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Everything posted by HalloweenWeed

  1. If you get the Pickpocket perk "perfect touch" (100pts required) you can pickpocket them (from most NPCs)! You would need a high level Sneak and many of those perks too. Also enchanted pickpocket & sneak clothing/armor/jewelry helps do this sucessfully too.
  2. I've been getting 60FPS (@1920 x 1200) the vast majority of the time ever since March 2011 with my settings all on High, HD patch DLC (since it came out), and even with my 50 mods installed, with a Radeon HD 7870 (X-fire off). And I always have my distance sliders all the way pegged (max). Well actually I used to have a 5850 first (X-fire did not work properly with Skyrim), and no HD DLC, and still had 60FPS most of the time with those settings. Upgraded to the 7870 sometime in late 2011 or 2102 around the time of the HD DLC. So Skyrim must like AMD cards.
  3. pardon me for being a smart-a**, but it sounds like someone stole your sweet roll.
  4. No glitches that I have experienced, and I have tested thoroughly through an entire game.
  5. The "legendary edition" is just Skyrim with all the DLC. I use USLEEP and I didn't buy the "legendary edition" either. Yes. Can't help you with the rest, I've never heard of anything like that, except maybe I'm guessing a load order problem. BTW, hidden in the interface of MO is settings for things like LOD (draw distance), etc. and if you used a previous MO profile from years ago it might be doing something weird (I am not very adept at those settings). So if that's the case, I would also suggest you uninstall MO (delete profiles), reinstall MO, and redo your mods from scratch. It needs to go like this (not sure about the last two, might be backward): Skyrim Skyrim patch (Bethesda's) Dragonborn Dawnguard HD DLC UHDP USLEEP
  6. I suppose if you are bored, and have nothing to talk (complain) about this subject is as good as any. Personally I don't spend too much time in towns. I like that banter much better than remarks about fur coming out of my ears, or the dog-like smell, even though I completely cured Lycanthropy.
  7. I would just suppose that the Stormcloaks have been relocated into the holds that they took. Destroy what? You said they were gone.
  8. For those who don't know, Daggerfall was released in 1996, not a Windows game, and is only 2 dimensional graphics. Not really fair to compare 2D sizes to 3D, but I'm not complaining to the OP about that as he presented it correctly.
  9. I know for a fact that upgrading to Windows 10 does not cause this problem, because I did it last June, and Skyrim runs/exits fine. The only difference I have found, is that now when Skyrim freezes (doesn't do this often, maybe once every few weeks and could be caused by mod), I can't shut it down with the task manager any more. Now I have to use the task manger to shut down Windows when Skyrim freezes (the task manager window with close program options will not render, neither will any other open application). And I didn't even update my (AMD) graphics driver, it is a year old.
  10. Do you have the same problem after starting a fresh new game? And are you using ENB? Have you updated your vid drivers? I know you said you built a new OS build, but OS's usually install old drivers by default.
  11. Yeah I don't ever use followers (Sanguine Rose - procured at a high enough level - is better), they just get in the way and steal your XP like said, break your stealth, and if you NEED a follower then you must not be a good player. I just increase carryweight to compensate.
  12. I will post mine later, as I am not at home and do not have the load order. However, one thing I want to get out there: in that case don't use ENB, as you won't have assistance to tweak it to your machine. I also suggest you shy away from most high-resolution and/or water/weather mods as they can be problematic and create random CTDs (experience talking). One such mod that doesn't cause crashes for me, and doesn't take much system resources, is "Static Mesh Improvement." Also, you can use scripted mods, but if you have trouble with them you may not be able to uninstall them and keep playing your same (saved) game. Scripts are necessary in mods that add/modify quests, and mods that add/modify dialogue. However this might not be an issue for you, I just don't know. Personally, I would save most of the UESP Skyrim wiki to pdf before I did that, you may need to refer to them when you have trouble or can't remember something important (actually I have already done this, I have Satellite Internet and lose the connection during moderate rain/storms).
