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Everything posted by JimmyRJump

  1. Has nothing to do with moving files from one drive to another, but with the game's loading priorities and not having the right files in the correct folders. Carefully read what I wrote and all should work out fine.
  2. Nah, no reason for an option to downvote a mod, except maybe to satisfy a form of entitlement because a fragile and juvenile mind has been 'hurt' and the world needs to know to what degree. I endorse every single mod I download, by default and very seldom take away that endorsement. It happens, but only on mods that really, really don't work at all under any circumstance. On the contrary, I urge for a system where a mod can be endorsed more than once when an upgrade has been posted. Sadly, the vote thing seems to be connected to the modpage and not to the file(s) on that page...
  3. So, what was the issue? Always add the solution when you found it, so that folks who have a similar situation can try what you did...
  4. Seven Skyrim fora to choose from. The "Mod troubleshooting" seems the most plausible to post your ailment after some searching to see if there's not already a solution among the previous posts.
  5. The PC booting and then seemingly halting to then reboot is most often a RAM issue where the PC (with a recent motherboard) wants to check the RAM to see if the motherboard can communicate with said RAM. This is often the case when you use RAM that needs a so-called XMP profile with RAM from a brand that isn't supported by the brand of motherboard you have. If the issue persists, set everything concerning RAM sticks to "Auto" in the BIOS. Turn on the PC and use it for a short while (ten minutes to a couple of hours), shut down the PC and reboot to go into the BIOS and adapt the RAM settings to their value. After that, the PC will boot in a normal fashion. If none of the above apply, shut down the PC and re-seat the RAM sticks to see what gives.
  6. Right now, forget about intel CPUs. Get AMD. You don't need the latest series of processors; a Ryzen 5 3XXX series will help you get a long way at half the price of an Intel CPU. An X470, X570, B550 and some such have more possibilities than any of the Intel motherboards and they're much cheaper, faster and they consume less power.
  7. I don't exactly understand what you mean, hombre. Besides that, saves aren't kept or managed by NMM, but by the games themselves and are sitting in "Documents/My Games/specific game folder". Not entirely grasping what you mean with "easy out all mods"... If you mean you want to know if NMM can uninstall all mods in one go, the answer is "yes". You can even delete all installed mods in one sitting, but then you'll have to download all the mods anew when you want to install them again.
  8. I understand the frustration that sometimes accompanies the install and use of a mod. But, most answers to what ails you can (probably) be found in the "posts" thread on the mod page itself. While every game played on a PC is a "PC Gaming" subject, not everything that concerns mods is. That's why there's tabs for comments and/or bug reports on every mod page, so that people who use the mod(s) can get informed as to the how and why. I can't help you as I've never played the game, let alone used the mod. So, I suggest you go through the mod description and comments with a fine comb. And when the answer to your question isn't there you can post a new comment with your questions. If the mod author doesn't answer, I'm sure someone else will. If not, you can always try to contact the mod author through the personal message system and ask your question(s) directly. Good luck.
  9. Glad you've gotten something useful out of it. Remember there's no stupid questions. There's only people who laugh at what they think are stupid questions, but they usually don't have the answers themselves.
  10. Dump Vortex and switch to either MO2 or NMM. Personally, I prefer Nexus Mod Manager (NMM), Vortex' predecessor, downloadable at GitHUB when hitting the link in my sig. Besides, you don't have to re-download the entirety of your mod arsenal. Simply copy the lot to where you want to have them.
  11. CTDs on a new game often happen during the transition from the intro to the part where the main character starts the "War never changes" speech. This is due to the heavy load of the main features of the game and the root of the CTD is often not enough RAM. You also have a few mods that are known to cause issues, like "Start Me Up", "SSEX", "Concord Expanded" and/or "SIM Settlements". These mods are okay, but a lot of other mods tend to conflict with them.
  12. You probably have mods with different body-types; or you have loaded the 'Unique Player' mod without setting-up the right files beforehand.
  13. Faut changer ton nom en "TheDouceFranceDantesque"... Pardonnéz-moi pour le off-topique.. Maintenant, je cavale pour l'off-tropique. Ciao.
  14. Welcome to The Nexus, Nadia. First-time posters with questions like these are often never to be seen again. Let's see if I'm wrong this time. Avoid putting yer PC on the ground, especially when you have synthetic carpet. Dust floats just above the ground surface and synthetics can cause static electricity. Take a good leftover plank (on which your PC fits), add some wheels (found at most local hardware stores for next to nothing) and your PC is two to three inches above the floor plus you can pull it from under your desk easily when you need to get at the back, provided you left enough slack in the wiring. Don't use compressed air just to get 'normal' dust out of your PC. You'll only blow it into your room and at the next clean-up, you'll be blowing the same dust out again. Use a common vacuum-cleaner to suck out the dust. Only use compressed air when there's dust that refuses to get out. Unplug USB connections at will and don't pay attention to the "safely remove hardware" message or whatever it's called now. Just don't unplug a USB device in the middle of data transfer. Anything USB sitting idle can be unplugged at any time without any worries. If a printer is connected through USB, make sure it's turned 'OFF' before unplugging it. Plugging/unplugging headphones or microphones is something you can do at random without any problems.
  15. Meh. I hope the devs of NMM will find a way to let NMM handle CyberPunk 2077 mods...
  16. You seem to have run into a problem that causes some textures not to load fully or even not at all. The cause for this can be a lack of RAM. This is something I've encounterd in both Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE. For FO4 the reason was LOD-flicker and that's a source completely different from lack of RAM. Be aware that a GPU that gets too hot can also be the source of textures not fully loading.
