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Everything posted by Pagafyr

  1. I gained knowledge from many members at the time I started designing it. I used to draw pictures on flip cards. When flipping them the pictures it makes a short moving picture. My skill at putting that kind of work together for a gif kept me from putting the entire scene on the avatar. As to what it was? I was surprised as anyone what caused me to draw it. My curiosity to grow as the first sketch developed. The egg breaking, the head emerging. A little dragon head gets larger pushing it's way out of the shell, the dragon takes flight. The dragon gets closer as the egg fades into the background. and... Surprise ending not included. A dragon's egg in the background. The green newborn baby dragon taking it's first flight. The tail as it swings forms the mark of curiosity. ? Thus curiosity and innocents blended with a creature which some believe never existed. Not every web page I visited ended with that result. Some actually seem to have found proof, they became extinct. But spoofs and people who like to try to fool us with their video creation left me with some doubt still. Curiosity!
  2. If you're celebrating today! I hope you have a great Barbeque party, A great Tailgating party, or just a Great day celebrating the 4th of July! No Snow anywhere in sight. Blah
  3. Being sly as always. niphilim222 :wink: :wink: We all know that only; The Last Poster Wins. I am having a Halo Top ice cream. Vanilla Chocolate Twist. I wanted some ice cream. Never heard of the company before. It's my first kind to give it a taste. Mm! It's good.
  4. @Pagafyr A notification that you added me as a friend ... tells me you had removed me as a friend :sad: I saved myself from brandishing a sword in every direction like the War is causing many people to do. Afraid of even their best friend. I removed everyone I had because I didn't know if I would be coming back. You might be able to imagine why if I explain a bit. I began to think death was at my doorstep about to ring the bell. I felt unsure I would ever return. The lessons I learned from Tibet and India taught me to listen to my breathing. Not to shut out all other sounds, but to let me become quiet and hear all the sounds around. I heard some deep terrible vibration while I pondered what I may have thought to spell out that time. A deep desire arose to go to speak with a person high in the scholar's sight honoring him for his part in making these computer's for people who needed an aide. Wanted home business computers and such later on! His energies were flagging and I felt deletion of the account was pertinent. I unfriended and Deleted the acct because I felt Dad's soul dying out. The soul dying is worse than the body dying. A soul may live on for many lives. Or so the ancients' theologians say. I deleted this link at the moment I realized there was a disturbance because I felt abandoned like I never felt before, and after I did I got the call, he was, actually dying. When we think about a emotional thought with a word we can realize it, focused on breathing, everywhere I look, I see weaker and stronger emotional ways in everything. Abandoned is a particularly dangerous word if it isn't reasoned with in a calm way. To avoid getting everyone in a cloud about and around me so I could focus on where the sense was coming from I removed all my friends and discovered the direction that was alarming me. I have never been far from where I live and having been taught by people whose aim sometimes was only for profit I had to learn to separate the lessons from pick pockets from lessons which do have exercises to prove the lesson's work. Some of the pick pockets were actually teaching good lessons with the exercises too. Thus I saved myself from brandishing a sword in every direction like the War is causing many people to do. Afraid of even their best friend. Dad died. My doubts about some of the ancient lessons I learned were dashed and now I know they are good lessons. If I could teach them to all who seek now I would be able to. Thus I saved myself from brandishing a sword in every direction like the War is causing many people to do. Afraid of even their best friend.
  5. I'm getting feeling back. I got goose bumps three times from a bit of praise from SnowFox35 PM's and was so good to feel good goose bumpy feelings when the third round was hardly notable I felt that sinking feeling I will never get another goose bump. It's just humble praise and I haven't heard any on so long it felt like someone reached out and caressed my back. The first time my whole body and it was so nice. Twice just barely a memory of the first. This last time I feel like it was a message from afar. She did compliment the movie and did say she hoped I liked it as much as she, but there was that, sense of preparing to go back to surfing through these rows of blocks with messages from the tops down feeling. Drifting surfing in an endless sea of the cyberworld where feelings are never known. I truly like it when something stirs in my chest. A tingling sense causes a smile. I miss the world we used to have those alot, even if there were times when we got not any. We always got some once in awhile. Thankyou SnowFox35 for giving me praise for whatever wisdom you found I shared that you are glad you got some wisdom from the words. I am greedy for more goose bumps since it has been so long since I have had honest to goodness just happy good feeling.
  6. niphilim222 asked what knocked me out of the nexus. I had what some might say are kind of family connection. Dad being the purpose I was even using computers stirred my thoughts. The feelings I got were so overwhelming I followed through, and Deleted my Acct. I got the call he was dying and visited in time to be with him before he did. He wasn't conscious, the last moments gave me the same feeling of being Deleted. Abandoned; so to speak. Weird hunh? Abandon like I feel now, because I can see the number of people viewing as I write and seeing the number of guests looking in also gives me a minor amount of the sense of being abandon. Only the day I deleted the acct the sense was so strong I felt completely disconnected. I got a similar sense when Mom died. She just appeared in my dream that morning and was waving at me.
  7. Oblivionaddicted Thx. Virtual hugs.
  8. Blast from the Past 1999 Ever wonder what it would be like to be born in a fallout shelter your father built. Just your father and mother and you spend 35 years together there while you're growing.
