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Everything posted by JimmyRJump

  1. It means you have a mod that changes the texture of the tires but that mod isn't properly installed (the folder is probably in the wrong place) so that the game doesn't find the textures and hence doesn't show them. All missing textures show as pink-ish purple in the game.
  2. Be most welcome, Evelyn. Be aware that sharing accounts can be a reason for a ban on the Nexus, so maybe make accounts for both your son and boyfriend, just to stay on the safe side ;) And a premium membership doesn't need a PayPal account. I bet you can pay with any valid credit card.
  3. You have to know that every mid-tier AMD GPU is cheaper and faster than what NVidia has. I'd go for an RX580 8GB or an RX 5600 instead of that 1660. And of course a GTX840M will lag a game. It's a low-tier GPU and a laptop from Bloatware to boot. Laptop GPUs are clocked lower than their desktop counterparts for heat generation purposes and Alienware are just good in advertising their products without there being any substance to it. A GTX840M isn't a gaming GPU. Fallout 4 is a game that doesn't like overclocked hardware. Anyway, get a gpu with as much RAM as you can get/afford (8GB at least) and a decent amount of system RAM. Like 2x8GB minimum. RAM speed doesn't matter that much. The few frames per second you'll gain with higher speed RAM isn't worth the investment. Be aware that Fallout 4 is a game that performs bad on PC because of its below standard optimisation when it comes to rendering textures (it uses a streaming variation instead of direct rendering) and you will experience fps drops in certain areas, no matter the size of your GPU and/or amount of RAM. I myself use an R7 2700X with a Vega64 GPU and 2x16GB of RAM@2800MHz. I get an average of 50fps (fps is locked at 61fps) and a use of between 5 and 8GB on the GPU and around 5 to 7GB of system RAM use. I run 664 mods (with 456 plugins) and use quite a lot of 2k textures and a few 4k textures. I play in 1080p. Get a good power supply from a known brand like Silverstone, Antec, Corsair or CoolerMaster. A PSU is the most important component in a desktop computer because it powers all the costly hardware inside. You want to enjoy your computer, not sit around a pile of ash lamenting to the gods of electricity about your misfortune.
  4. Make sure nothing is interfering with the game, like an anti-virus solution or its firewall. Also, if the game is installed on a mechanical hard drive, perform a disk-check to see if there's faulty sectors on the drive. Check BethINI to sort and restore your ini files to get rid of left-behind entries from mods that you have deleted from the game. Copy/paste your load order between spoiler tags instead of adding a downloadable file.
  5. Change the settings in the launcher. Under "options" set the game to open windowed and borderless. That way you can intervene with the 'Ctrl' key or the 'Ctrl+Alt+Del' combination (calls-up the Task Manager where you can kill the game's process).
  6. To what question? If the question is why your game doesn't work then you're the only one who can answer the question. You 'started meddling with some mods' and now the game doesn't work? So, guess where the problem lies. Start with 'unmeddling', try the game and add mods as you go along but only a couple at a time so that you can keep track of which mod may cause problems. If you add dozens of mods in one go and things don't work then the main problem lies with you and there's nothing we can do about that. So, there's your answer right there.
  7. Hey, I'm not even a self-respecting-anything fan and I stayed away from Fallout 76. It was a nice idea, though.
  8. A reason for an infinite black screen is when the RAM stops being flushed and no new textures can get buffered. The ambient sound and music continue, but the screen stays black. It can happen even on high-end machines, usually when there's a problem with meshes that somehow cannot be loaded. The meshes aren't missing (otherwise the game would crash), they just stop being loaded into the RAM. I haven't heard of a solution to it other than quitting the game and restarting it and hope it won't happen again.
  9. Getting a Clue quest I.D. is MQ105. To start the quest type the following into the console: setstage MQ105 10 and hit enter. That should make you get the message Nick wants to talk to you in his office. Check quest stages on the FO4 wiki.
  10. I'm going nuts over folk using abbreviations for everything. What is BFF and/or BBSO, please?
  11. Spoiler tags make a text collapse so it doesn't take more than one alinea of space. You need to click the "Spoiler" in order to see the text. Besides hiding spoilers, the tags hide anything added that's deemed too large for comfort. I never download anything linked by anybody.
  12. The CTD should have nothing to do with the amount of plugins but with an installed mod. One of your mods causes the crash. I'm on 662 mods with 454 plugins (241 esp, the rest esm, esl and 'light' esp) using NMM 0.71.3 (NMM had an update on 20 April). And everything "works how it works". Otherwise, it wouldn't work, now would it.
  13. Everyone and everything crashes in downtown Boston at one time. ESL files are treated as masters, that's why they are loaded after all esm plugs but before all regular esp files. As such they don't "lose a conflict" because they're not considered when checking for errors/conflicts because of their 'Master' status and they cannot be loaded after an esp they possibly depend on. I've never used Horizon or Sim Settlements because of the known crashes due to conflicts and the fact you need a patch for almost every other mod you have installed. I'm currently running 662 mods (454 plugins) without conflicts and hey, I have the ocassional crash in Boston, especially around Swann Pond and when following the Freedom Trail past Goodneighbour and ye Old North Church with the Old Granary burrial place (has a bus parked in front with Ghouls attacking) being a crash hot-spot. And please, don't switch to Vortex. Worst advice you can get. You'll get into more trouble than you can handle. Vortex does an awful job at 'solving' conflicts from the moment you have more than two mods that tackle the same thing or area because it can't handle the fact that some mods need to get loaded before and after one another at the same time. I'm using NMM and there the needed assets are kept while the conflicting ones get overwritten. Also please copy/paste your load order between spoiler tags in your initial post.
