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Everything posted by billyro
There are some faster walking mods. They're essential, pretty much. Also I didn't see the blood moon, it was too cloudy. :(
In response to post #28990029. EDIT: Lol, whoops. I did not mean to do this. Sorry for the notification, Jokerine. :P
Maybe try adding Fallout to the exemption list? http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/windows-vista/add-or-remove-items-from-the-windows-defender-allowed-list < like that? I dunno. EDIT: Oh, that's for Vista (*hiss*). Well, yeah, maybe it'll still work but I'm not sure.
Issue with certain modifiers when used on imported nifs
billyro replied to mindboggles's topic in 3ds Max
Try convert it to an Editable Poly and then back to an Editable Mesh. It seems to fix certain things, but I couldn't give an explanation. Also, a lot of Bethesda's models aren't closed objects - try selecting all the vertices of the mesh, then click "Weld Vertices" (maybe set it to 0.01 or something so it only welds vertices at the same xyz position). Hopefully that helps. :) -
I haven't played any MGS game other than MGS V: Phantom Pain, and the cutscenes were really good, but there wasn't enough of them. I was expecting a really cinematic game, but there was probably only about 2/3 hours of cutscene in the entire game, start to finish. The game is still great, though. The story and plot elements are fantastic - just much less than I was expecting. And the second half of the game was noticeably rushed (probably due to Konami cutting the funding) so yeah... I want a DLC that expands upon the ending. I won't spoil it for anyone, but the ending definitely needs some attention from the creators. Anyway, a game that I would play for story alone? The Witcher 3. And the Witcher 2, but mostly the Witcher 3.
Sure, and get CTD every 5 minutes with broken saves every 10 :D Yeah, but mostly that's the user's fault. As long as you be careful with the mods you install, you can still maintain a stable game. I have over 200 plugins for Skyrim, a high quality ENB and I get a stable 50-60 frames and hardly ever crash. You have to be meticulous with your installation. ;)
I'm pretty sure that it's impossible to change a username (I wanted mine changed so it had a capital letter but it couldn't be done) so you'll have to get your account closed and then start a new one. You can ask for your account to be closed here. Make sure you tell them that you want to make another one with the correct name so you don't get banned for having multiple accounts. :)
I beat Metal Gear Solid V. The ending was good, but it was melancholic. But it was still awesome. And yet I am sad. I wish there was more, though. The second half of the game felt unfinished - re-used levels, minimal cutscenes, etc - and then it just ends. It doesn't make you want to keep playing. I sincerely hope there is DLC that fleshes out the ending, and perhaps even letting you... (End-game spoilers - beware!)
Fallout 4 will have bugs, but it's to be expected of a large open-world game developed by a relatively small team. Do I think Fallout 4 will be awesome? F*** yeah, it's gonna rock! Got a problem with graphics? Mod them. Got a problem with the voiced protagonist? Mod it out. Want to tweak your game to be a paradise with rainbows and chocolate fountains? Then damn bloody well mod it. That's the beauty of Bethesda games! :D If Fallout 4 didn't have mods? Then I wouldn't be looking forward to it quite as much. I'd still get it, but I wouldn't be hyped.
Oh wow, I didn't even realise Moto wrote that. I must have been tired! :P I'm 20 and I've never had a breakout of pimples or acne. Am I weird?
Are you running the Steam version? or a pirated version? I know Pirated versions are known to crash a lot for who knows what. Looks like it is the Steam version. I doubt pirate software could replicate verifying game caches. I see that you have FNIS - have you run the GenerateFNISForUsers.exe? It can be found in Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users. Do you have an ENB? Try deleting all the files that came with it and then seeing if the game runs. Also, try downloading LOOT which sorts your load order and tells you of potential problems. Good luck. :)
I thought it would be hilarious, but it just ended up being a tad insane. :P Lesson learnt, am I right? :tongue: I ate an excess of chocolate this weekend. I broke out in pimples today, and I'm over 40. :armscrossed: Last poster winz. Yeah, I'll try and restrain myself next time. :laugh:
Well, that troll commented on the mod page, so once he's banned I think I'll remove the mod. Now that I've calmed down, there was no real need for a personal attack like this, and I should have known better. Oh well... EDIT: Yep, I got a formal warning. But that's fair, so I'm not upset.
It was too tempting to resist. Then TVD gave me an idea about enchantments and it all started from there. Besides, Stian and I are buddies, now (I even changed my user title to reflect this). With that obligatory military service, I wouldn't see ol' pal Stian for about 5 years. Fine by me! Yeah, keyboard warriors must be compensating for their physical real-life counterparts. I can't see a black-belt martial artist or UFC fighter spamming crap like that. I would say that I wish I could also teleport to these people's houses, but on the off chance that they were such a fighter, I think I'll be right. :P
I am so terribly cruel. I made a mod about that guy and uploaded it here. :P
Some dick just posted a nasty comment on a Youtube video about my armour. Youtube isn't a friendly place at all. :tongue: EDIT: Far out, he is one pushy troll. I'm not going to respond to him any more - that'll likely piss him off more than engaging in an flame war anyway. EDIT 2: I was thinking of naming my next mod after him. I'll make it really crappy! :laugh:
The first "proper" game I played was Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. I remember the mine-track levels were particularly difficult... There were other educational games that I played as a really little kid, but I don't think they count. In fact, I saw some of them in a Humble Bundle a few weeks ago - a little green guy with a vacuum cleaner (not Luigi in this case) and a car with a face... man, I can't remember the names of those games but they were probably the first games I ever played. I would have been younger than 3, I think...
I regenerated the normal maps and ohhhhhh yeahhhhh, that's better. Now the glass is glassy. :yes: Still need to add more details and stuff so it doesn't look quite so flat, but I'm getting there. The best thing about this armour? I haven't had to alter the meshes in any way - I can simply use the base vanilla assets, assign them the new textures and then it will work. No fiddling around in 3DS Max doing skinning and weighting and all that hoopla... so yay!
Yep! They're the warriors who serve under Vivec and protect the Ghostgate. There's no evidence they still exist in Skyrim (and they probably wouldn't after the disappearance of Vivec and The Red Year) but I still think they're cool. :)
Also, new armour I've been making today: It still looks pretty Dawnguard-y but once I regenerate the normal maps, it'll look better.
Initially I thought that Quiet's appearance in MGS:V was absurd - basically just a black bikini top and pantyhose for a highly trained sniper - but it's actually pretty interesting why they did that now that I know more about the character. I'll put it in a spoiler if you haven't played it or got there yet:
Yeah, when I was doing textures for my more recent stuff, drawing lines and stuff while the left-click went on and off about 50 times was annoying. I thought it was Paint.NET, but nope. Stinkin' mouse... :tongue: Metal Gear Solid 5 is frickin' good. It's not often you find a game that challenges you without just inflating the enemy health/vision, and maintaining the fun factor as you get new equipment. Also, story, graphics and audio are excellent as well. The GOTY will be a close call between Witcher 3, Metal Gear and Fallout 4, I reckon...
I've actually got the exact same problem with my mouse! :laugh: It's especially noticeable when I'm trying to click and drag. Damn Logitech...
I never played Dark Arisen... I may try it out. Wasn't there supposed to be a multiplayer Dragon's Dogma? That would be cool.