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Everything posted by Dubnoman

  1. Also, this is the armor I'd like to use with a spellsword: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19655#content Before obtaining it, I think I'd use some chain mail armors from some mods.
  2. I'm thinking of making a female spellsword that is either a Breton or Imperial. Might go with Breton. I found a mithril armor on Steam Workshop (light armor) and I think that is what I'd like to have her wear (won't have access to it right away, though, need advanced smithing). I want to find an armor/attire that would be fitting for her and also would look good. I'd like to go with maces, and then do restoration magic and destruction magic in the other hand. For destruction magic, I'm thinking lightning and fire magic. I'll put some points into alteration so that I can use spells like ebony flesh. I'll need it later in the game, as I'll have no shield and won't be able to create strong fortify smithing potions (I won't put any perks into alchemy). I'll put some perks into enchanting, but not too many, as the game can become too easy with too many perks in enchanting. A build I made with Skyrim calculator. http://skyrimcalculator.com/#149744
  3. Definitely look into armors made by hothtrooper44. He has some great armors. What type of character will you play? A warrior, a thief, a spellsword, etc.? That will help us to better recommend mods. I use coverwomen 3. When you go look up coverwomen, in the download section with different files, there is "Coverwomen Look 3". That is a good one. For hair, there are many hair packs to choose from. One to definitely get is ApachiiSkyHair. Also, if you are going to play a female character, there is the mod "Skeleton of a female model" which makes the posture of your female character more feminine, and if you'd like, there is a mod for feminine running. Search for "feminine running". That is only if your female hero is a real girly girl.
  4. We should drop this and get the thread back on track, or else the poor OP will see his thread locked over some off topic bickering.
  5. I found a mod that has skyforge steel maces that you can create at the forge and then temper them to become deadlier. It is on Steam Workshop. It is called "Skyforge Weapons" by Turbonegerboll. It isn't on the Nexus.
  6. Please, give me the name of the mod that makes you put the shield on your back, because I WANT!!!!!!! :ohdear: Search for "DSpSoB". That should bring up the mod. DSpSoB stands for Dual Sheath plus Shields on Back.
  7. I'm thinking of playing a spellsword. I was considering playing an Imperial, but would a Breton make a better spellsword? I was considering using heavy armor, but the general consensus is you just don't need to if you put the right perks into alteration and use armor boosting spells? I have another question. A spellsword should use one-handed weapons, but from what I gather, a battlemage can use a 2H weapon (preferably a sword or axe)?
  8. to undo everything just delete the line bDisableGearedUp=0 from the .ini file AFAIK. One thing i'm having a problem with however is that when switching from a bow to 1handed sword it keeps holding the bow in the left hand even though its magic equipped to the left hand. one workaround i've found is not to have the bow favorited (only favorited weapons show up) and just equip the bow when i need it through the menu. maybe its just me, who knows. I also have other clipping problems similar to what you mentioned. Which is better, altering the .ini file, or using the Armed to the Teeth mod? It looks like you have to be careful with the AttT mod. Also, I have the mod Dual Sheath plus Shield on Back. I'd have to disable that for the AttT mod, huh?
  9. My Nord Warrior Vanessa. So that I don't go around carrying too many weapons (I know, not like I don't go around with a bunch of loot and potions, haha, but anyways...), I use a conjure bow spell when I need a bow and arrows. I use a mod that allows a conjure bow spell that can be used even at level 15 of conjuration, and I use a mod that allows you to conjure a hunting bow instead of a daedric bow because that is much more fitting for my character.
  10. I'd like to try this. I notice when I have my skyforge steel war axe on its hilt on my character, the rear end of the axe blade clips into my characters arm. I'm using no mods for the character skeletons. Is there any way to fix this clipping? Clipping occurs with the skyforge steel mace (from a mod) when it is on its hilt, too, but it isn't as bad. I'd like to try this alteration of the .ini file. If I don't like the results, is the way of undoing this just as simple as deleting what you add to it?
  11. If you try to open CK and it says "The game is currently unavailable, try again later", what do you do to fix that? I'm sure this is a common issue for noobs with an easy fix. I never used the CK yet. I downloaded it last night and I went to open it up to check it out just now and got that message.
  12. I recently installed the Dual Sheath plus Shield on Back mod, which helps add immersion. When a shield is not in use, it is put on the players back. I started going around with my shield on my characters back and with a skyforge steel war axe on their hip. I usually go in first person mode, but sometimes go to third person mode, especially around towns and villages, I switch to third person mode more often there. So then I noticed that when I have a skyforge steel war axe in its hilt and stand still, my characters arm moves back and forth a bit (normal) and sometimes the rear end of the axe blade clips into her arm. I don't know if that is how it is in the vanilla version of the game. Is it normal for clipping like this to happen with weapons shown on a character? It is a bit of a bother, but if this is normal and there is nothing we can do about it, then so be it. I notice that maces clip less, and one handed swords clip less.
  13. Thank you for the instructions. I might do it sometime for some steel daggers for a thief character I want to play. As for maces, it turns out that on Steam Workshop, there is a mod for Skyforge Steel Maces that works and can be tempered. That modder should put it on the Nexus.
