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Everything posted by Thandal

  1. @oifvet88; DAI isn't "buggy" or "unstable". It's perfectly playable (with the most recent patch) as-is. No mods needed. :thumbsup: (Yes, there are a couple of unresolved issues. None game-breaking, and most have work-arounds.) The "DAI Tool Suite" was abandoned because the person working on it switched to the "Frosty" platform for modding Frostbite games. It's perfectly usable, it's just that it won't ever be updated, and the author doesn't provide any question answering/hand-holding. As I noted in my post above, the "DAI Mod Manager" (which is part of the "Tool Suite") is needed to install any mod packaged as a ".daimod" file. As I also noted, "Frosty" is a more recent and capable manager for mods for Frostbite games. It is needed to install any mod packaged as a ".fbmod" file.About the only mod I consider essential is "Quicker Looting", which by-passes the tedious animation that plays every time you pick stuff up off the ground. And the only other one I use that effects game-play (vs. changing "appearances") is "War Table - No Waiting". (But I just decided to remove it for my next playthrough because it changes the dynamic of the overall game so drastically.) Notice that both of those are ".daimod" files, so I use the DAI Mod Manager. (Unlike ME:Andromeda, I haven't found any DAI mods I really want that use Frosty. :smile: )
  2. @oifvet88; Errrmmm... There's no way you "bought" Vortex, and certainly not from any EA store. It's only available here on the Nexus, and it's absolutely free. :yes: That said, Vortex won't help you with mods for DAI, or any game that uses the Frostbite engine. For that you'll need either (or both) the "DAI Mod Manager" for .daimod files (part of the "DAITools Suite Loader (Abandonned)") and "Frosty" for .fbmod files. (These managers are also free.) Each game has its own sub-area for mods on the Nexus. Mods for DAI are found here. Pay attention to the file names and the mod authors' instructions to determine which mods use which manager. (Most mods that require Frosty have "Frosty" in their name.) And you should be aware that trying to use both types at the same time can be very... challenging interesting. :cool: Happy (modded) gaming. :thumbsup:
  3. @Su53an; The file extension ".rar" means the downloaded file is compressed and needs to have its contents extracted before they can be used. (Same for ".zip" and ".7z" files.) There are numerous utility programs to handle this chore, most of which are free. Google is your friend.
  4. @krschu; IIRC, Riordan says that when there are still darkspawn outside the gates to eliminate. You might make a sweep of the entire area to see if there isn't one hiding in a corner or something.
  5. Excuse me, but "restating" is definitely not "quoting". So if the original write/speaker believes s/he has been misquoted, and the person accused of doing so admits to "restating", then s/he was, in fact, misquoted. QED. [EDIT: And a general call to puh-leze learn to use the actual [ quote ] control (see above example) so that the author and date/time of the original post is included. These "unattributed" snippets get confusing.]
  6. @DoplsDopls; You can't just "move" your game. There are pointers set during the install in several places, including the registry. I recommend checking your EA/Origin default setting for game installation location, then doing a full un-/re-install.
  7. @bbstrobls; The "fly in the ointment" as @AGreatWeight pointed out, is proving that permission to use and, most importantly, redistribute the resource in question was in fact granted by its original author. A statement by another claiming that the item in question is a free-to-use "modder's resource" is not sufficient. If the original, (with its associated permissions statement) is no longer available, then perhaps you could contact that author another way to gain permission. Not what you wanted to hear, I know, but we're very particular about authors' rights here Extract from our TaP: For this discussion, the key word in that last sentence is "original".
  8. @DoplsDopls; A couple of things occur to me. The first is that based on this line in the error message: it seems your game isn't installed in the default location. Is there a reason for that?
  9. The only mod I've ever 'used-then-removed' which then caused a saved game to break was "Improved Atmosphere". I know it's a wonderful mod but sorry, it conflicts with too many other mods I really like. (Glad I'd only played a few hours with it installed before I realized there was a major conflict and removed it. I had to roll back to a 'pre-installation' save.)
  10. @Tokofukawa; We'll need a bit more information in order to help. Could you please provide screenshots of your DAMM "Mods" (the first) and "Options" (the last) tabs? Like this: Thx
  11. @kisho99; The NMM is no longer officially supported by the Nexus. You might try the github community.
  12. @Foppa61; The Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is no longer supported here. It has been replaced by "Vortex" as the Mod Manager integrated with the Nexus. But if I understand you correctly, you want a way to install mods (and plug-ins) manually instead of automatically. That is always possible. And even when NMM was supported here, it was never a requirement. In fact, while some of the mods offered (and still offer) a way to download using the manager, they can all be downloaded and installed without using one. Just go to the mod's page and choose that option.
  13. @slowslow; The conditions are that the author requests the mod be transferred to the Care Taker. That's it. We absolutely do not preemptively take control of others' works. And even with such a request, unless the author gave explicit permission for further use, being managed by the Care Taker does not mean we could give anyone else permission to port the mod.
  14. @OddNooFoo; Do you have special (non-alphanumeric) characters in your password? The forums' log-in can handle them, but the sites' one cannot.
  15. And that's the sort of pedantic nonsense up with which I will not put. :laugh:
  16. Not to mention that this entire discussion belongs in the appropriate game forum, not the GMAD one.
  17. @helliscoming; And I said "... removed from their usual categories." I wouldn't want to have to remember to check in two different categories, e.g. "tactics" and "inactive", whenever I'm looking for a mod.
  18. Adding to the point above about "inactive" mods, if a mod works perfectly why would the author ever need to work on it? I run with many mods that were released in the same year as the game (so in some cases, more than a decade ago) which haven't been, and haven't needed to be, updated since. Their authors haven't been "active" for years, but I would be very disappointed if the Nexus started removing those mods from their "usual" categories just for that reason.
  19. ... who is a Rogue/Thief, and has a Warrior sidekick, 'Marauder Shields'! :tongue:
  20. @4q7; I'd recommend posing these sorts of question directly to the Frosty Community. Much larger group of potential respondents who are familiar with the tool(s) there. :thumbsup:
  21. As other sites that host this mod have noted, some AV programs react poorly to it because it contains a .dll file. With over 3,300 d/l's and zero reports of actual problems, I think we can say it's clean. If you don't understand how the mod works or how to verify something like this for yourself, and don't bother to read the comments, perhaps modding isn't for you.
  22. Anyone is free to express their interest in obtaining this mod. But the only response offering the mod that is allowed here is one containing a link to a legitimate (publically accessible) copy. If a mod has been removed from the Nexus, whether by the author or the Staff, the Nexus should not be used to request, or offer, private file transfers of the mod.
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