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Everything posted by EgoAltar

  1. Apotheus Light Armor. Also included in Immersive Armors
  2. It's the Ritual Armor of Boethiah. I'm pretty sure that it's only available to forge after you have completed Boethiah's quest and become his Champion.
  3. Well, made this a while ago and I think it does what you're asking. No horses, though :sad:
  4. Belt-Fastened Quivers might be what you want.
  5. My favorite clothing. Not necessarily what you were asking for, but worth a look.
  6. Well, seeing as how the Imperial Captain is of the Imperial race in Vanilla, and there are no Elf guards at Helgen, I don't think an armor mod is at fault. I would look towards any mods you have that affect races of NPCs. See this thread for information on how to obtain and post your load order.
  7. It's across the open area from the Mage Quest Dungeon. There's another dungeon in the northeast corner as well - Lost Valkygg.
  8. And the Dark Brotherhood Assassins- yeesh. They come running up to you, swords drawn from halfway across the landscape. Maybe Astrid is just trying to get rid of the recruits who skipped stealth training.
  9. Clairvoyance Spell; there's a tome in the mine just west of Riverwood. You're meant to find it early in the game because the journal system is so terrible. :laugh:
  10. The best I can explain it is that ENB affects the way light and shadow are processed. That's how you can achieve effects from ultra realistic to oversaturated fantasy. It works independently of other sorts of graphical mods you mentioned- sometimes complementing them, occasionally creating issues (like with fog, for example). Each ENB preset available on the Nexus will typically list recommended mods to go along with it. Other than further taxing your system, texture and mesh mods are typically enhanced by application of ENB (though some may disagree). If you're going to experiment, I recommend ENB FXAA Sweet FX Manager Not only does it allow for easy uninstallation, but you can save ENB profiles if you find one you like, but still want to try others.
  11. According to the readme, you need Ebony Smithing.
  12. I've looked for something similar, but come up empty as well. I would love to see something like a cobbled-together scrap armor; dwemer plates and bits over cloth or leather.
  13. Don't take this wrong- did you accidentally hit "Num Lock?" ( I've spent a long time on the internet personally trying to restore functionality when it turned out I had hit F-lock by accident!)
  14. This line should be in your enblocal [iNPUT] KeyShowFPS=106
  15. If the "other work" was copyrighted material, then it won't be hosted on the Nexus or similar reputable sites.
  16. The Racemenu mod allows you to adjust the scale of your weapons by type (swords,axes, hammers)- up to twice as large, I think.
  17. And for future reference, great list of Skyrim Acronyms in this thread.
  18. You want Less Intrusive Hud II . You can use it to reposition (and resize) pretty much every HUD element. Do you know if this will conflict with Minimal Hud? this does pretty much the same thing, but it didn't do that, are you sure that one can? ^-^ I use it alongside iHUD and the two don't conflict. Looking at the descriptions of Minimal and Less Intrusive, it looks like they will not play nice. As far as allowing moving activation text, I know it can.
  19. That was what I meant, and you tried it. Only other thing I can think of is maybe it'll fix with a cell reset. Sorry, I got nothing else. Hopefully, someone else who has had this issue will chime in. Good luck.
  20. I know you've tried everything, but have you disabled/enabled them? That fixed my naked Farengar when I updated Clothing and Clutter Fixes. You should list the whatnot :wink:
  21. You want Less Intrusive Hud II . You can use it to reposition (and resize) pretty much every HUD element.
  22. Have you tried extracting the BSAs? See the FAQ for Merge Plugins. Good Luck!
  23. Crashing at the logo is often a sign of missing master files. Posting your load order will be useful for anyone trying to help find your problem.
  24. That sounds like good advice right there! :laugh: Sounds like you're making some inroads. I've never had multiple followers until recently (Familiar Faces FTW), but having them trail across the landscape is pretty annoying. Is it all based on distance? Or is there a way to change the angle and have a follower "flank" the Player (or another follower for that matter)?
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