  13. FYI I'm not using reshade, nor ENB, and I have seen this happen recently in Solstheim, but in a much more subtle fashion, almost but not quite unnoticeable. About 10yds. (10m) or so from my char.
  14. Yeah I forgot about this on my current playthrough too. You need Ahzidal's Armor set (4pcs. not the jewelry) to get the "Ahzidal's Genius" perk (for enchantments) - work on this first as there are waiting periods to wait on this quest. You get this from: Unearthed. Then you need the Black Book: The Sallow Regent. How to use it: Skyrim:Enchanting see the section titled "Maximizing Enchantment Power." Then enchant more powerful alchemy clothing (twice, two passes, fort. enchant. potions in between). Yes, the alchemy and/or enchanting exploit was patched in USLEEP and in a previous unofficial patch project version. GL to you.
  15. I believe you are missing the "big picture" there, people like me use those endorsement numbers to decide whether or not the mod is worth trying. So I try to endorse the mods I like, but only after a thorough playthrough to assure the mod does not have bad or game-breaking bugs. This also means I need to try them for months before I endorse, meaning yes it is a real PITA to be nagged about it. But personally I use MO so I don't get nagged anyway. Just my 2c.
  16. Also if the location is a modded location, it depends on the setting of the mod author. The entire interior (or outdoor cell?) could completely "reset" after a certain amount of time - and other possibilites. And the times stated above, for non-modded locations, could be changed by a mod as well, including most "loot" mods.
  17. Are you loading a previous save or starting anew from "start new game?" If so, try the Steam verify feature 1st, then maybe you need to update your vid drivers. Also, you should have all the DLC installed in Skyrim, downloading it doesn't complete the process, you need to "install" each too. And I can't imagine trudging along into Skyrim without SkyUI (shiver at the thought). And SKSE is required for SkyUI. You should have all these (exc. SKSE), and the DLC, in the data folder. SKSE is a special installation, copy files to your Skyrim folder, and start SKSEloader.exe from there, or start SKSE from Mod Organizer.
  18. That's why I always manually save every mod to my hard drive, then install from MO.
  19. They are not in the game. I think the programmers just put that in to give him more personality, a personal trait - absent-mindedness. the Alembic was a quest, his notes are not - unless they are part of the "College of Winterhold" questline, and I don't remember that.
  20. 4E = 78. That said, you may still not be able to identify the mod, as I don't know if the HD DLC counts, and if so does each of the four or so esm's count? Dragonborn DLC = 01 Dawnguard = 02 And do mods without esm's count? Anyway, it might give you an idea, perhaps narrow it down to half a dozen mods.
  21. Well I can't argue with the kudos for Enderal, but I can argue the comparison: " 30 to 100 hours of expected playtime" Skyrim playtime for me has been in the thousands. However, thanx for the word, I look forward to trying it out, as soon as I finish my current playthrough.
  22. Did you try using the staff on the eye (target the eye)?
  23. Hello, I have just completed Season Unending and killed Alduin (in Sovengarde) immediately following it. Before that, I joined the stormcloaks, did the maxumum number of quests I could before Season Unending would not trigger, from the Jarl of Whiterun. Then I gave the Imperials +2 in Season Unending. But the Stormcloaks still did not expel me, and now I can't join the Imperials. My main request here is that I want to do (retaking) The Battle for Fort Neugrad for the Imperials, which you can only do when first joining the Stormcloaks and then switching sides to the Imperials after taking Fort Neugrad for the Stormcloaks. I know it says I need to take the Jagged Crown to General Tullius instead in order to do that: But I have already taken it to Ulfric long ago, many game hours ago. So the question is: What set of console commands do you think will do the trick for me? Even quest objective console commands are on the table here. My secondary objective is to complete as many Imperial quests now as possible, until I complete the questline (perhaps even retake Windhelm for the Imperials - Battle for Windhelm). My current mod list: A little background about me: I have played through Skyrim about a half-dozen times, thrice with all DLC. Half without modding (but W/SkyUI), but modded the last few times. I my present playthrough, it was the first time I played the thieves' guild and dark brotherhood to completion - this char is a thief and a general scoundrel, the type that would switch sides.
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