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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. We are indeed both greedy and spoiled. Why do other countries hate us, envy us, or want to take what we have? Because they can see that we obviously don't appreciate what we have, want more than what we have and will waste it once we get it. Just the other day, I saw a businessman on the sidewalk in front of his skyscraper tossing a half-eaten hamburger into a garbage can before he rushed inside the building. I couldn't help but think about how many other people in the world would have been grateful to get the other half of that sandwich. We're comfortable to the point of laziness, don't care about the generations that have to follow us and don't care if the person next to us drops dead as we pass by. Also recently, I saw a boy who had been walking to school when he apparently fell unconscious right in the middle of the sidewalk. Some of his young friends were kneeling around him, but apparently they were the only ones concerned. I was appalled by the number of cars containing adults simply passing by the scene with no sign of stopping to help. I would hope that it's only people in this city who are acting like these examples, but unfortunately I know that isn't reality. The majority of Americans are like this, and that is recognized by other countries. But if they call us stupid or lazy, then we get mad as if we can't understand what their problem is. I could probably go on about this for as long as I could type, but you get the idea. We want to be seen as noble and righteous, but unfortunately for us actions speak louder than words.
  2. That's beautiful Herculine, really. It's very touching. A lot of poetry does not get through me, but this did.


    Makes me feel warm, yet sad. I had a lady I loved, so I miss this, but what you wrote here is true. I felt moved, please keep writeing :)


    Thanks so very much. I hope you find someone to share those feelings with again. I know what that's like.

  3. When you downloaded the mod, the archive file should have contained more than one text document, one being a list of the mod's features and another being a wonderful tutorial on how to create your own CM Partners companions. Taking the time to read these answered a lot of these questions for me when I started out with it. Don't get discouraged from this mod; it's one of the best and new companions are uploaded daily. I'm even working on some myself. Enjoy!
  4. Linkage for them both: Here



    Much thanks for that. I never got the chance to play the first two and could not find them anywhere. So naturally my next question is: do they have TES I somewhere too?


    As far as I know "TES I" is "THE ELDER SCROLLS: ARENA" & that is available in the link in the quote




    This thread was the one that helped me get the game to work for me >Alternative Daggerfall install instructions (beth's official forums)<


    Oops! I didn't know that was the full title of it. For some reason I thought the Arena was some kind of multiplayer online thing. Thank you for setting me straight! I'm trying to install & play these right now...

  5. Hello and welcome to the Oblivion modding capital of the world! And it is indeed a cornucopia of female characters, clothing, armor and accessories. New stuff is posted daily in these categories, and I'm even working on some female companions myself. Anyway, have fun here and don't be too shy -- 99% of the people here are very nice folks.
  6. You said it clearly enough to me O.o Maybe it's the Dr Pepper or Coke or whatever that's really to blame here, teehee :teehee:


    Diet Mountain Dew. (Yes, Diet. LOL)

  7. The media isn't the only entity - bullies, perfectionists, influential persons/celebrities - these all affect the morale of a person who has a predisposition toward external influences. But it is the media that is the biggest contributer to the ideological engine of modern society.


    Actually this is what I've been getting at all along. Maybe I just wasn't saying it clearly enough?

  8. Wow, I am truly thrilled that people are still here! I came here looking for a good mod list and found an active community. Im a Morrowind fanatic (as I think it thrashes the poo out of Oblivion, graphic or not) and I think this is great! Anywho, can someone give me a list of all the best mods? Thanks




    Simply Google "Morrowind Mods" and you'll find a lot, including websites with lists and links and lists of links!

  9. "Blame the media" is the path of least resistance here, and as usual, it's not the answer. It's like saying "the devil made me do it", which may sound nice and tidy and get people to all agree and shut up about it, but it completely misses the point, and it does a real disservice to people who suffer from the disease.


    So what we really need to do is say: "You're sick in the head and it's nobody's fault but your own that you hate yourself so just stop it already!"?

  10. Hi everyone,


    i was wondering if it would be possible to take the bloodmoon werewolf model and animation and put it into oblivion? IMO it made morrowind/bloodmoon that much more enjoyable.


    Thanks for your time.


    I recommend Curse Of Hircine for werewolves in Oblivion. It's compatible with MMM too.

  11. All in all, the media is perhaps the biggest reason why young women wish to have the "perfect" body - the pursuit of perfection is a pointless venture. No one is perfect, and until people begin to think for themselves and what THEY want for themselves, then we will continue to see toothpicks on our streets.


    Bravo! Well said!

  12. Okay. Sadly it happened again. My browser was just jacked by a Nexus add again. I didn't get an image of the ad itself before I was redirected to this page:




    However I was on the download page for one of my houses, here:



    and had just tried to navigate to my profile when it happened. As per usual, I had to use the Task Manager to kill my browser altogether.


    I know this isn't going to be much help, but I've had that same hijacker hit me several times when on other websites. My firewall doesn't stop it, and closing Firefox is the only way to get away from it. It seems entirely random. But it has only happened to me once on the Nexus, and I leave both the Forums and the TESNexus windows open and logged in sometimes for several hours. The only time it got me on the Nexus was when I had disabled my firewall because I was reinstalling it due to another problem. I'm using Comodo Firewall Pro, if that helps.

  13. Velvet 'gainst velvet,

    Silk 'gainst silk.

    Softness wrapped in softness,

    Warmth wrapped in warmth.


    This is the essence of love.


    Two hearts meet,

    Drawing two bodies together,

    Each heart blind to the physical,

    Seeing only the heart for which she yearns.


    This is the essence of love.


    Two souls intertwined,

    Ne'er to willingly part;

    Two lives becoming one,

    To fulfill all their mortal days.


    This is the essence of love.

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