  14. The latest version of Edge IS chrome, with different makeup. At this point, I think you still need to actually elect to download/install it, but, that is likely going to change as well...()... No it won't change. Unless Microsoft want to pay millions in fines again to the European Union, like they had to do because they shipped Internet Explorer with Windows without giving the user a choice to not install it. And Microsoft having an interest in Defender working can be true, but you clearly forgot that Defender was introduced with Windows 7 and that virus signatures stopped updating a few months after Windows 7 was launched. That's why I don't trust Defender and never will, even when it is free. The argument that Defender is free is moot and it's none of your business I want to pay for an A/V solution other than what you use.
  15. Some mods need the MCM (Mod Cofiguration Menu) to be able to work. MCM is a menu where other mods appear to be able to change settings. And what do you mean with "Enhanced FX"? Enhanced Lights & Effects? How do you know some mods like the Vivid Fallout AIO don't work? If you have the latest version of the game (v1.10.163) then you don't need to change any ini files any longer.
  16. The USA and its 'democracy' helped the whole of South America getting dictators, as well as in the Phillipines and other countries. To further their cause regardless of the local population. Pinochet, Stroessner, Videla, Marcos, Noriega. An ideology never killed anyone. It's people who use an ideology for their own purposes that kill other people. Throwing around numbers is easy. Don't get blinded by them. Also don't forget that Russia was an allie against Nazi Germany and communism only became a 'dirty' word when the USA needed an 'enemy' to be able to keep-up their war industry. If ever there was one country that lay at the basis of terrorrism and chimes-in the end of Western Civilisation, then it's the USA. Globalisation and now domestic terror in the form of keeping people in check through the enforcement of medical passes. The US government always wanted checkpoints within their borders, at state lines and such. Well, your 'democracy' is going to make it happen on the back of a so-called pandemic which isn't more dangerous than an average cold or flu. 100 million dead people don't disagree with anything. They're dead.
  17. Good to hear you got it sorted :thumbsup:
  18. Tuco, stick to getting saved by the man with no name because you suck at politics. Communism is just a container used by American politicians to throw anything into that they wanted to scare the people with. Communism is living in a commune, or, a community, where you help each other when needed. Go watch the Amish and call them communists. 'Communism' as such doesn't really exist. It's either Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskism, etc. In the USA you have Democratism and Republicanism, both far inferior to so-called Communism. Have you ever read the Engels & Marx book The Communist Manifest? No? You should.
  19. The Chevy Chaser. A blade made to hack Chevrolets to smithereens and crack lame jokes in the process. It's kept in a Caddy shack and can only be retrieved when on a National Lampoon Vacation.
  20. I don't trust Windows Defender any further than my nose is long. And since I'm not Pinocchio, that's not very far. Been using BitDefender for almost sixteen years now and buy a version for three years. I know it and am used to it, so why change? I pay under ninety bucks, that's less than 30 a year, so... Microsoft have tried to control what you can and cannot use, in the past. It was supposed to get introduced with Longhorn back in 2004. It was a platform with Canon, HP, IBM and other big names in a 'conspiracy' to only let you install software that was green-lighted by Microsoft's digital signature checklist. But Longhorn crashed at the press presentation and couldn't be revived. Microsoft was so dismayed (and Windows Longhorn so bad) that they started from scratch and ùmade what became Vista. That's why there's six years between Windows XP and Vista, instead of the regular three. Vista didn't have any of the implementations Longhorn had foreseen as meanwhile there had been so much protest from the community that the corporations that were on board jumped ship and continued to allow third-party software, to the dismay of Bill Gates. The only thing that was introduced in Vista to annoy folk was the UAC (User Account Control) that couldn't be turned off and which was changed in Windows 7 to a version that could be turned off. XboX is a complete Microsoft environment that allows to control certain things, sure. Just like PlayStations can control what files you use on it. A personal computer is different because there a user has access to all the basic settings. Windows 10 introduced a few settings that cannot be turned off, like automatic update (which CAN be turned off in the Services) and somesuch, but controlling what webpages you visit or what you download isn't feasable when you don't control the internet provider you have a subscription with.
  21. I don't trust Windows Defender any further than my nose is long. And since I'm not Pinocchio, that's not very far. Been using BitDefender for almost sixteen years now and buy a version for three years. I know it and am used to it, so why change? I pay under ninety bucks, that's less than 30 a year, so...
  22. Divorce her and marry someone else. You ask for help but don't even mention what game you're talking about. Sure...
  23. Microsoft has no control over where you want to log-in. You log-in through your web browser. I have switched to Google Chrome a few years ago because FireFox didn't display all the options on a webpage, including the option to log into the Nexus. I'm still using FireFox as my main surfing browser but for Nexus and YouTube I'm either using Chrome or Opera. The latter is a bit redundant now as it has become a Chrome clone. Besides trying another browser, you also might check anti-virus settings to see if for some reason Nexus got blacklisted. I'm also running Win10, by the way. I used to be a security nut, until I realized that it's just a hype to sell you more and more expensive and cumulative software and you start tinkering with all settings available until a lot of things start going wrong or no longer work because you went one step too far. Now, I just run a regular A/V solution and don't really care any longer. I'm not important enough for anybody to try and hack my PC and the online banking services in Belgium are secure enough to not having to worry. For other payments, I'm using PayPal. Maybe not as secure, but their money-back policy when fraud is involved is pretty solid.
  24. I'm not a modder, but I thought that to add an item to the game you needed to make a plugin that contains the item. For that you need the Creation Kit.
  25. Been using F4SE v0.6.20 for four months now with 660 mods and never had a problem. Conclusion: there's nothing wrong with F4SE and there's something else going on with the installation of FO4 and your mods. Maybe start using a real mod manager instead of Vortex.
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