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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. Bethieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

    *gives Bethie a surprise bear-hug*

  2. Awesome new avatar buddy!
  3. Da Weekend's Here!
    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. BlueDanube


      LoL, hey do you know that the there's chinese copy of miku ? they called it "red miku" http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2012/05/04/fury-at-chinas-fake-miku/
    3. Riven1978


      @Blue I am not surprised, copyrights don't mean the same thing over there that they do in most[\i] other places (you have to understand how communism works, no one person actually really owns anything, not even ideas). Not knocking them for it either, since they seem to bring in most of the industries, i mean how many product can you flip over now a days and see "made in china"?
    4. naomis8329


      There's been a few since you posted this and I hope each and every one was as much fun as the last. Take care xxx
  4. Belated birthday wishes! Hope you have a great year!
  5. Lots of heavy thoughts on my mind, yet none can be shared here. Does that make me bad? :-(
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. vvk78


      Friends, sorry I have been mostly inactive these past few weeks.


      My current worries in my life are still being dealt with, but I just popped in, to say thank you to each of you for your li'l nuggets of advice.


      *nods head and promises to try your advice*


      I luv ya all, my dear buddies!




    3. bethjunkie


      *big hugs right back atcha Samurai*


    4. BlueDanube


      best of luck budddy.
  6. Belated birthday wishes, buddy!

    Sorry I've been away for most of the past few weeks due to work pressures, but I just popped in to say:

    Hope you enjoyed your birthday with your near & dear ones, and may you have a wonderful year ahead!

  7. Belated birthday wishes! Have a great year!
  8. Hey there!

    *return peek*

  9. Awesome avatar!
  10. *sneaks in, leaves a cookie jar on SpaceRitual's mantelpiece*


    *hops on one leg, holding his other throbbing knee, after stumbling into a coffee table*

    *hobbles and climbs out of the window clumsily*

    *and falls down two floors onto the rose-bush*


  11. vvk78

    Hey buddy. How's your Skyrim modding happening?

    Take care of your health and congrats on your new car!

  12. Thardok, where art thou?
  13. *peeks in*

    Hiya Hickory!

  14. *Breezes in, bows to the Bison, and vanishes like a fleeting gust of wind...*
  15. *walks in with dripping cake over his face.

    And he licks it while grinning widely!*

    Hmmm... I know this flavor...

    It is raspberry chocolate cake, am I right?

  16. Love your new avatar!
  17. vvk78

    I don't think they will get any easier. That's the challenge with games with becoming more complex, ambitious and expansive.

    The best strategy is to read up on the CK & assorted tools' wikis and tutorials, and experiment as much as possible. I am also sure that many expert modders will be releasing some of their stuff as modders' resources, so that might help with your efforts.

  18. Glad to see you are back!!

    Buddy, you need a nice profile avatar/photo!


    *pokes with a gigantic battering ram*

  20. "Senior" year? Means you are getting too old!!

    Forget school, go hang out with your friends, and party!!!!!


    Just kidding! Education is important. Glad to see you focusing on the priorities of life! All the best!

  21. Gave you a little kudos to motivate you buddy!
  22. Hiya Majamikol,

    I gave you a li'l Kudos to appreciate your modding efforts.

    You've got a great mom to inspire you and teach you, but remember, you've also got fans to motivate you always!

    Keep up the good work and all the best!!


    The Samurai Tiger.

    (or just call me VK :-)

  23. Namaste, how are you these days?
  24. vvk78

    Hey, I never forgot you buddy!

    It's just that you are so inactive these days, that we hardly get a chance to chat, so I pop in now & then. Ciao!


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