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Everything posted by billyro

  1. ENB's multiple weather functionality allows you to change various values when a specific weather is active. You could increase the specularity while it's raining, for instance.
  2. I use Puush. If you haven't heard of it, I'd recommend checking it out. Best one I've ever used.
  3. I finished that and uploaded it about a month ago. :P http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6960/?
  4. Downloadable food would be good, too. I'd eat a burger or something right about now.
  5. Bethesda are the ones who can't optimise their games properly. The Witcher 3 looks far superior and runs far better than Fallout 4. Granted, The Witcher 2 wasn't very optimised, but The Witcher 3 is superbly.
  6. EDIT: I should learn to read everything before posting. Anyway, the only real variance in appearance I've seen is from upgrading to certain armour modifications. For example, buttressed raider armour is different to normal raider armour, etc.
  7. You would probably have to create armour-modification pieces that can be equipped at a workbench. Might be best to wait until the CK is out first, though.
  8. Hi there. I've made a custom cubemap which shows a bit more colour than the vanilla cubemaps, but I'm having some trouble getting it to appear while equipped in-game. For some strange reason, environment mapping seems to be completely disabled when the weapon is equipped (first person and third person), but it works perfectly when viewed in the inventory. The lack of the environment map is especially noticeable when in shadows, where the blade is pretty much just a bland, grey colour (as opposed to a shiny, metallic surface). You can see the problem in these screenshots: I have tried creating a .BGSM file (originally I just unhooked them all and let the .nif values take over) but it didn't work. I tried deleting the wet shader values in the .nif to see if that had any effect, and it didn't. I even tried reverting to a vanilla cubemap, and it still didn't work. Thanks for any help. :smile: EDIT: I figured it out. When you generate a cubemap, the Output Cube Format MUST be 8-bit RGBA. That's what fixed it. Also, it appears that the cubemap must also be 128x128 - anything higher doesn't seem to work for me. But anyway, it's all good now!
  9. I've found that in the .BGSM files, the texture path must be using forward slashes ( / ) as opposed to the usual back slashes ( \ ). Maybe that was the problem?
  10. I think he was talking about The Last Poster Wins. :P Anyway, the best mods for The Last Poster Wins are "Insomnia", "Boredom: The Return", and "WAIHANPAG - Why Am I Here And Not Playing Games?"
  11. Weapons have a blood mesh (an extra layer above, like a thin shell), but armour doesn't. I believe blood decals are painted on the mesh randomly, or at least that's what it looks like. I have no idea if you can edit it.
  12. For me, the only things Fallout 4 has over the Witcher 3 is character creation and better mod support. The Witcher 3 is better in almost every other aspect. Unfortunately for The Witcher 3, I love making my own characters and creating custom content. So I've actually played Fallout 4 more, even though I think The Witcher 3 is the better game.
  13. You shouldn't be here, this is a thread for hot lesbians only! :ohmy: I brought popcorn. Anyone want any? :D
  14. Damn, and judging from the title, I am very unlucky indeed. :P
  15. I would have upgraded to Windows 10 if I hadn't configured my Windows 8.1 so much (even though it's Windows 8.1, it functions like Windows 7 now). Either way, I would have just preferred to have Windows 7. But noooo, it comes with Windows 8 by default...
  16. I use 75 when I can. It's the default FOV in Oblivion and it's what I'm used to. A good blend between aesthetics and peripheral vision, for 1080p at least.
  17. I'd participate, but modding The Witcher 3 is too complicated.
  18. I ate a pie and some hot chips today.
  19. It's moving like a sloth, but a well-fed sloth.
  20. You can re-enable mods by setting the plugins.txt file to read-only.
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