  17. Doesn't matter, the INFO for all of the mods was on the C:\ drive, now all that info is gone. Search around for a tool called GetDataBack and you'll be able to retrieve 99% of your lost data, as long as you don't use the disk you want to recuperate data from as the drive which has the operating system. I've been using GetDataBack for almost twenty years on drives, from customers from a shop I do the occasional job for, that got stuck (too much expansion due to getting hot and cooling off again) or even formatting.
  18. The CK is just a utility that lets you see all the assets that are in the game. It doesn't add or ignore anything and certainly doesn't let you see things that aren't in the game. It's just a tool that allows you to alter stuff or even add things but it doesn't do anything all on its own. Saying that the Creation Kit adds stuff to the game is like saying a media player adds scenes to a movie. Impossible. Unless you edit the movie and add or change things yourself. For the rest, I'll leave things to people who actually used the CK for mods, as I've never ever made a mod in my short existence under the sun. I'm lazy like that, what can I say.
  19. Turning sixty in a few months. Never thought I'd reach that age, when I was younger...
  20. I dont think you understand what this is about my friend. Its not about the mods not beeing flawless, it is about my animations, that are broken gamewide. Even on all vanilla weapons the animations are off and the guns are held wrong. Anyway there is no need for you to be this offensive towards me. Just read again what i wrote and then you will recognize that your comment missed the point entirely. Even if I missed the point of your ailings entirely, then the least of my intentions were to be offensive; not towards you or anybody else. Besides, it's not I who was (supposedly) offensive but the reader who felt offended. An entirely different thing. You also need to learn what "game-breaking bug" means. A "bug" is a fault or error in the game. All the rest is/are self-inflicted 'wounds' which can only be tended to by the person who is responsible for the 'wound'. You, in other words. So, yes, I do understand what this is about, my 'friend'.
  21. Get each of yer five 'friends' to procure me a full and sealed bottle of Jack Daniel's (70cl) and we have a strong basis for negotiation.
  22. It should be possible, but only if you're able to isolate that specific voice from the 'main' audio. When unable to isolate this sole voice track; you'll influence the whole audio track and the 'effects' will be audible for every voice that's on the same track. Because, if all voices are on one track, and you add something to that one track, hey, the sound or effect you added will be on that track and will be audible for every voice that shares the same track. For clarification, a 'track' isnt the same as a 'voice'. A track is a part of an audio recording; where said track is a part of the ability of a tape or other means of recording. With a tape, the amount of available 'tracks' is dictated by the tape itself; with digital software, the amount of available tracks is determined by how many tracks the software allows you to use. So; in order for you to change the effect to one voice that is part of an audio track, you'd need the original tapes (before the mix got recorded to one track) in order to make changes to the sound of that single voice. It is possible, however, with a lot of patience, first of all to single-out the voice you're after and record it digitally or on tape as a single file (or 'track') and then do whatever you want with it. Good luck.
  23. Nope. Everything is tied to (the rather finicky) quests involving "The Castle", aka 'Fort Independence'. The most you can do, without breaking the quests involving 'the Castle', is restore the castle walls before anything. Any alterations with regards to anything to do with 'The Castle' are best left until AFTER you did the "Defend The Castle" side-quest. The reason behind this is, first of all, very bad coding by the Bethesda Boys, plus, the Castle quests are really, really frail, and secondly, anything you do around the Castle before Preston tells you to go there, will potentially make your FO4 life miserable. Just go along with the flow and let the story carry you to the Caste side-quests and once those are done, just go bonkers.
  24. The amount of mods that are active doesn't really matter. Except, it does, of course. You can load as many as you want, until the game's engine says "I don't like you no more" and sticks-up a middle finger and the game croaks... I surely had it happen to me in five years of playing the game and spending over ten-thousand hours in it with almost seven-thousand mods tried. Okay, so now about your 'problem'. I guess that, when having played the game for a certain period of time, you (should) know about console commands. And don't let yourself be getting fooled by folks who tell you that console commands are 'bad' for the game, because, hey!, they're not. First of all because the console is called 'developer's console', which means it's there to help the developers have access to the 'innards' of the game so they're able to implement changes without doing harm to the game whatsoever. Okay. Glad to have gotten that out of the way. It's not like I'm trying to make you do things that could harm your game. So. To have your character permantly be able to carry more weight, you simply have to open the console (by hitting the 'tilde' key, usually the key left of the '1' key). In this explanation, a 'key' is a touch on your keyboard, just to make sure. Anyway, once you managed to open the console, just type player.modav carryweight X. The 'X' stands for the amount of weight you want your character to be able to carry. Except, when using this command, you'll have to set the carry-weight anew every time you re-start the game. Better to use the player.setav carryweight X command. This way, the change in carryweight will be set once and for all without the need of a mod. All this in the hope you're playing the game on a computer because you don't have access to the console on a, well, console. By that I mean an XboX or a PlayStation. Good luck and have fun.
  25. So, I guess you spend the game staring at how a hand holds/is wrapped around a gun then eh? I mean, sure there's a slight gap between the hand and the rifle, but, if you're distressed by that you're (in my opinion) not playing the game but searching for stuff you can complain about. Which you did. Now, there's two options here. Either you live with it, or you go complain on the mod's page about the mental damage you've suffered from using this life-threatening mod. Okay, okay, I'm exaggerating. But just slightly. If you want mods that are completely flawless and which won't disturb your fragile nerves, I suggest you take up modding and fix what you think needs fixing. Good luck. Or, you could just shrugg and say "fekkit" and continue playing. No-one will hold it against you.
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