companion from the game as if you've used the console command "disable". Since just about all of the cells in the game respawn, I suppose the only truly safe place to leave a companion would be in a modded home where you're certain that it doesn't respawn. Or you could use the CS to change this attribute about any cell you want.


    The load order of your mods could also be a factor. I try to keep all my CMs loaded near the end of my mod list. I don't know exactly which other mods affect this, though. I just know that I used to have problems with installed CMs not being where I've placed them with the CS, and that problem has never happened again since I started changing my load order.


    Oh, and CMs MUST be checked as quest items and persistent references, or this problem will occur every time they move from one cell to another and their inventories will be reset.


    If I'm wrong about any of this, all you other modders, please feel free to correct me because I'm really just learning this myself.


    Anyway, I hope I've helped in some way. Good luck!

  3. EDIT: here's the full outfit. I'm not the skinniest girl out there, I know. But I still like dressing up.


    Perhaps they didn't break the mold when they made me, after all... :biggrin:


    KFBD, your photo manipulations are breathtaking to me and I wish I knew how you do them!


    And you're a seamstress too? You are an artist in every sense of the word. Amazing!


    And you ARE beautiful. I'm not necessarily flirting, just stating the facts that should be obvious to everyone. :blush:

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