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Everything posted by LadyMilla
The Dream world is often a problem. One other thing I'd try to deactivate -- or rather -- remove is the Vanity Camera mod. Bben46 would probably agree with me, simply deactivating a mod - unless it is a single .esp file - will leave a lot of clutter behind (e.g. even if you deactivate a custom race mod, the textures that belong to that mod will stay in their subfolders in the /Data directory, and will still be loaded by the game if they override original meshes/textures). Clean reinstall: - Wipe it clean! Delete the entire Fallout 3 folder, and don't forget about the .ini files too! (Or you can make a backup for future reference, to see what changes you made before the total reinstall, that is, if you made any changes at all.). I can fully understand how annoying it is - I have the same issues with EVE. After stumbling on a cool laser impact effect in a screenie I wanted to try it. Now, my game was completely stable with Book of Earache, two player house mods, three custom races, Mart's Mutant Mod, various environment changing and cosmetic mods, etc, but no matter how I tried to tweak the load list, I had crashes. So I simply gave up on EVE.
A politician whom, I would point out is well known for his corrupt policies, back-room dealing, and dragging the whole state in the mud. http://en.wikipedia...._and_conviction It is strange that even a corrupt politician recognized how futile it is to speak about justice when the administration of justice is marred by human weakness, error, corruption and ambition. Those who are against the death penalty, are not against punishing the guilty, rather against the possibility of committing an irreversible and irredeemable crime against innocents. If the judicial system is a imperfect monster, the least you can do is to take away the only thing it can use to inflict irreparable damage. No, I don't want to see murderers outside the prison. But I don't want to see anybody deprived of his right to defend his innocence and to have a chance of clearing his name before the natural end of his life. The money spent on building prisons and feeding human monsters seems to be wasted, but no money on Earth is able to restore a life that was unjustly taken... not matter who is the killer: a man or the state. In my country, there is no death penalty, and I'm willing to accept that a portion of my tax payments is spent on the food of criminals, knowing that out of the murderous injustice of my fellow humans and the murderous injustice of the state, at least the latter has been eliminated. Maybe it's time to look for answers outside the justice system?
Since the death penalty was reinstated in the US in 1976, about 1500 people were executed. Since 1973, 130 people were released, which means about 1 out of 12 people who are sentenced to death are victims of miscarriage of justice. 1 out 12 does not seem so uncommon to me. Also this uncommon occurrence usually doesn't bother those who are not affected by it directly. Probably, your opinion would radically change about the issue if it were you or one of your relatives who have been condemned to death due to a 'legal oversight'. Medicines that have a much lower chance to produce a negative effect, not even death, maybe 'just' some sort of permanent disability, or just increased likelihood of stroke or infarction get withdrawn from the market. Obviously, death penalty that fails to hit the right target on 1 out of 12 occasions is considered safe. Hypocrisy much? Even politicians are not content with the efficiency of the legal system: ""I cannot support a system which, in its administration, has proven so fraught with error and has come so close to the ultimate nightmare, the state's taking of innocent life... Until I can be sure that everyone sentenced to death in Illinois is truly guilty, until I can be sure with moral certainty that no innocent man or woman is facing a lethal injection, no one will meet that fate." Governor George Ryan of Illinois, January 2000
Because there is a DUIF3Extras.esp in your load order, I suspect maybe you are not using the latest DarnUI 0.11.1. May or may not prevent CTDs, it's still better to have the latest version. http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1121454-wipzbeta-darnified-ui-f3/
Is House good or bad?... or both?
LadyMilla replied to CryptorX's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
This was my ending: I am satisfied with it. -
Precisely. I do not trust a mostly uncontrollable caste of law-book-thumpers, many of whom sit in legislative bodies or serve as politicians and fabricate a never-ending stream of laws, statues and regulations that flow into a pool of knowledge that is mostly not comprehensible for the laymen. When the punishment for sharing a song on the Internet is more harsh than the punishment for reckless driving that could actually kill someone, or when situations like this may happen: "You will get a nasty letter from a lawyer demanding that you take it down and pay $3000 or they will take you to court where you will be sued for $50,000. The lawyer doesn't care if it has a totally different mesh he just wants you to pay up. He knows that if you call another lawyer you will be quoted a minimum of $5000 to defend you - It's cheaper to pay. Yes, it is abuse of the legal system, " (Original post here.) Then let me just say, I would not trust the legal system to decide about anybody's life.
