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Everything posted by EgoAltar

  1. I have quite a few mods that include belts- mostly the UNP mashup type (because I'll admit it, I like to dress up my girlies). Princess of the Woods, Eldrid's, and Brokefoot's Mashups have belts as well as decorative daggers and various straps and armlets. I am sure there are more. Like Reyzark said, the main issue is clipping. Unless designed to work with a specific armor, an independent belt is probably going to clip deeply, or stick out from the body.
  2. As a matter of fact, a mod for this just went up a few days ago
  3. Check Southeast of Markarth between Hag's End and Purewater Run.
  4. The hair is from SG HairPack. It is very hard to find. The author has pulled all uploads and asked that it not be distributed. It is possible that some upload mirrors are still out there.
  5. It's called "Lethal Majesty." You'll have to Google it. In the future, you can put questions like this in the Mod Detectives Thread :thumbsup:
  6. Have you seen Familiar Faces? It allows you to load any of your saved characters into an existing game (up to 12). I'm using mine as followers, but you can use MCM to set them to be enemies of the player as well. And they can use shouts.
  7. You have to complete those while Elsif and Falk are still in charge of Solitude, I think.
  8. You need to find some of the Permanent Items (link goes to UESP Wiki)
  9. Have you tried just using the ini edit? I don't know if it works for staves. under [General] bDisableGearedUp = 0 this is what all the equipping mods are based upon. It can be kind of glitchy, but since you're using spells mostly, that shouldn't be a problem.
  10. Equipping Overhaul allows you to show all favorited weapons on your character, even when they are not equipped. It might be a bit of a hassle to install just to get the effect you want (it definitely would work for that), but if you ever play a warrior character, you get to walk around simply bristling with weapons.
  11. Do you happen to have "Birds and Flocks- Hearthfires Edition?" It claims to be clean and error-free, but according to the posts on the mod, it is not. Cleaning and error checking with TESVEdit might help. If not, I don't know :confused: Good luck You are better off posting your mod list than your Papyrus log. People are more likely to spot possible conflicts.
  12. More than likely, those mods require a separate bodymesh (like CBBE, ADEC etc) to be installed. Very few of the "sexy" armors are designed for the vanilla bodies. If an armor mod requires BBP (Bouncing Breast Physics), it WILL cause a crash if you don't have the appropriate body mod(s) installed first.
  13. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but Less Intrusive HUD II has some options that may be helpful. I don't think you can eliminate the text entirely with it, but you can reposition it and reduce it greatly in size. EDIT: You may also want to check out NoHUD - mod author also has a guide explaining how to make these changes.
  14. Even though it may be in the Steel category, You need the Dwarven Perk to craft heavy and the Elven perk for light.
  15. Jenassa has gray skin by default. Is it possible beri1212, that you have some follower or NPC mods that require a different body type than UNP?
  16. Mature Skin (NSFW images) Body Imperfect They're both "beautiful" in their own ways, but maybe along the lines of what you seek.
  17. Sounds like you need some fire protection, too. It doesn't matter how good your armor is when you're facing a spellcaster. By level 45, you should have protection against each element and maybe some general magic protection on top of it. Even if it means using a "lower" quality piece of gear, you should have already found some with protection in the 60-70 pt. range. SkyUI is only an interface mod. It affects no game mechanics.
  18. Since it changes orientation, bad sunglare (textures>sky>sunglare.dds) texture maybe?
  19. I've had a couple playthroughs whereupon exiting Helgen Keep I dropped an iron arrow out of my inventory. Whichever way the arrow pointed, that's the direction I set off. Let the adventure begin!
  20. All of the Vanilla on the "Light" side above scale; Elven Gilded, Glass and Dragonscale all have heavy coverage, but lighter weight material and it seems to me those would be "medium." Vanilla Steel doesn't seem like it should be in the same class as Steel Plate, and the same goes for Ancient Nord. Imperial Studded and Penitus Oculatus seem right in the medium wheelhouse along with Stormcloak Officer. I don't know much about historical armor, but based these opinions mostly on appearance and the medium class from Morrowind.
  21. I have both. I felt that the story in Dragonborn was much better. It felt a lot more personal, as if I were continuing my Dragonborn's story in a natural way; whereas DG made me feel like I was running errands for someone else. In addition, you get to explore Solstheim (it's nice to have a little variety with terrain and creatures). If you played Morrowind, it's a nice bit of nostalgia. New gear includes Nordic Carved, Chitin, Bonemold and Skaal. You get a few cool shouts and powers, plus the opportunity for some new Masks if you're into that. For the most part, DB is less intrusive into the main game. Dawnguard is also fun (crossbows!) and though Community feelings are mixed about Serana, I found her to be a pleasant companion to pal around with- quite a bit deeper than vanilla followers. The history of a certain race is fun to explore if you're into the lore. DG gives some neat new areas with great atmosphere as well as new spells, Dawnguard gear and a few new powers/shouts. The random attacks destroyed quite a few peoples' games, but with foreknowledge, I was able to avoid NPC deaths for the most part. (Once the DG quest starts, don't fast travel to cities at night and once you're in a city at night, stay put in a building after sunset). I have not played the Vampiric side of the DLC yet. If you're on PC, you may also want to consider Mod compatibility- i.e. which mods require which DCs.
  22. Though I understand the attraction to the anime/waifu aesthetic, I agree with other posters that it can be a pretty bad fit for skyrim. Your character is quite attractive for Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball, but her face lacks the character that your friend achieved with his vanilla Dragonborn. The real-life model is just insanely cute (she doesn't look like she belongs in Skyrim either).
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