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Everything posted by InAComaDial999
It is a texture pack after all,and it's available now! :D
InAComaDial999 replied to Alithinos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It looks like the same picture twice. Do you see more of a difference up close? That is where it should be most noticeable. Also, try in Windhelm, as the textures there are notoriously awful. -
It is a texture pack after all,and it's available now! :D
InAComaDial999 replied to Alithinos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
To make the BSAs get loaded. The ESPs don't actually do anything, but their presence in the load order causes the BSAs to get loaded. Since the new ESPs get loaded after the main Skyrim esp, the associated BSAs do as well, so they override the ones in the vanilla textures BSA. -
It is a texture pack after all,and it's available now! :D
InAComaDial999 replied to Alithinos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Nope. Wow. Of all things, I figured they'd have fixed that first. The only mod I run is No More Blocky Faces for just that reason. -
It is a texture pack after all,and it's available now! :D
InAComaDial999 replied to Alithinos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hard to tell from that shot. Does it fix the face normal maps (i.e. gets rid of the blocky noses) ? -
It is a texture pack after all,and it's available now! :D
InAComaDial999 replied to Alithinos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
What pain? You download it and you're done. -
It is a texture pack after all,and it's available now! :D
InAComaDial999 replied to Alithinos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Nope. The textures are in two BSAs with associated ESPs, so you can turn them on/off and they won't override textures in your textures/ folder. They did a good job with the packaging on this one. -
Is Fus Yoda Offensive to Skyrim Fans?
InAComaDial999 replied to GeneralTsoaChicken's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Dude, it's Reddit. There's two kinds of Redditors: the hive mind on the popular forums, and the sperg lords of the specialized forums like r/skyrim. At the first sign of non-conformity, they'll attack, and the rest of the echo chamber will join in to make themselves feel superior. TL;DR welcome to the Internet. -
Need to Remove Active Effects via console.
InAComaDial999 replied to Sader325's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Doing "showracemenu" always removes active effects that come from equipment. I'd suggest trying that. It will also remove your racial abilities, but those will return when you reload your save. Effects from equipment don't return unless you re-equip the equipment that gave it. -
You can regress to 1.3.10 by changing your Steam settings to opt out of the Skyrim beta. Steam will then download 1.3.10 and revert it for you. I've done this a couple of times when doing comparison tests, it is painless. However, there is no way to revert from 1.4.21 to 1.4.20. You can only go between the latest stable release and the latest beta.
I would much rather they issue another beta, than release a buggy update to everyone. As much as people whine and complain about the beta releases, it would be vastly worse if they forced a release that had problems.
There is no Skyrim update on Steam beyond the existing 1.4 beta patch. You may have downloaded a beta update to the Steam client itself, which has no impact on the game.
What they meant was that you should back up your save games, in case something in the beta hoses up your game, so you can always go back to your last save from before the beta. There is no need to back up your ../Steam/.../skyrim folder. You can revert back to 1.3.10 by going into Steam and opting back out of the Skyrim Beta. Then the next time you start Steam it will download 1.3.10.
Overclocking is never really a solution to anything. Let's say you manage to overclock your CPU to 4ghz and get it stable. Let's pretend that a 30% increase in CPU will result in a 30% increase in frame rate. That means your framerate in these trouble spots would go from 15 to 20. So now you've made your system more likely to crash, for a gain of a whopping 5 fps. And of course in real life there is no way a 30% increase in CPU MHz will result in a 30% framerate gain, because framerate is not solely CPU bound. Your solution is pretty obvious: get rid of some of "all Trees graphic mods" you have installed.
Never mind, I see my comment has been addressed already.
Could you please explain what the PCB command is and how to use it? Open console, type PCB, press Enter. PCB stands for Purge Cell Buffers, it clears any loaded cells (game areas) that were present in memory but not currently being displayed. This frees up memory, but it wouldn't help hiccuping because it means the game will have to reload those areas when you move within sight of them again. The fix for the hiccuping is to save your game, then reload it. Apparently loading a game that was saved before the patch, will cause the stuttering when you load it with the new patch. But if you save it and reload it, the stuttering goes away. Evidently the patched game does some additional checking or cleaning up every time distant LOD gets loaded on an old save. You'll also notice that the new save is smaller; for me they dropped by about 850K compared to saves made with 1.3.10.
