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Everything posted by Thandal

  1. USRiden0001 banned. Second account to get around ban of Riden0001.
  2. epockis banned. Trolling in the file comments section, (insulting mod/modder). Reference post [troll]
  3. Riden0001 banned. Admitted Pirate.
  4. @edriano; Just wanted to let you know the yellow text disappears when the user has the "white" skin applied to this site. This works better on both skins.
  5. I have NOT found this to be the case. Thre is NO difference between the materials in the UE and those of the indivdual pieces except the way they were installed. (Not the LOCATIONS, the method.) Once all of your DLC is "authorized", it's the same game. And yes, the UE automatically puts you to patch 1.04 (the latest.) There ARE differences in the locations of some files between a Steam install and the Retail Disc one, not sure if the same is true with teh EA Store's "direct download".
  6. If you've followed David Gaider and the other writers' conversations about this for the past few years, then you know that "The Dragon Age" was never all about "The Blight". That was just the beginning (hence the double entendre in "Origins".) The BioWare Team (writers and developers) have repeatedly said that they did NOT want to get stuck having to push-out "The Continuing Adventures of the Warden". It was a conscious decision from before DA:O was released that that DA2 would be a new story altogether. So no "screw-up". Rather, Expanded Horizons! :thumbsup:
  7. Flammed another user, then went on to state that insulting motive was only possible one for type of mod. Reference post: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/296162-tes-v-mounts/page__st__20__p__2742544#entry2742544.
  8. BlackxHawX banned. Uploaded copyrighted materials in a "music pack". Quote from uploader: "Allot of the songs I got from other games, which I wont say ill leave it up to you to figure it out. Some songs however are from a couple artists Ive grown very close to."
  9. luke3540 banned. Flamming in file comments section. Reference post
  10. It's a fun topic, but two years is a looooong time on the internetz. Maybe it's time to start a new thread about this? :whistling:
  11. karencho banned. Spamming forum with adult content ads for adult content. Post removed (obviously.)
  12. LOL! Lots of folk (including myself) think the AW is waaaaaaay overpowered! I won't play it anymore. But then again, I don't play with any of the difficulty-enhancing mods, either. Sorry, there no way to add companions any beyond the pets (Dog, or Summoned critters.) It's a limitation coded into the Infinity game engine itself, so no modder is going to find a way around it. But for added difficuly, you have a variety of options: There's: "Nightmare Plus". Which has a bunch of plug-in modules, so you can adjust only those aspects of the game you want. There's: Slinks s3 RAVage. And for the truly masochistic, there's "the Last Stand". Enjoy!
  13. Sorry you're having problems, schrocko. What do you mean you "can't install it"? It's an executable, downloadable here: "DA Patches". What happens when you run it? (Oh, and what kind of install do you have? Retail disc? Steam? D2D?)
  14. Well, you don't have to accept her ring to continue the story. Essentially, if you make fun of it or imply that it means she must care for you "in that way", she'll say "Fine, don't take it then!" But she'll still attempt to get you to agree to the DR the night before the final battle, (skipping however long it takes to get from Redcliffe to Denerim. :tongue: ) Oh, but glad to hear you got it sorted in a way that let's you defeat the AD ni the manner you'd like! :thumbsup:
  15. Hey Elsarian! I hadn't read all of your post when I replied, so I didn't realize that you'd played through on the XBox already. Forget about doing your first time unmodded! No spoilers left. :laugh: But once you've finished the main storyline, you CANNOT go back and do side-quests. The only things you can do at that point are any of the DLC adventures that you haven't already completed. So: TSP, RtO, and WK, are the three additional pieces available. All of which are more fun/add more to the game overall (IMO) if you complete them as EARLY as possible in the regular game. (But that's just my view.)
  16. karlitoboy banned. Spammed forum (in Italian!?) with advert for adult video download. (Offending post removed.)
  17. Welcome, Elsarian! Not sure if it's all that "different", since I don't play Oblivion/FO. But I think this article here on the Nexus Wiki will help you to get started: "Using DA Mods for Dummies". Also, many, many of us who love the game recommend that you complete your first playthrough totally unmodded. (Or only with the "bug fix" types of mods, the best known are "Qwinn's Unofficial Fixpack", and "DA Core Rules Fixpack". I use both.) The game is excellent out-of-the-box, and after playing it once you'll have a better idea of the kinds of mods you'd like to use, and a better appreciation of how they're enhancing your experience. :thumbsup: Then, you might look here for various perspectives and lists of the ones other people like: "Good Mods - Opinions". Happy Gaming, you're in for a fantastic adventure!
  18. Or you might be able to use this: "The Winter Forge", to do what you want as well. :thumbsup:
  19. "That Mod" is: "Make Console Commands Visible". All it does is install the missing Windows font that the Console uses to display what you type. But as far as screwing things up, it's really hard to do. 1. If you make ANY mistake in entering a Console command, (except entering a different, valid one than you intended) it simply does nothing. 2. There is no command (that I've ever tried or heard about) that can crash your game. 3. Unless you make a save afterwards that overwrites it, there is no command who's effect can't be undone by reloading the previous save. So make a save right before trying one, then enjoy your new-found capabilities!
  20. Welcome, glreal! You don't have to get a mod, or "resist" using the items. Simply "untick the box" on the "Installed Content" screen, and the FeastDay Pranks won't even appear in-game. You'll still have the Gifts, or you can untick that box as well. :laugh: Or are you saying that you want to use either or both sets "AS ITEMS", just not have the associated changes in Approval Ratings? In that case, you can use the Console Command to add/subtract the appropriate amount of Approval before/after giving an item. Or if you want to avoid the Console, use a "Thoughtful Gift" which came in the DLC. It's fixed at +10 approval, and you can buy as many as you'd like from Bohdan. (I forget what the one with the negative Approval is called, but its icon is an onion. :tongue: )
  21. a) You never HAVE to use any it... :whistling: b) You can simply "untick the boxes" on the "Installed Content" screen to disable any/all of the DLC items, then re-enable the ones you want, WHEN you want, if ever. (There are some that are grouped together, but still I think this is basically what you're after.)
  22. Thanks for the offer, but how about a month of Tanzania Peaberry Coffee instead? More to my taste, and better suited for this job! :laugh:
  23. T3HFlash banned. Unauthorized use of copyrighted materials in mod to port armor from another game. Reference post
  24. Thanks for your reply, Thandal. Unfortunately, I dont even know what this "Command Console" is :S Is it easy enough to work for somone who is pc-retarded? The "Developer Console" is a built-in command-line interface for the game. You can use it to execute "commands" (scripts) that the BioWare team placed into the game to let them test things in a hurry. For how to use it, see here: "DA Wiki - Command Console ". If you're really new to using this kind of feature in a PC game, you'll probably want this mod as well: "Make Console Commands Visible". Otherwise, you won't be able to see what you're entering. :laugh: Oh, and back to your original issue: 1. Be sure to leave Alistair to guard the gates before you head into Denerim itself. 2. The command you'll enter at the appropriate moment on the rooftop of Ft. Drakon is: "runscript zz_addparty Loghain". I assume you realize what will happen from there... :thumbsup:
  25. Hello ost3g0; Sorry you're having trouble. Did you try logging-off, then logging back on? The Nexus keeps track of things (like your status) using cookies. Until yours is reset, the cookie on your machine will contain your old status. (I can tell this is happening because your post above does not reflect your "Premium" status either.) Let us know if a simple log-off/log-on doesn't clear this up.
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