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Status Updates posted by Keanumoreira

  1. Greetings Granny. :)
  2. Who invented civilization anyway?
    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Ithildin


      *agrees with Keanu* <3
    3. Deleted54170User


      I said, "civilization wasn't invented". Civilization is built upon many failings which were turned into modern methods to live better in the growing populace. Share and share alike and more of us will survive. Invent better ways to live, grow good food, share, and make tools that simplify life so we can continue living in the growing population which in some cases individual's would rather use their energies to fight to survive. In their way that is the way making it so mo...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...re of us will die. In their way, one of them will be atop the heap of the dead in the end, "Alone". The last person standing. I have learned to invent, I am learning to grow food, and I am learning something to prevent famine and war. What are you learning?
  3. Who knocks at my door? Is it someone new?
  4. To you as well, and hey...thanks for the jingle. :D
  5. I've completely forgotten about that to tell the truth. No worries.
  6. Happy holidays Lexx. Hope you have a good one.
  7. Lol. Merry Christmas Uncle. :)
  8. To you as well Naomis. *Hugs*. :)
  9. Merry Christmas to you too A. :)
  10. Merry Christmas to you all (early)! :D
  11. Yes, merry Christmas to you as well old friend. Have a good one! ^^
  12. Yeah, the world didn't end, did it? Somewhat disappointed, completely expected. :/
  13. Hello Pancake. Happy Armageddon! :P
  14. Dear god, the end is nigh. On a more positive note, the weather will be sunny. That's always comforting. :P
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AliasTheory


      Well I woke up today, so the world hasn't ended...unless the Mayans were using something other than Mayan time. I dunno.
    3. Ithildin


      The Mayans didn't account for leap years, right? Ergo the world should've ended something like seven months ago.
    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      your point is valid
  15. Greetings profile peeper. X)
  16. Things are normal, to say the least.
  17. Thanks. It has been awhile, hasn't it?
  18. Found two old model ships while my mother was collecting stuff around the house for a garage sale. The frigate has seen better days, but all it needs is a little bit of love. Will take awhile to get them to shine like new again. :)
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      You keep providing pictures all the time. That Photo Avatar is uploaded the same way as Images in our Mod manager page sections where we can upload images too.
    3. Ithildin


      You could put it on your About Me page; I put links to my screenshots there from time to time. They're stored on Photobucket. Alternatively, you might just upload a pic to Photobucket and post a link as a status update. :)
    4. Deleted54170User


      You could put the picture in your Photo or Avatar spaces too. Temporarily that is. :- )
  19. Greetings stranger. ^^
  20. Hello. long time no see. :)
  21. Yes, it has. How have you been? Are things looking up?
  22. I hope so. Wanna make sure that you're alright. Hang in there.
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