OK, the cell stutter seems to only happen when you load a game that was saved with a previous version of the game. I loaded my last save from before the patch, and saw the problem. So then I saved my game, quit, loaded up the new save, and no more stutter on LOD load.
So the one thing I notice that seems to be a downgrade from the previous versions is that there is now a noticeable stutter on cell load. With the exact same ini settings, the 1.3.10 is almost completely smooth when sprinting across the countryside. However with the 1.4 patch, I get a pause on cell transitions that is fairly jarring.
That is correct, this will break Skyboost and TESVAL. But from what I'm seeing that is not a loss. This patch brings a major performance boost. I am running on a i920 with a HD5870 at 1920x1080, 4xAA/4xAF, settings between High and Ultra. Previously I was getting 60fps most places, but the top of the Dragonreach stairs was around 38fps. Now I get 60 everywhere including the top of the stairs. This is a much bigger improvement than I got with either TESVAL or Skyboost, which still weren't able to get my fps at the stairs up past 50. EDIT: just tried on Ultra settings with 4xAA 8xAF, and I still get 60fps almost everywhere. The top of the stairs drops to maybe 55, by the inn in Solitude looking toward the palace drops to about 50, and Markarth is still pretty much solid 60fps. This is really impressive.
For those wondering how to access this: - Open the Steam dropdown menu in the top left of the main Steam client window - Select Settings - Use the dropdown in the middle of the Beta Participation section to select Skyrim Beta Steam will ask to restart, and then download the update.
It would be a lot better if the bethesda blog page were actually working.
Yeah, same happened to me, yesterday in fact. I just killed him in console: prid 1A691 kill disable You can just "disable" him to get rid of him, but "kill" ensures that script functions which check whether he is alive will do the right thing.
I went Stormcloaks, I just completed the Stormcloaks questline for the first time yesterday. My character is a staunch Talos worshiper and was unwilling to join a side that would agree to suppress Talos worship, and to her, the Empire are nothing but gutless milk drinkers bending their knee to the Thalmor. Now that the major fighting is over, she can concentrate on defeating Alduin. Once the country has had a chance to rebuild, she plans to return to Windhelm and play a major role in taking the fight to the Thalmor and rebuilding the true Empire.
The Greybeards have helped me a lot more than the Blades ever did. Killing Paarthurnax would betray him and the Greybeards, and I simply don't agree with the moral justification Esbern is trying to use to get me to kill him. I do believe in redemption, at this point Paarthurnax has helped humanity defeat Alduin not once but twice, and that alone is sufficient to redeem him. Not to mention his aid to the Graybeards and the Dragonborn, pledging to try and persuade other Dragons to undertake the Way of the Voice, etc. The Blades are obsessed with killing dragons, and they only want to use me to further that end. They don't even care about the Thalmor any more, once they found out that the Thalmor are not behind the dragon awakenings they haven't even mentioned them again. Perhaps if they were committed to taking the fight back to the Thalmor I would see some sense in helping them, but at this point they are useless to me. Meanwhile, the Greybeards want to help me reach my full potential, and aren't trying to shove their ideology down my throat. Even though Esbern was unhappy with me for dealing with the Blades, he set that aside and let me choose my own path. So my choice is clear.
For sure. I have the opposite problem; I live in New York and the guy I share an office with grew up in Mumbai. He hates the cold here and cranks the bloody heat up to 73F, and likes to leave the AC off in the summer. Me, I think 68F is about right all year round.
Morrowind total conversion using creation Kit
InAComaDial999 replied to dovahkiin187's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
While I respect your word and your probably right I would like to hear some official ruling on this sort of thing. I've been wanting to do some zone creation with the NV Geck lately and there is some content in FO3 DLCs I would need the new ESM to point to, since NV doesn't have certain resources like a big arse bridge... of course such an ESM would just be a single file, and contain no BSA's, meshes, textures or content. Would uploading such an ESM be allowed? :confused: The issue is that Morrowind uses some content that was created by companies other than Bethesda, and used under license. The license however only allows the content to be used in Morrowind, not in any other game. So when you create a mod that pulls in Morrowind content, even if it's from a legitimate copy you own, you are violating the content license. Bethesda's original words on this were, And that's that. As to whether the same applies to FO:NV and FO3, you'd have to read the EULA for those games to see.