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Everything posted by Jupitus

  1. I would love to see it set in New York, I really miss the urban feel of FO3 particularly the famous landmarks. It want to have Oblivion style arena fights in Madison Square Garden or in a ruined stadium turned gladiator colosseum. I want to explore whats left of massive skyscrapers such as the Empire State building above and the New York subway system complete with graffiti and creepy crawlies below. I want explore Grand Central Station, Times Square, Ellis Island, Chinatown, Harlem, Central Park, Stock Exchange, museums and library. I want to see a ruined Wall Street and Broadway littered with wrecked 50s vintage checkered cabs. I would like to see the rewarding mixture of excitement and atmospheric exploration where the setting is the star brought back again.
  2. Fallout 3 was my introduction to the Fallout series and while flawed it delivered more than I expected, particularly along the lines of a society devastated by nuclear war. New Vegas comes off to me as little more than picking which gang to back as they fight over a speck in the desert containing very few points of interest in a story that is so far removed from a nuclear apocalypse to the point that I wonder why "Fallout" is even in the title.
  3. New Vegas did have improved gameplay IMO but as far as everthing else especially the gameworld I prefer FO3.
  4. I was thinking about this just the other day, I would love to see it set in Manhattan NYC. I really miss the urban feel of FO3 particularly with the famous landmarks. It would be fun to have arena fights in Madison Square Garden and to explore massive skyscrapers such as the Empire State building above not to mention the New York subway system below. You could explore Grand Central Station, Times Square, Ellis Island, Chinatown, Harlem, Central Park, so many possibilities. The map borders would be easily defined, just have the bridges out and tunnels closed. I feel that the short line of sight of the urban environment works better with the graphics capabilities that we have so far although I have my fingers crossed as far as the new engine. The vast wide open spaces of New Vegas look terrible and dont really work well with the current engine IMHO although the Jungle idea mentioned earlier or any less open environment would probably be an improvement. I definitely prefer a post apocalyptic story setting to be in the rubble and ruins of civilization.
  5. ; ) How are you guys?

    Been busy with the business, summer is our busy time. I am patiently waiting for Nov 11. (Skyrim)

  6. Happy New Year!
  7. *Singing voice*

    Have a very Merry Christmuuuuuuuuuus,

    And a Happy New Yeeeeeeeeeear,

    Lets hope its a good wuuuuuuuuuun,

    With plenty of beeeeeeeeeer.


  8. *Singing voice*

    Have a very Merry Christmuuuuuuuuuus,

    And a Happy New Yeeeeeeeeeear,

    Lets hope its a good wuuuuuuuuuun,

    With plenty of beeeeeeeeeer.


  9. *Singing voice*

    Have a very Merry Christmuuuuuuuuuus,

    And a Happy New Yeeeeeeeeeear,

    Lets hope its a good wuuuuuuuuuun,

    With plenty of beeeeeeeeeer.


  10. XD, Thats what I was thinking, wait until you get a look at her, dont want to spoil it for you. I miss the Groovatron the most for screenshooting. Did you try the ENB? Your latest image looked like maybe you did with the shadows and depth of field. I need to practice with it, still playing the game, I can't decide which path to take to the story ending. *shrugs*
  11. Lol, don't rush it, you have the right idea in waiting, good mods are limited, especially for screenshooting. There is a cool sniper female character in the game that reminded of your girl and her name is...*Drumroll*... Ghost. :)
  12. I'm still around, mostly wandering the Mojave and scouring Nexus for goood New Vegas mods. :)
  13. Nom, nom, thanks woman. Still WOW?
  14. Thanks guys, I seldom check this page, it just collects dust here.
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