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Everything posted by Pagafyr

  1. So. I had a day when I thought I might shine us all on with a clownish color of white. Just being a Disc Jockey like all you are trying to be too. I see the comedy in the effort we give. If it doesn't start doing a loop around in your head the music is bound to end up Sh@t Canned. If it doesn't get sponsors and they don't sell a lot making money till it's coming out of their nose, the music we play gets Sh@t Canned. Some times we just gotta get loopie, my fav group that can do that is still The Firesign Theater, "Don't Squash that Dwarf Hand me the pliers." They are something.
  2. What did you wear out your welcome as part of the acting troupe that were doing the play The Lusty Argonian Maid?
  3. My main problem playing Morrowind was my video card's settings. The ATI video card I bought to use for Architect software had the Morrowind Demo disk with the Video Card I purchased. Tuning the Video card for Morrowind was a little bit of a challenge. Morrowind is spectacular rough beginning with a new way to play. An Open world to explore. You can climb to the highest peak if you're determined to. You can swim in the waters. Diving and swimming under water too. Morrowind won the millions of students of Computer Science attentions. Play it through and try not to get into fights early on with little worms, big mudkrabs, small strange looking dog like creatures. They can be as tough as one of the guard of the Imperials, Vivec's finest, Wizards, and even newb magicka students who know a spell or two. When you're on your way from Seyda Neen to Balmora take in the scenery, stopping here and there to see, just how plain and stunning it was for teens who were fond of arena games. Morrowind took us all to new heights with computer advances. Make mental notes about what frustrating occurences you suffered, causing the game to crash often too. Then you might understand what all of us old timers were going through and how modding began to really get under our skin.
  4. If you know the correct words to enter in a search engine it's like MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC. Tired; are you? Don't get Re Tired just yet or you'll live with lots of ReGret.
  5. Shout it's Warmer out. Time to wake to the news of the coming Spring weather.
  6. What were you day dreaming about when you were growing up playing pretend that you want to do for real every day? Myself? I don't remember yet. And that's sad. Because it's probably what keeps waking me up in the morning. It might be like a fleeting dream. The kind we forget the moment we wake up. I'm grabbing my fleeting dream sleep views every time I wake up now. After seventy five years I have so many dream recollections in my dream collection journal I am not sure which one it is. It must be the one that wakes me and is so fleeting it's like a flying pixie. And is really fast and hard to catch when they are flying around in our dream sleep. I'll figure out what it is and when I do... Now that leads to a big question, because I am so old. What will I do when I do? My advice to all you people younger than me is... The next time you think of yours I hope you have plenty of time to live out your life enjoying the way you always wanted your way of living life to be.
  7. Out: A muffinwind skeleton wearing only a Chef hat. He has a spoon and is fighting three Daedric. Daedric One has shears, Daedric two has a scroll, and a Daedric big as a troll has a big rock tied to the end of a stick. In: A muffin mine about to explode from cooking too long inside the oven. I hope someone gets it out of the oven before it's too late.
  8. I ban you because I am confused because of the way you worded your ban.
  9. What? Don't you know how to use any of the modern search assistant's that are AI? By the time you finger it out yourself today's Japanese Music will likely be Ancient.
  10. Is it ok to just rent the movie bundle and watch all three episodes without going back to the past?
  11. Another addictive game that the one above it trying to play. Fame and Fortune Game the YouTube way.
  12. Children that learned from some of Aesop's Fables found the knowledge often saved their lives. Good thing we learned wisdom from some of them.
  13. A voice over the loud speaker announcing the trains about to come to a station. The Multi-verse Train is coming to a stop. All ticket holders with a stub number 101 please prepare. As soon as the train stops; Please exit to your Universe.
  14. It's dark in the brain tunnel Soon there will be an explosion of light shearing away the night. I can hear a deep rumble no idea where I am but the sound makes me fumble I sense even though it is black as night in a moment there will be light It's dark in the brain tunnel I begin to feel some force shaking me from a source I feel is safe and on course I think I knew this darkness was coming There is something familiar a sound and vibration Clicking and clacking sensations It's dark in the brain tunnel a chill comes from somewhere a blast of cool air and the night goes out as a dark tunnel opens into the light. A shock to mind when exiting a tunnel while sleeping on a train.
  15. All my life I was reminded to stop acting like a child. Act your age, not your IQ? I didn't even know what an IQ was at the time. A mud turtle saved my life when I was a lad. So I owe my life to a turtle. I may not be fast, but steady wins the race. The Tortoise and the Hare.
  16. What happens when my odor isn't checked by bathing once a month? You got it, it gets too strong. I WIN!
  17. I am about to start the next book in a series about Dresden Files. Blood Rites. I have read Storm Front, Fool Moon, Summer Knight, and Death Masks. Seemed like I had the idea the author Jim Butcher was familiar. Each time I started reading as soon as it started to get in to the characters world in Chicago I got so I read until I was exhausted. It had some long but exciting chapters in it that once I was started I could not sway my thinking to take a short break. Unless it was an important one. LOL I started reading the fifth book Death Masks. About a quarter of the way into the first chapter I suddenly realized I knew what was coming up on the next page. I was correct. Thanks to a free trial on one of the TV groups I saw the TV made of Death Masks. It is one of the series. I am glad I didn't go for the TV offer with all the shows they had. Harry Dresden of Dresden Files was the only one I wanted to watch. I was about to put the book Death Masks down when I noticed something interesting. Part of the chapter I started was missing in the TV series. I mean a Serious lot of what the book shared. I have turned back into a reader instead of a book tv show watcher. No brooms to ride? Oh nooo! If you're Wizard over 18 in the USA Jim Butcher is bringing the Wizards life in the 21st Century into the light realistically. Awaiting for my reading time to begin is Blood Rites.
  18. Just a tad to much ashen grass, not too much though. LOL @Drakefell01 Don't forget to come back and chat on your DAZE off.
  19. Is it too late to watch the movie collection, Back to the Future?
  20. Try this. Open the game with a Save that is one prior to when you started the game up and discovered your game got messed? If the previous Save doesn't cause the problems then the last Save you restarted the game with is a Dirty Save. If I played for a half an hour before I Saved once or twice that caused the Save I made aft playing for so long to cause the problem. I was furious because I had to start the game in the Save a half an earlier. I learned to save every ten minutes after that.
  21. Maybe? Maybe a lot of the previous players from the start of this game all got aboard that Time Traveling Train the Doc has in Back to the Future 3?
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