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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. thanks ^^


    but i got another problem.. i can't load the "Files" tab neither can the others...

    i can only load the "comments" tab


    what should i do?


    That's really weird. I've never heard of it happening before. Is it just the FO3Nexus, or the TESNexus as well? You're logged in as a member? Does it display an error message of some kind? Have you tried to d/l a different file?

  2. o_O Well hot damn - it's a shame, how could anyone NOT welcome one such as yourself Herc? *shrugs and bows*


    Thanks, but I really shouldn't have made that post here. This thread is to welcome GizzieWolff.

  3. Tell her what you told us. You don't think you can go on without her. Compliments and gifts are always nice, Pagafyr, but what a girl really wants is to feel wanted, needed, more important to you than anything else.
  4. Here in America we know that we aren't all fat, lazy idiots, but I don't think the negative views of our society by outsiders are all unjustified, unfounded perceptions. (Here I go media-bashing again.) What outsiders see of us the most is in our media, in our news reports, advertisements and entertainment. If I were an alien (extraterrestrial, not illegal) preparing to visit America by observing its media, I would eventually come to the conclusion that the people here are materialistic, vain hedonists. So one step in the solution to our international opinion problems would be to modify what the media says about us. But that course of action obviously would involve government controlled censorship, sparking issues concerning our rights to freedom of speech.
  5. When I first played vanilla Oblivion, while exploring the IC Market District for the first time, I noticed all the guards suddenly taking off running as if toward some emergency. Assuming that this was part of a quest that I needed to see, I of course took off after them to see what was going on. They ran through the next district (Elven Gardens, isn't it?), more guards joining them as they went. When they reached the Talos Plaza, the guards from that district joining them as well, they all hauled tail outside and down the hillside, where they all proceeded to attack a wild boar. Once they had slain the boar, they ran on until they found a wolf, which of course they also killed. Then they saw a deer and took off after it as well. Being a first-level character I couldn't really keep up with that chase, so I finally left the mob of guards to go on about their little hunting spree without me. It was then that I discovered Shady Sam as I watched a different deer run up to him and he in turn petted it, another occurrence which I've only seen that one time. Still new to the game, I was in awe of the AI system of Oblivion. To this day I still don't know what had caused the IC guard killing spree and have never seen it happen again, so it remains one of my most unique and memorable Oblivion experiences.


    What was your most unique and memorable Oblivion experience?

  6. Welcome to TesNexus. We are always happy to welcome new players.


    ***With a jealous tilt of her head and an indignant snort, she put her hands on her wide hips before speaking***


    You never welcomed ME to the Nexus, bben46!

  7. Thank you I read it, but I still have a bug where if I fast travel my CM Partners gear is reset to default. any way to fix that?


    It shouldn't be a problem. Are you running the latest version of the mod? Have you tried its OBSE version included with it? In both these cases the companions can even follow you into the Shivering Isles without the problems seen in the past. There is still the problem of them falling behind and taking a few cell loads to catch up with you, but they should still have all their equipment.


    Are these companions you have created yourself using the CS? If they are not checked as persistent references or quest items, then their inventories will reset just like other respawning containers. Take a look at them in the CS and let me know if you still need help.


    Oh, and if they're killing horses and other NPCs that they shouldn't be attacking, check their AI. The areas marked aggression and responsibility control this in most cases. Unless they're like Tabaxi CMs, who will ALWAYS attack EVERY Khajiit until you adjust their racial reactions.

  8. For me Doom 3 was a let down.


    For me as well. The new graphics were okay, but I was expecting to play Doom, not to watch a CG Movie. It's for this same reason that I finally gave up on the Final Fantasy games. I like to play video games, not watch them.

  9. Loved Doom and Doom 2.


    Found a randomising program that made all the monsters and items randomly placed through out the levels of Doom so that one could meet a big spider in the very first level or start a level with a dozen missile launchers waiting for one and so on.


    Do you remember the name of the randomizing program or where it could be found? It sounds really cool to me since I still play this classic and a lot of player-created WADs for it.

  10. I don't watch the news because like Faith in Mirror's edge states it:"It's not news anymore. It's advertising."


    I'm the same way. I'll look at the headlines on front pages and covers, but why pay for that?

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