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Everything posted by chakaru11
I am not really sure, but if you compare one hand and two hand meshes in nifskope, you will see that the positioning is totally different. You can't just switch a two hand weapon to one hand in the construction set.
And if you have the latest CM partners mod, you should also have the "partners ring" that teleports the CM partners you recruited to you. You must have recruited them at least once, otherwise they are not in the active partners list and are not teleported to you.
Those ears were added to the Tolkien elf race because I suggested it after the initial release and the creator agreed that they looked nice. The original download of the ears without the race includes a replacement head for Ren's mystic elves, so the ears are actually in the hair and face models section. Let me see if I can dig them up... TADA: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36270 The download is mainly about the head, but the ears are part of the deal.
I don't think it would be TOO lore breaking. I mean - it's not like we have seen the silt striders before morrowind or again after that. It's like they were conjured up just for that game and after it was done BAM, they became exinct. And looking at all the other things already present in Oblivion (especially looking at the materials used to forge armors and weapons), steam engines should not be too far down the road. And it's not like horses became obsolete after the first trains appeared, that took a lot longer.
Dunno about Fate's stuff, but both 1 and 2 are from the TONA mod store here on the Nexus.
Those hairs are works by the mod creator (SpeedBuster) and a lot of people have asked him for his hairs but so far he has not shared them as far as I know.
There is something like that for armors, but only for femal armors and it' NSFW. It's called Break undies or BU and requires OBSE. I don't use it but have seen it around.
The reason why this is so difficult is that "normal" pose replacers can be added via the animations menu in the "player" character window, but real idles that do not interfere with vanilla animations need to be scripted using the idle manager. And that takes a LOT of time. Example: You need to add parameters for a, say, XY second time delay for the animation to kick in, otherwise you can not sit down, ride horses etc etc because the idle conflicts with everything else.And that is EXACTELY the reason why DMC for example comflicts with sexy walk. Because sexy walk is one of those "animation window" idles which immediately kick in, no scripting or parameters whatsoever. I tried it and immediately threw it out. Aside from that, I have never seen DMC conflict with anything.
It's called "platinum queen". I don't have it myself, so that's where my wisdon runs out XD
Or you know, you could use FaceExchange lite, slosh your player character face on a random companion mod character that uses the same race as your character, set the class, skills etc etc and stuff his/her inventory with copies of your equipment. That way it does not get as messy as it can surely get with a completeActorCopy. Because you know... if a real clone of your character fights alongside you and kills an innocent bystander, YOU get the player fine, YOU are kicked out of a guild etc etc.
About the "tamriel" sky in the oblivion planes: If you have midas magic, there is a "summon oblivion gate" spell. If you go through there, you will get to an Oblivion plane with normal tamriel sky.
This should be it, right? http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pjYR26ISSHxtV7zCV12aluVwHQBGgWwfGs_3kCgSTUoOPgTuY16N5xPthSQF94z3-_HVfl6JK7vGYkot2kw_jOg/nouvel%20an.jpg?psid=1 The thing is that I don't speak a word of French and have no idea what the password is. PMing the link now.
@Desu: I found the second one on a french Windows Life account, but it's password protected. It should be the link I already gave you, it's in the "private mods" folder. Sigh.
I am not going to mention the "best modders", but those who really impressed or surprised me over the years and got me back into CC creating and editing, even though I have not released anything yet. Not here anyway XD. Ren - for the first real "beauty pack" for Oblivion and a lot more custom content. Oblivion wouldn't be the same without it. I got back into texture work because of the mystic elves and all the awesome races that followed. VanillaBeans - for Romuska Fantasy Store, a great boss raid mod with the best weapon enchantment scripts around, period. I learned so much about the construction set by simply taking that mod apart. Gizmodian - for beautiful meshes and textures that really are different and so pretty, I don't even. xilver - because Midas Magic is a lot of fun, even after all this time. I could not play without it. vipcxj - for all his great scriptwork, (expecially on the air fight system. It his been in my game for only a week now but I already don't want to play without it.) If you ever think something can't be done in Oblivion, vipcxj will go and write a script to make it happen. KURESE - for beautiful armors that actually make sense as armors and beautiful, clean meshwork. skeletonK - for the most stylish armors around. Period. Mktsang - more awesome armors! Not all of his work is on the Nexus, but damn. Keep up the good work! Maton - it's a shame that he's not here anymore. His 3_bows mod was and is awesome. There is a whole slew of asian modders who do beautiful original work but Kjikirimi has already mentioned most of them. I still want to add a few, like Q-TA, Hisssa and mingyannu.
No sorry, all kudo-ed out for Ziitch XD Seems like I already gave kudos too, har.
Ziitch: I am totally with you there, although for me the reason to actually start searching for mods like crazy was that I am not a very outgoing person and always try to solve problems myself before asking others. And I can totally relate to the "it was a gift to me so I won't share it, sorry" point of view, because even a simple recolor can take some time. Still it would have been nice to see someone jump in with something like "I could make a recolor like that for you" or "you can easily do that yourself, here's how..." But then again there's the thing that it's ripped content, so it's a dead end anyway.
From what I can tell it's a custom race and those ears are not bunny ears. They are miquote ears from Final Fantasy 14. I have the ears, if you really want them I can send them to you tomorrow.
If it's a model directly ripped from the game itself it's not allowed to convert it anyway. Copyright and all that.
You don't. They are scripted to insta-kill you. Hint: Go to the shop in the village and look at what the guy offers. There is a nice ring you can buy...
You do not need a mod for that, it can be edited in the Oblivion.ini file (the one in your save game folder, mind you!). Let me check on that... Taken from the "Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion tweaking guide": fDlgFocus=2.1000 - This setting determines the level of camera zoom on people's faces when you enter into conversation with them. A value of 4.0000 is equivalent to no zoom at all, while something like 3.0000 gives a mild zoom which I feel is better than the extreme level of zoom provided by the current setting.
I am not sure, but I think that is one of the mage tower mods. I saw this in a "Let's play" video on youtube by TeaMudf, but I have no idea which video ist was >.< Anyway, go watch his Let's plays, they are hilarious.
Did someone grab the SLSC (SpellLikeSpellCard) back when it was still up? It was on SANKA's blog (the same place that had HGEC THarmors) once and had spells like fantasy seal >.< I had it once but lost it after a vista reinstall. *claws at screen*
@guardian1: To answer your question:: why did I not tell the person about the armor and helped in the search since I know HALO? Because I do not have internet at home at the moment and can not have an eye on this thread at all hours of the day. I love to help out and am here a lot, but my internet time is limited at the moemnt. I only saw the request when you had already made your post. The end. LE EDIT: RARGH. I did not see page 886, apologies. About that hair: Actually, Kjikirimi is right. That hair should be in the hair pack that was released with the Tolkien elves. It's just the perspective of the shot that makes it look different.
It means that you have the master files (esm) but no actual plugins to work with them. The masters are just there and basically do nothing.
I know, it can be downloaded on several sides, I know that XD It was uploaded on Rembrandt a lot later though.But like I said, I remembered seeing that rozen maiden stuff on a site that also hosted the healer dress, so I took that approach XD