  14. I'll mess around with that. I just downloaded CK tonight. I won't mess around with it until tomorrow. I have another question and didn't want to start another thread for this. Is it pretty easy to take a single weapon and alter its base damage and allow it to also benefit from smithing and enchanted apparel and fortify damage potions? There is no skyforge steel maces in the game and the one mod for that doesn't work with 1.6 and hasn't been updated since early March, so I was wondering if it is rather easy to take steel maces and then give it the base damage of elven maces and allow it to benefit from smithing, enchanted apparel, and potions. I don't care if I alter all steel maces in the game in the process. I figure this would be easier than trying to create my own skyforge steel maces. But I don't know if that is the case. Would it be easier to change existing steel maces, or create a new weapon (skyforge steel maces)? I'm just want to tinker with the CK with the helmets/hoods and steel maces for my own playing. If I end up taking the time to make skyforge steel maces, I'll probably share it with the community.
  15. With the CK, is it possible to make a hair style of your choosing visible underneath a helmet or hood of your choosing? My character has some kind of short hair from ApachiiSkyHair and I was wondering if the CK can make her hair visible under a couple vanilla helmets, a helmet from a smithing mod, and a hood from an armor mod.
  16. What software do I get that will allow me to take screen grabs of my character? Will it allow you to move the camera around to get a close up of your character, or do you have to use the free cam in console command for that? Also, what program lets you see your frame rate?
  17. So, NMM is working just fine now, it seems. I didn't uninstall or reinstall anything. NMM seems normal at the moment, and I'll keep an eye on it. Should I reinstall NMM anyways, just in case? I'll read the read me file for NMM to see how to uninstall. So, my game is probably running funny because of the 1.6 update for Skyrim. Where can I download the 1.4 version of Skyrim? I disabled maybe 10-15 mods without seeing if they have special instructions. So I may have set myself up for more problems. I don't believe I'd have to do a complete reinstall of Skyrim, though. I backed up my Skyrim folder a couple or few weeks ago. How do I switch in the old folder for my current Skyrim folder? Do I first delete my current Skyrim folder, and then copy paste the previous Skyrim folder? Also, how do I avoid problems with NMM? Do I just disable all mods first, and it doesn't matter if I just click the uninstall mod button since I'll delete that folder and replace it with a previous Skyrim folder? If I set myself up for problems by deleting a dozen or so mods without reading their uninstall instructions, swapping in a previous Skyrim folder should take care of any such problems, right? Also, when I use a previous Skyrim folder, would my latest save work fine with that previous folder taking over for the current one? And actually, when I was at level 1 and with no mods installed, I backed up the Skyrim folder then, too. Should I just replace the current Skyrim folder with that and then I can install the mods I want with NMM?
  18. There is quite a bit here to read, but I think it is good to be thorough with the details. I could probably find the answers if I read enough read me files and did enough google searches, but I don't have time for that now and for a large part of the day, so I think if I leave these questions in this topic, I can have the answers I need later on in the day. All help will be greatly appreciated. Okay, so I haven't played Skyrim in over a week. After last playing the game, I installed some mods. Then apparently there was a new update recently. So I go and load up my latest save, and my character and a NPC are acting totally wrong (the character models are wonky and moving all about in weird ways). I go into NMM and disable the latest mods I installed. It doesn't fix the problem, so I go into NMM and just start disabling mods left and right. That was probably a mistake, as some mods have special instructions on how to disable mods. I was very impatient because my CPU had been running pretty hot while playing Skyrim, I just went through cleaning the inside of my PC, I wanted to play the game to test out how the CPU temperatures would be, and I was just making haste on getting rid of the problem, thinking I'll disable a mod that is causing trouble and then I could re-add mods later. So yeah, well, now NMM is screwed up. For any mod that gives the ! sign that indicates there is a newer version of the mod, the version I have is the higher number and what is said to be the latest version is a lower number. Also, for any mod I try to download with the manager, it won't load at all and I just get an error message where the mod downloads in NMM. I just wanna start things from scratch. Do you guys think that if I disabled the rest of my activated mods, do a complete reinstall of Skyrim, and do a complete reinstall of Nexus Mod Manager, I can fix the NMM issue and possibly fix the issues I had with the game (although it might be problems from the latest update)? That might be my only chance at correcting things. So, I wanna back up my saves. If I do it through Steam, it takes care of everything? It is as simple as a few mouse clicks? And then, I want to disable the rest of my mods. Just deactivate them via NMM, or should I do it manually for the rest of them since NMM is acting badly? Does it even matter since I'm gonna just do a complete reinstall anyway? And then, would I uninstall NMM first, and then Skyrim? I have this tool for when I uninstall a program, it gets rid of any trace amounts of the program if any are there, so I'll use that for NMM and Skyrim. Now please bare with me on this, but could you guys give me the guidelines on uninstalling NMM and Skyrim? I don't wanna just do things haphazardly. I'm sure uninstalling and reinstalling NMM is straightforward, but I recall with uninstalling and reinstalling Skyrim, you have to delete a certain folder or folders at a certain point in the process. And then you have to use the tool to remove trace elements of programs at a certain point (surely, that is the last part of uninstalling, I figure). When I reinstall the game and get NMM working properly again, I'll make sure to update my mods.
