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Everything posted by HalloweenWeed

  1. It is affecting the way NMM downloads from the website, not Skyrim. Thus - wrong forum. I understand what you are saying about Norton, but I have to ask, what years are you information about Norton citing? I noticed Norton was very unstable and overbearing in the 2000s, but several years ago they reworked their code from the ground up and fixed it. It got good reviews, and when we started having unacceptable troubles with our VS/IS software, we switched. It was a great move, Norton was 100% rock-solid and worked great with games. However, that changes over the years, so you need to switch to whatever is doing the best at the time; and it has been several years for Norton so I wouldn't be surprised if Norton suddenly became unacceptable for us. The point is, I think your info might be a tad obsolete. And the other inference there (please don't take it as a personal insult, my intent here is to enlighten, not to insult).
  2. You might reconsider: The owners of all DLC will get the new edition of Skyrim for free - the one that's supposed to come out in November.
  3. I think they're more for novelty, to play with, and some ppl get a kick out of it. But that's just my opinion. The Sanguine Rose can be pretty useful during the lower levels.
  4. Oh yeah, I'm using that. Have to say though, sometimes it appears that some things (mostly mountain flowers) seem to respawn every time I enter that cell. Ant it appears that all bee hives in vanilla Skyrim never respawn.
  5. 1. Like qwertyzeldar said. 2. Personally, I like MO best, and I have used all 3. I don't like how NMM handles mod "profiles," I keep accidentally overwriting the wrong profile and thus nuking it. MO uses backups, but don't forget to do the second type backup as well. MO uses a "virtual directory" so nothing gets left in the Skyrim modding directory even if you uninstall MO. Can't say the same for NMM, you can even find your mods still in there if you uninstall NMM before uninstalling ALL your mods with NMM; and then it still leaves stuff there (if you used profiles?). It's really personal preference though, it's more of an issue with data folder cleanliness (keeping it like a fresh install). If you hate deleting everything and reinstalling, to clean out the folders; use MO. Be aware that I have had a minor hiccup with MO when we had unreliable (Satellite) Internet. However if I start MO without an Internet connection, never a problem, when I tell it not to try again. MO will even detect the mods already installed, and show them in your list, calling them "unmanaged" (i.e. Dawnguard, Dragonborn, HD patch, etc.). When I first installed MO I noticed that way that I still had an old mod installed (Elvenwood). MO also uses BOSS to sort the mod load order, has an active warning indicator for the sort order and overwrites that you can click on to fix the problem; and MO comes with a pretty good tutorial that automatically runs when you first start it. MO also has a wiki page. It's way smarter than NMM and just as easy to use, and it has it's own forum with good community support. I tried "Climates Of Tamriel" but didn't like how it snowed 50% of the time, in non-snowy areas. The author seems to think that's more realistic. I have lived almost all my life in the North, and I have to say it don't snow even close to 50% of the days, much less 50% of the hours. It it did, we would be living in glaciers. I uninstalled it. I tried Realistic Water Two and had randoms CTDs, and a constant repeatable CTD entering a zone NW of that Nord village in Solstheim, so I uninstalled it. But generally speaking, removing a climate or graphics-enhancing mod won't bork your saved game.
  6. Mod Control Menu -> SkyUI -> Controls Check your group assignment keys EDIT: Nvm, you said you did that.
  7. Sending that from an I-phone, huh? "Does the thrill of replaying -& not repeating newbie mistakes-beat the thrill of ones accumulated powers & skills of being the master of all I survey??" I have to answer that like this: When you get to that god-like level, the fun wanes, as the challenge in the game is lost. The real thrill is getting to about level 14 and then killing a bear, or Sabre Cat; when previously they ate you for dinner. I had to use many potions to do that - on legendary difficulty. One needs challenge. Sure, it gets tiresome to do that for every kill, and that's the beauty in leveling, the combat gets easier/faster. It's really the journey that's the fun, not the destination. When coming out of the tunnel after initial Helgen, when that vast Skyrim landscape lays before you, a weak almost penniless lowbie, it's like a breath of fresh air. The world lays before you, to go out and make your way through it anew. To build up your character the way you want. <out of time>
  8. Check your controls > keyboard settings to make sure nothing is designated F1-4. That's all I can think of, other than making sure SkyUI is the latest ver.
  9. IDK about clams, but I think S. eggs do. I believe I have gotten respawns of these. Don't know the interval though. Some respawns require you to wait 30 days before entering the "cell" again. That said, you could find out by sleeping 30 days and returning.
  10. Even when you get it to work, it usually unequips my body armor when I use it, despite it being in the group. And yes, I have tried changing that setting, it does nothing. You're going into the "Q" menu, right? Then if I remember right, you need to assign the F keys too.
  11. Now that I think of it, ever since Skyrim there seems to be very little advances in AI. Could it be that multiplayer is considered so important that single-player and co-op bot AI is not important enough to warrant the time spent on AI programming/debugging? The exception of late seems to be Fo4 (slightly improved over Fo3). It has been a long time since I seen a remarkably improved AI.
