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Everything posted by chakaru11

  1. That depends what kind of character it is for. If your character is female, you get all of this in one mod: Spell Singer Be aware that this is a global mod, so all NPCs in the game will be affected by it. It takes some getting used to, but I use it all the time and love it.
  2. Well, there surely are a lot of mature mods around, but I think talking about a "slow domination" is a little bit over the top. There are hundreds of mods without mature content - most likely even more. But in the end it all burns down to your own personal definition of "mature content". If every single releavling armor mod counts, then yes, we are domiated by "mature mods". But that is a matter of personal taste and blocking all that content would leave the Nexus pretty empty. The real adult mods can, as already mentioned, be blocked from your view - and that is more than most Oblivion boards offer.
  3. Please don't bump, if nobody answered yet, than maybe no one KNOWS. Also: the screen doesn' t show, at least not for me.
  4. *sporfle* Oh GOD that is an old screenshot. Yes, that is indeed my character Pym. I have to admit I was horrible at screenshot taking back then, this shot was taken without fov activated, so her head looks ridiculously huge compared to the rest of the body. But just like Kjkirimi said, she is simply an edited Moonshadow elf with Desuchans persocom eyes, lop ears and deleted face presets. She was a random face I got. But I have to admit I made her smaller, back then she was about 0.9000, so that could be another reason why she looks so weird in this pic XD
  5. Mhm, Midas Magic does this, I think it's the spell Water Shell.
  6. Actually I have experienced the same thing, it happens with Elz "more voices" mod. It adds a voiced sound to every swing with a weapon instead of only to power attacks. However, the scripting doesn't seem to always be able to discern a normal attack from a power attack, so both sounds play. Since this mod works with OBSE scripting, it's out of my league to tell you how to fix this.
  7. Yup, that's from Lineage 2 - it was part of a pack that included three Lineage 2 boss armors. Man, that was long ago O.o
  8. yes they are flapping. and when i pointed to the sky, didnt fly Do you have the "dragon invasion" mod installed? That questmod where you have to hunt down and kill the dragon Nazagear? If you have it, TURN IT OFF. Because the script that keeps Nazagear from flying (since he lives in a cave) applies to all Akatosh - related creatures, including your mount.
  9. Yeah, I never understood why so many mods with clothes in it make the items armor instead of clothing. I have to agree that hotpans and a shird are defenitely clothing and not even close to anything resembling armor. On the other hand, if you want to be nitpicky... the umptieth chainmail bikini doesn't really qualify as armor either...
  10. I have this weird thing for flying houses, so my favorite would be the Flying Island home/house. It's tiny but has everything the character needs.I do like looking at huge homes like Theryon or *gasp* Glimmerstone Caslte (which is so beautiful it hurts) but they are too big for my taste XD I want to fast travel there, unpack my loot and be back on my way instead of having to run down endless hallways.
  11. Damn I really hope it's not KOTN because I have it, but can't play it with all my mods installed. I always get stuck in the sky after the pilgrimage because the voice file of the dude doesn't play. Sigh. Auriel's retreat O.o Mhm...
  12. I have a question. What location is this? http://i563.photobucket.com/albums/ss80/Faivon/Oblivion%20SS/ScreenShot16.jpg ... If it's something vanilla like SI, I am going to stab myself in the eye. Tell me it isn't >.<
  13. One of the weirdest (and mostly likely well known) glitches is that once you have completed the main quest, you can kill (loot) and resurrect the statue of your character in Bruma. The resurrected statue will appear as a living character, which is basically really TALL version of yourself staring down at you xD
  14. Sigh. this again? Bethesda does not hold all copyrights for Morrowind, so importing Morrowind meshes into Oblivion is against copyright law. It is that simple.
  15. Oh god I know that armor in the back >.< Give me a sec. Aaaaand found: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/32304-4-1276527622.jpg Here you go: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32304
  16. I doubt I posted that 2 months ago, it was longer. I am not sure when it happened. LE edit of doom: I am sorry for ranting, but I've just had a nice little argument with a member who posted in the comments thread of one of my screenshots and went all "If you don't share your custom content, you should not be allowed to post screenshots of it." And THAT is taking it a bit far.
  17. To zoom in, use the vanity camera, then toggle the console and type "fov XY" whereas the xy stands for digits which set the distance. fov 20 or 30 are nice to start out with. Experiment from there!
  18. Could you guys calm down a bit? Sure it is annoying if the answer to "Can I have that?" is "No, I don't share". And it would be nice to put that in a screenshot description (and if I remember correctly, I even posted exactly that statement like, 2 months ago in this thread). But not all custom content that is not shared has to be ripped content and nobody can be FORCED to share. And if a screenshot is taken down for ripped content or not depends on the moderators, not us. Pointing fingers now because you see custom content you can not have is in no way less rude than the comments above.
  19. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38471-1-1305477079.jpg Actually the outfit on the left is as recolor of a kimono from Zeoblivion's mod "House on riverside". Google Zeoblivion, you should find it.
  20. The wigs are in colorful chests on the ground floor of the shop. Turn right after entering the shop. There is a group of chests marked "rigged wigs", "long hair wigs" etc :D The chests are logged but set to player ownership.
  21. Actually Ren,s Growlfs and a lof of other modders hairs are included as wigs in the Apachii Goddess Store mod. It's been done :)
  22. No, sadly they are not a weapon but part of the armor. :D :D :D 1.000 PAGES!!! WE ARE AWESOME! :D :D :D
  23. The second one is a photoskinned face texture. That is not something bad, on the contrary. But it's not as common in the Oblivion community as it was back with the sims2. I've seen it a lot back then :) It looks pretty, though I doubt it's an entire race, but more a facetexture for a specific character.
  24. There actually are several threads about this in the Feedback area, moderated by the staff. It might be a good idea to take this over there? Anyways. It is true that no one can stop you from editing the custom content of a game you legally purchased. But every single game you buy comes with terms of use and by purchasing the game you AGREED to those. You can't just ignore those as you see fit. It does not matter how pretty something is and how much you think "I want that". I have been a modder for other games for years and I am like you, I shared all my stuff with only few exceptions. But not everyone thinks like that and professional companies surely do NOT. This whole ordeal is not about you converting stuff from other games to Oblivion for personal use, it's about the sharing. And a lot of people here use the Nexus as a platform to share ripped content via PM etc etc. And I can understand that the Nexus staff has to draw the line somewhere to protect themselves from possible lawsuits. I am NOT agreeing to the whole "no ripped stuff in screenshots" ordeal, because let's face it, that could very well be photoshopped and no one can really say what is in your game and what isn't. But the not sharing ripped content here part? Yeah, I can understand that.
  25. Please, read the following posts before writing something like that. When this bow mod was first released here on the Nexus, it wasn't really clear if it was ripped content or not. It was freely downloadable here for, I don't know, several weeks before it was taken down as ripped content. This screenshot was most likely taken when the mod was still available on the Nexus. And please don't start the "don't allow screenshots of ripped content" discussion here. There is an entire thread dedicated to that topic in the Feedback section which has been going on for weeks. This doesn't belong here. And since a screenshot is kind of necessary to get the point across about the custom content you are looking for, not being able to post said screenshot would make finding the stuff futile. Also: the poster did not KNOW it was ripped content. Like myrmaad said: asking about ripped content is NOT forbidden. Posting it is. If and how that includes screenshots is not for us to decide.
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