  9. Have you seen the videos about Lake Meade in Las Vegas lately. It's nearly dry. Shrinking several yards a month and exposing all kinds of boats; even a few barrels with bodies in them. Lake Meade for those that aren't fans of Fallout games is New Vegas's reason for living, fighting, and Mr. House's source of immortality keeping him alive in the chamber where his living body exists. Looks like Total Atomic War won't save the RL people in Nevada now. Their water supply is nearly completely gone. Seen any people from Nevada driving around in your area lately?
  10. It appears that the account was closed. If you scroll up, you will see some post with no name and the notation "Account Closed". It is hard to check since Nexus no longer posts the user name, just the account number, when an account is closed by request. Insecurity happened. Then I found out why I was feeling that way. My Dad was dying, he was unconscious when I visited him, I took his hand, and I felt helpless. He died. I am so sorry. My words cannot heal you but I can empathize with the pain you feel. I wish peace, for your mind, and for your father. I pray for your bond to him, and that it may persist even now. Sending a virtual hug Pagafyr. We love you. <3 In his good days I started to get to know him. He was suffering with memory loss caused by dementia the last four years. Some times what he said gave me some surprises that made me aware of his past while he was away from home. Thx for the wish for both of our sakes. Virtual hug SnowFox35
  11. It appears that the account was closed. If you scroll up, you will see some post with no name and the notation "Account Closed". It is hard to check since Nexus no longer posts the user name, just the account number, when an account is closed by request. Insecurity happened. Then I found out why I was feeling that way. My Dad was dying, he was unconscious when I visited him, I took his hand, and I felt helpless. He died.
  12. I ban Oblivionaddicted for being the most consistent man in the world. Glad to see you are here.
  13. Howdy Paga ... haven't seen you for awhile ... must've been to busy with that evil plan to turn pizza into a breakfast cereal ? Well good to see ya :wink: Good to know you're still above ground and breathing too. :wink:
  14. The behavior of soldiers was quite a problem when Japan was attacking China as well. Back when. Without our U. S. Country President tossing his glove into the battle and declaring war the Geneva Convention did not become engaged to take into account and enforce their Rules of Conduct in War; while North Vietnam took our American civilians working in conjunction in government jobs and soldiers prisoner. North Vietnam did not have to treat the prisoners under the guidelines of the Geneva Convention because the battle was one sided. Our U. S. Military were engaged in battle anyway and had been commanded to fight even though our position was acting as police for South Vietnam. We were not supposed to engage in the battle between north and south Vietnam. Rape, pillaging, torture, and destruction were common in many wars. Pillaging like the riots in the main business areas in the U. S. A. were the people, and just like them many soldiers DRAFTED into the Military did so as well, breaking windows, looting stores, and so on. The people who often become soldiers didn't all come from the Bay area or Pasadena, California. The soldiers often come from broken families, single mothers, women of prostitution, and so on. We're not all educated angels. Being well educated is what made you aware of the underbelly of War. So striking waters of this subject with your wisdom is splashing back in your own face. Where did those people come from? That place you don't go at night, those poor people who stay at night in house's that are empty boarded up and in neighborhoods where there are six or more couples living with their children in one room at one of the big housing projects. Just like some of the buildings that were shown blown to bits in Ukraine. Before I became educated about the differences I tried to get a job at a plant. I was unable to because they were hiring people from south of the border who had relatives in the area. One such male felt compelled to help me understand why I wasn't hired. He took me to the place he and his wife and children lived. It was not much more than a hotel bed, two chairs, a dresser, a phone, fan for circulating the air in the room and a private bathroom. No kitchen. There were four males his own age there with their wives and children. I thought they were visiting him and his family. I learned that they were all four working at the plant. They all four were living in the same room. They all came across the border when it was time for the harvest at their relatives farm. I wasn't a member of their family, and they, needed the work to support them selves, their wives, and children. They were all brothers, all five of the males. Where do the kinds of people come from who do not know about the civilized ways we know and practice?
  15. A bible is any story that has a history of the people, a family tree with all their names, and with stories of their lives. If your family has a genealogy book and stories of your ancestors you already have your Family Bible, Atheist or not. A family book is the bible of your family and the lives they lead or led. You can get serious and take courses in college to study all religions. Just about any comic book in any comic book store could do too. If you want the history of War's, the King James Old Testament is full of gory details about violence, crimes against their hero's, the losses in battles, and their god (who changes from a war god; to a kind and peace loving god; many times.). The most prominent comic books actually have a long history of imaginary people also. Which is a way to get information about fictional characters. Marvel Comics DC Comics There are many more books from different orders of religion. You could become a Theologian yourself and do justice to the study of religions and their Gods, or like many people who prefer the less realistic hero's and superhero's there are comic books and coloring books for your entertainment every where there is a bookstore.
  16. It's time for the women to tell the men of both sides, no more sex if you don't stop fighting.
  17. Moved to a more appropriate area... Debate!
  18. I ban Oblivionaddicted because there's a storm outside and I am feeling like it's my inner feelings getting out. I ban alex2avs. There are still so many wonders I don't know about. I am just now experiencing sorrow we couldn't shared the expedition.
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