The problem lies in the fact that, as I wrote, the "proof beyond reasonable doubt" is a fallacy. How many times did it happen that the police arrested the husband as the 'obvious suspect' and worked actively to prove his guilt, ignoring evidence that would lead to a more complex and prolonged investigation because there were pressures from politicians to show the efficiency of law enforcement before elections. Who is to judge that 'somebody is beyond redemption'? Would you use a statistical approach, and the innocents who are convicted and murdered by the state are... well... 'collateral damage'? Even the fabled DNA test is not an infallible proof, there were cases in my country when, due to negligence of the laboratory staff, the suspect's sample came into contact with the samples taken at the crime scene. Result = guilty. And what's the next step in this proposed 'extension of the death penalty'? People with serious mental illnesses, who are currently locked up for life, too dangerous to be ever allowed to leave, and do not pose any benefit to the society? Why not execute them as well, saving the taxpayers from paying for their lifelong sustenance?
All Newbies Read This Before Posting
LadyMilla replied to Switch's topic in Formal Warnings, Bans and Takedowns
I agree with about 90 percent of the above post but I have doubts about the above two sentences. It is the author's prerogative to determine the statistics of those weapons. Giving them the benefit of doubt, I always assume that the author knows what he or she is doing, and the mod works properly on the system that was used to create it, and it was created to achieve a specific goal. I only consider complaints about weapon damage, DPS, etc constructive if the weapon is underpowered and ineffective, and it is not compensated by an over-abundance of ammo or it is not part of a plot to force the user to start e.g. a quest for weapon mod kits that will 'awesomify' the weapon, and even then a single comment would suffice. I also like reading educational comments from weapon, car, lore buffs, etc when they do it in a "it may be interesting for you to know..." manner and not in a condescending, "here, let me help you out with a few morsels of knowledge, because it is obvious that you are treading in an area of which you have no clue" manner. But if the author ignores the comments... well, had the complainer spent the time delving a bit into the use of GECK instead of being a persistent pain in the neck with his comments, he could have fixed the mod himself (in this case it is irrelevant because the mod has not even been released). That's what I always do: I did not like the fact that in Anthony Ling's Pretty Things Moira Brown wears a jumpsuit that is unzipped to reveal almost everything from neck down to her private parts so instead of complaining to the author about "this mockery of female dignity" (no, actually, I though it was funny but out of place), I simply launched GECK and replaced her skimpy jumpsuit with a decent one in my copy of the mod. Problem solved. -
Actually, there is one :whistling: Guide - Custom Race Creation WIP Although initially it was meant for Fallout 3, it is mostly applicable to F:NV too (in fact, the process for F:NV is simpler as you don't need to deal with the Tranquility Lane bug).
I think only a perfect and infallible criminal investigation and judicial system should be allowed to use an irreversible penalty such as a death sentence. Since such infallible system does not exist, the "proof beyond reasonable doubt" is a fallacy. There were people who spent a decade on the death row before their execution, and only after their death was their innocence finally proven. Also, there were cases where evidence was mishandled, faked or ignored. There are too many points during the administration of justice where errors may occur. I'd prefer letting a criminal live to causing the death of an innocent. I
I have that mode, I'd recommend the [100] songs version, it really makes a difference. Very good selection I would not play FO3 without it.
Yes, I have/had that glitch, even before escorting Dad to the purifier. Supposedly, there are a few fixes, I have tried a couple of them, but none of them worked. Unfortunately the radio station part of G.E.C.K. modding/scripting is a terra incognita for me, otherwise I would try to fix it myself because it is VERY annoying.
Do you have the latest FWE 6.03a hotfix? Also, I see you are using Project Beauty - there is a compatibility patch for FWE and Project Beauty: here -> FWE_FOIP - Project Beatuy Comp Patch The Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp confused me (morale: don't try to be smart when you have a headache), sorry about that. You don't need Mart's Mutant Mod RC 61 (if you like it, you can leave it installed or you can remove it - although if you leave it installed you will also need FOIP - Marts Mutant Mod and FWE. (This also included a Project Beauty compatibiilty plugin). Make sure you are using the right versions of the mods for compatibility). After that, you will need to create a merged patch with FO3edit, and do a master update. This manual explains how to do it: FO3edit Training Manual (Look up merged patch and master update in the PDF file). I really hope this helps, sometimes these crashes are quite difficult to fix.
Killing Mr House option way too radical?
LadyMilla replied to MerceAR's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
A ruthless businessman who ignores the immediate needs of his surroundings (e.g. Freeside) to pursue his elitist ideas. I think in a post-apocalyptic world where survival of humanity is at stake, isolationist elitism has no place. As I said, I hold the The Kings in much higher regard than Mr. House. I think you're taking this a liiiitle to seriously, so I'm going to go now... I just showed the other side of the coin. My brother's girlfriend works for a drug rehab center that treats 'ex-working girls' too, so more or less I get a first-hand account of what's going on - I just can't help taking this a tad bit seriously. Sorry about that. UPDATE: Finally I managed to finish the game: I got the "good karma, independent Vegas" ending, which - at least - did not show my decision about Mr. House's fate in a bad light. "Supporting the ideals of independence, the Courier was recognized as the woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. She ensured that Mr. House's tyranny was broken and that neither Caesar's Legion nor NCR would ever gain control over New Vegas." -
Killing Mr House option way too radical?