  19. When the next gen consoles hit (PS4 and the next XBox), I am thinking of buying a new computer with some pretty cutting edge components. That might not be until the first half of 2014, though. I am thinking of upgrading my current computer sometime late this year or early next year. So, I think my CPU is fine for gaming and I think I'm fine with RAM. My CPU is a Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition (quad core, 3.2 GHz) and I have 4 GB PC 1600 RAM (DDR3). That should be fine for PC gaming until I get a new computer, right? Should I add a 4GB stick to my computer? It'll only cost $30 or so with shipping included. So, what really would need updating is my GPU. I currently have a Radeon HD 5750 1 GB. What are some good mid-range GPUs that don't cost too much? I'm out of the loop for what currently are good mid-range AMD cards and mid-range nVidia cards. Are there any cards around $170 to $180 that could play Skyrim well when it has visual enhancement mods, and be able to play The Witcher 2 well and Battlefield 3 well? Is the GPU the only thing that would need an upgrade? Is it even worth bothering with, or should I just save my money for a new computer for when PS4 and the next XBox hit (late 2013 or early 2014)?
  20. Okay, I haven't been playing Skyrim for awhile. Turns out the max temp for my CPU is 62 degrees Celsius. http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/274612-28-what-safe-core-temperature-phenom-processor-fami I was getting a max temp of 68 degrees Celsius before I stopped playing Skyrim. I don't play any PC games now until I solve this problem. I delayed on cleaning the inside of my PC until this weekend, but I don't know if dust is really causing these high temps. Do you think dust build up could lead to such high temperatures? I think it might be something more than that. The fan isn't as loud as often anymore (for when I was playing Skyrim). I delayed cleaning the inside of my PC since I stopped playing PC games. I monitor temps with HWMonitor. Temps for the CPU while not playing PC games are safe temperatures. This last paragraph has some important questions. What should I do to help my computer? Also, if I need to lower the voltage, I think I can do that (no experience with that, but shouldn't be too hard), but putting in a better cooler or removing paste and putting new paste on it; I have no experience with those things. Should I try to learn to do them on my own, or should I bring my computer to a computer shop? I know they will charge more than they should, but would that be a good idea for someone with no experience on these things? Do you think at a computer shop, they could diagnose my problem? I'd like to solve these problems as soon as possible. Is going to a computer shop a bad idea? Would it just cost too much money?
  21. *Read edit* http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615803-/60996854 "...the staff is part of the quest chain to get Ommund's friendship in the College of Winterhold." "Take the staff to Enthir in the Hall of Attainment. He exchanges it for an amulet that you give to Onmund." Edit: Whoops, didn't read all the posts. "I took the staff to him but there are no options to talk about it. In the quest menu it's still unmarked that I found the staff. It says I need to search Shriekwind Bastion for it. I went back there and I've been through every room at least 3 times. I can't find another staff. It looks like this is a glitch. I guess I have to keep the staff. I think I found it before he asked me to get it." Looks like it is a glitch. Oh boy!
  22. I know this is your mod request, but I thought of an idea and I decided to put it on the table...what about a spell from the alteration school that you can equip in either hand, and then if you have one or more salt piles in your inventory and a cooking pot or kettle in your inventory (whichever one you feel like carrying around), when you cast the spell, it adds roasted meat to your inventory. I guess you'd have to somehow select which raw meat you'd want to turn into roasted meat. I decided to put this idea on the table because it might be easier for a modder to create. This is only assuming you want a mod that allows you to roast meat away from a cooking pot and cooking spit. If you want the novelty of weapons roasting animals on the fly, then nevermind. :tongue:
  23. Does anyone have any input on either of these two things? I know I've read of some people not having dragon encounters. Does anybody have verify integrity of game cache process differently for them?
  24. I have only had one dragon encounter and have only absorbed one dragon soul. After many hours of playing and traversing more of Skyrim (several hours), I haven't had another dragon encounter. What could be a source of this problem? I wouldn't care too much, but I want dragon souls to unlock shouts. And I like their loot. Are there certain kinds of mods that can cause this issue? Also, I have some inquiries about the 'verify integrity of game cache' feature. I've used this feature before and it helped me. However, I am a bit worried I damaged how it works. I don't recall it going slowly up to 66% and then immediately up to 100% during its processing. One time I quit Skryim and immediately ran the 'verify integrity of game cache' feature. I clicked on the button to start it, and then it did it, but slowly, as the game was syncing to Steam when I hit the button. I just don't know if it is normal for it to processes from 1% through 66% and then go immediately from 66% to 100%. If I screwed up how it works, then what options do I have? Do a reinstall?
  25. Aw, people do it all the time with different game series. They are just bubbling with enthusiasm over a series they really like. I know TES VI probably won't hit until I'm guessing four years from now. We can still talk about it. It isn't like I'm done and bored with Skyrim already. Far from it. I still want to play it much more, and mods will keep me playing it much more in the foreseeable future and beyond.
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