  12. I just upgraded to 10 a month ago, I have not seen any increase in crashes, and I am using about 35 mods. How long was your break? Since 2012? Many of those mods have become obsolete and you need an update or change mods. Are you using the Unofficial Legendary Patch, without the individual DLC patches (you should)? Have you upgraded SkyUI? Most mods nowadays require a newer SkyUI since they added a mod settings interface. What about the High Def DLC? Then you need the Unofficial HD Patch too. Is Skyrim automatic updates turned off in Steam (downloads)? Is it saying there is an update?
  13. Are you sure you are having the exact same problem: "they will move where they shouldnt be." He had a different problem than the usual shadows moving every few seconds from elapsed time.
  14. Yes Steam (Skyrim) achievements are tied to your Steam account, not your characters. Some people get their achievements from multiple characters. And, like he said above.
  15. Hi Castania, AFAIK the actual combat tactic AI can't be modified by mods, other than choosing one already defined; such as ice mage, marksman, etc. Of course there are mods that allow the enemy to use more things that are at his disposal, as you can read in your thread on Steam. Sorry but unfortunately the actual modding of combat AI movement/attack tactics would require an entirely new or updated Skyrim - we can hope for this in TES VI. I'd like to see Fo4 combat AI used in Skyrim. Actually, some NPCs do heal in combat, it's just that there are few of them, and most will only heal once, but I have seen a few heal multiple times. I think that is only when the healer is a mage, I don't think I've seen anybody heal that wasn't wearing a robe, besides maybe Forsworn and Shaman. And I've seen Falmer and Spriggans heal. Also, I have to wonder about the usefulness of healing during combat, as the time taken takes away from the time to do damage. Good luck with this, I think we all wish for this.
  16. IMO this should be the load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm1 1 Update.esm2 2 HighResTexturePack01.esp3 3 HighResTexturePack02.esp4 4 HighResTexturePack03.esp5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp6 6 Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp7 7 SkyUI.esp8 8 Falskaar.esm However, that may not be your prob.Have you installed SKSE? You have to manually drop the files in your Steam\Steamapps\common\Skyrim folder, or using Steam, and then start the game using the SKSE_loader.exe (if you didn't install via Steam?).Are you loading the game W/SKSE? Most mods require it. Also, you need to start the game at least once straight from the Steam interface after installing Skyrim, in order to set your graphics settings for your system. You need not actually load nor start a game when you do that, just exit and restart it with SKSE when you are done.
  17. Have you downloaded all the DLC from Steam? Then, have you installed all the DLC (yes, it's another necessary step)? Then you NEED the Skyrim Unofficial Legendary Patch, and the Unofficial HD Patch is recommended if you have installed the High Definition DLC. Also, SKSE & SkyUI is highly recommended by just about everybody.
  18. Are you sure your quest isn't "Coated in Blood?" That's somewhat close to Mer de Sang. But you need to bring Moth gro-Bagol a Daedra heart. Nothing there about getting info.
  19. Well we need the exact (english) quest name, or the exact text of the miscellaneous quest (english) objective. It might help to know who gave you the quest. You can follow the quest marker pin, but you must have the quest marked active in your journal. To find the quest name, try enabling just one, or several at a time until you see an objective pin where you are going. If you don't see one, you may be going to the wrong place. Or even if we had the (english) name of the orc stronghold. There are only 4: Dushnikh Yal Largashbur Mor Khazgur Narzulbur Or perhaps you need better stealth skills (but I doubt it). Or perhaps you aggravated a faction by attacking a member in the past? Do you have a bounty? You can find it in the game main menu under General Stats --> Crime. The first line there should say "total lifetime bounty." If not, take care of it. What is Mer de Sang? Perhaps you play in another language (French)? Sea of Blood (translation) doesn't ring any bells in the wiki. I'm guessing the information is not verbal, that is to say you need to read some note or book.
  20. Ah, you are describing the exit at Mzinchaleft, before you have opened it by going into Mzinchaleft from topside. First get the go into Mzinchaleft from topside (a very big place), do the quests if you have them, kill the stuff, get the loot. At the end, next to the boss, use the item on the console, and viola, your way to Blackreach is open.
  21. Are you sure that's not from a mod? Are you sure it's spelled like that, nothing (real) comes up when I google it. All I am aware of is the Silent City Catacombs. Vid or it's not real.
  22. Thank you and do you know so mods for face, hair and other ? No but mods for the faces would conflict or overwrite the ones from Caliente. And honestly ruin them. And when you use separate mod for face/body, you risk seam defects, unless one mod is particularly optimized for the other. As far as hair, I'm not that vain, just don't care about hair other than the basic hair types. So someone else would need to chime in about that. In the meantime, I think if you try that you will love it. Personally I think they're extremely beautiful, and IMO the people that don't just don't like the beautiful look. Actually they look so beautiful that they don't look realistic if you think about it too hard, kinda like the models in advertisements, no blemishes. Thus the possible critics view of this mod - too perfect for Skyrim.
  23. I remember reading something that said to remove all your stuff from containers before disabling Hearthfire (or you will lose it), from a readme perhaps, but I can't remember where. Perhaps it was on the Bethesda news site when it announced the DLC. I just don't remember any more than that. I don't see a readme in the data folder.
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