LadyMilla replied to MerceAR's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Probably the 'hot girl' who is forced to please a half-drunk, stinking NCR soldier will disagree. Also, from what I saw, the Omertas used drugs to get the girls addicted, and they do not really seem to be free to leave. -
Killing Mr House option way too radical?
LadyMilla replied to MerceAR's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Jolly good time? People frequenting casinos and drunk NCR troopers are not equal to jolly good times, unless you are Mr. House who lives as a parasite feeding on human weakness. They are all making money? The casinos are making money, people going there are losing money. You might want to read this Fallout 3 wiki article, it will give you a few hints that you've apparently missed while playing through the game: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Mr._House -
FOMM + FONV + NVSE + Steam = ???
LadyMilla replied to lkavadas's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Possibly. My Steam was moved to a different drive so I have the game in d:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas enplczru\ FOMM is installed in D:\Games\GeMM Steam is set to offline mode. -
Do you have Mart's Mutant Mod RC 6.1? RC 6.1 fixed the level up CTD.
Yep, Moriarty is an annoying jerk. I always sneak and shoot him or slap him while he is sitting in front of his terminal. The patrons and Gob will turn red for a short time but soon they will 'relax'. The one thing I do not understand is the karma loss. :confused: (This is Morena, she drank Dad's experimental FEV vaccine back in Vault 101, hence the overdeveloped muscles. :rolleyes: ) http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee116/MillaMerani/Fallout%203/DontMessWithHer.jpg
It is probably due to the fact that some sort of money replacer (a universal equivalent) was needed to facilitate trading with various merchants. Trading a box of ammo for e.g. a jar of brahmin milk and three sensor modules or whatever else the vendor fancies would drive the players mad as they would not be able to establish with any degree of certainty if they collected enough of the various lootable items to purchase the thing they need, and even if the required combinations were fixed, the player would need to remember that e.g. 1 box 5.56mm ammo = 1 jar of brahmin milk and 2 sensor modules, 1 assault rifle = two crates of Nuka Cola or 10 packs of Rad-away, etc. By the way, there is a caps forging shack in New Vegas. :biggrin:
IRL =/= In-game. People discussing here the 'stupidity of PP' try to rely on the game world. Real world physics would invalidate the entire game as probably there were no survivors after a global nuclear conflict, not because of the radiation, but due to the nuclear winter, and the resulting worldwide famine as no crops would grew. You should read a bit. First, according to the game, low yield nuclear bombs were used. Second, even with high yield bombs, the devastation depends on several factors. Some reading material: Nuclear burst over Detroit and Leningrad
Mod in progress: Atmospheric Water Condenser
LadyMilla replied to FrankManic's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
if (GameDaysPassed - FMWaterReady0 >=1) should be if (GameDaysPassed - FMWaterTime0 >=1) And there is a typo: set FMWaterTime0 GameDaysPassed (missing 'to') -
FOMM + FONV + NVSE + Steam = ???
LadyMilla replied to lkavadas's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Not true, when I select File -> Launch game -> Launch NVSE, the game starts and not the launcher. The launcher comes up only if Steam is not running, and FOMM was forced to launch it for you. -
Studies about nuclear accidents show that reactor mishaps/meltdowns/etc. can be worse than a nuclear explosion. First of all there is much more fissile material (there was 192 tons of fissile material in the Chernobyl 4 reactor, 5 percent of which (about 10 tons) was thrown into the atmosphere). In the case of a melt-down or uncontrolled chain-reaction, even though there is no nuclear explosion, the fissile material will be heated to its melting point, then it will melt the reactor and slowly sink into the ground by melting the concrete foundation. If the region is lucky, the cooling tubes will be empty so there will be no steam explosions, but chances are, when the mixture of the melted fissile material and the melted reactor body sinks into the ground, it will encounter pockets of subsoil water which will result in steam explosions. Unless the authorities are able to fill the whole with materials that slow down the chain reaction, you will have a big crater that spews radioactive steam and particles. Of course, this is a worst-case scenario. However, it is true that during 3 to 10 years of nuclear winter, all living things, except those at the bottom of the ocean (there are living organisms and fishes at the bottom of the Mariana trench) would die - no food, no photosynthesis = no happy or not so happy post war future. In fact, no future at all.
How to do a clean re-install
LadyMilla replied to narcnh's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Clean reinstall: - Delete the game folder in the "Steam\SteamApps\common\" directory; - Delete (backup) the .ini files in your Documents/My Games/FalloutNV directory; To resolve the problem of being unable to install from the DVD (Steam wants to download), read this post: Fallout New Vegas - Steam Intallation Tips