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Everything posted by Thandal

  1. Topic moved to appropriate forum. (Technical questions belong in the forum for the specific game.)
  2. Oh really? Then why do they tell people to use them? Two samples from this year. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8143563-why-is-there-still-no-option-to-hide-or-block-a-mod-from-showing/?hl=%2Btags&do=findComment&comment=78683288 https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8424353-would-like-to-see/?hl=%2Btags&do=findComment&comment=77725093 And to put your extract back into context, what I really said was "Tags only work when they are set, so any expectation that tags can be used as a reasonable criteria in mod selection is based on misinformation at best, in spite of what the Sr Scott and his minions will tell you." Tags "work" to the extent that authors and members choose to employ them correctly. They are one of the available tools, and we (the minions) try to inform members about all of them. If one finds that a tool doesn't help, one shouldn't use it. :smile:
  3. @BlackSwanFallacy; "Sr Scott and his minions" have zero opinion about the value of Tags as anything more than a voluntary aid to determining a mod's usefulness to a player. Mod authors are free to tag their mods, and other members can do so as well. Neither are required to do so. If one doesn't find the tags helpful, one shouldn't pay any attention to them.
  4. Technical questions should be posted in that specific game's appropriate forum. This topic move accordingly.
  5. @MrManMain; np. I've moved this topic where it belonged. :thumbsup:
  6. @Conradhowlf; Tell us what you did! Others could benefit from learning what you figured out. :thumbsup:
  7. Just start typing. But there is a very limited set of commands available within DAI, and most are NOT game-play related, so they may be of extremely limited use for the average player.
  8. Which game? (Also, technical questions belong in the forum for the specific game, not the GMAD.)
  9. Vortex doesn't support the Dragon Age-series games very well (can only handle some of the most basic types of mods for DAO and DA2) and doesn't support ANY Frostbite engine-based games at all (So no DA: Inquisition or ME: Andromeda, or beyond.)
  10. @Incienratror; All it takes to create a Nexus area for a game that isn't yet represented is for someone to upload a mod for it. So get modding FFVI!
  11. @Kasmar; Not sure what you're asking. Vortex doesn't support ANY Frostbite-based game. (And may never, given the complexities of doing it and the existence of Frosty.)
  12. @Belcechus; Are we talking several? Dozens? More? We're flexible, but please don't abusive our hospitality. But you are correct that separate requests should be separate topics so they can be addressed individually.
  13. @Belcechus; The "Request" forum is for requesting a mod. "Questions" go in the other forums as appropriate. So... What's your question? :huh:
  14. @Wulcy; Bet removing "IA" and its associated CtDs would have made things easier for you. :tongue:
  15. @Wulcy; (Love your avatar and associated username, BTW.) "IA" is the best/worst mod. It does amazing things, but doesn't play well with others. Worse, some of its changes get "baked-in" to your saves and even after uninstalling things might not work right. I tried it for a little while, but had to roll-back to an earlier state just to use a bunch of other mods I like more.
  16. @cumbrianlad; You are correct. Sorry, I had your post mixed-up with another mod author's technical query posted in the GMAD forum. Again, my apologies.
  17. Which game? The appropriate place to post technical queries of this sort is in the Mod Builder/CK forum for that game. (I'd have moved this for you if you'd said.)
  18. @Scas1985; Go Digital Storm "Aventum X". or go home.
  19. @dmittner; You are correct, you have to choose which (set of) mods you want to use and launch the game via the appropriate utility. (Older ".daimod" files could be packaged directly into the game, but that method had other drawbacks.)
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