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Everything posted by billyro

  1. Have you tried installing the Nif Plugin for your version of 3DS Max? You can export directly as a .nif file if you do, which should prevent corruption. A quick search on the Skyrim Nexus should bring it up - it has support for multiple games, not just Skyrim.
  2. Most Skyrim SE mods will work. The following types of mods are the ones you need to look out for. - SKSE based mods; Some of these mods have VR versions as an optional file. - Animation mods; FNIS works in VR but it's tricky to get it to work. - UI mods; Generally unsafe, unless specifically for VR. - Utility mods - ENB (VR ENB has less features than regular SE ENB) - Perk mods/overhauls. They need to be specifically made for VR, I think. Everything else (weapons, armour, quests, npcs, locations, cities, mesh/texture replacers, etc.) should work fine, provided they don't have anything in the above.
  3. I like the redesign. It will take some time to adjust, but I think it will be great in the long run. One issue I've noticed is I can't change the number of items per page and the number of comments per page in the account preferences page. It seems to be affecting the old design as well. Also, I think changing the background image to something more vibrant and high-res will make it look much more appealing. The current one is too murky, compared to say, the original Skyrim Nexus' bright and contrasted background image. One other thing: avatars on a user's profile page are displayed at half the resolution as they are in the old profile pages.
  4. Have you tried opening the .esp in the original CK?
  5. Didn't know of the Infinite Heaven mod... might re-download MGSV to try it out. :D
  6. I like Survival Mode, but there are some things that I loathe about it. Namely, saving and console command restrictions. It doesn't appear that these things can be fixed. Instead, would it be possible to transfer elements of survival mode to the other difficulties? For example, being able to play on normal difficulty with player needs (hunger, thirst, fatigue) and encumbrance (weighted chems, weighted ammo), but without the rest? I'd find Fallout 4 much more enjoyable to play with working autosaves and unrestricted console commands. I had a quick look at the game settings and globals for survival mode stuff, but couldn't find what I was looking for. Can this be done from within the HC_Manager quest or its scripts?
  7. Very impressive demo! Very polished, and it also runs quite well on my PC. Graphics options in real-time is also pretty great. :)
  8. In response to post #43806255. #43806265, #43806350 are all replies on the same post. g6h8-ne8h-u3xn-9g8m-g38u The one in the tweet didn't work - the one in here did.
  9. I've been contemplating whether or not to buy a Steam controller. The choice is not made easy considering that I am in Australia, and the most immediate way I can obtain one is through eBay for about $120. Now, normally I use keyboard and mouse controls - I don't play Skyrim or Fallout 4 with my Xbox controller because of how clunky the aiming is, but I do like the smoothness of the character movement. The Steam Controller, from what I gather, appears to allow for somewhat better aiming while retaining the benefits of a controller. So I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with the Steam Controller in Skyrim and Fallout 4, and if they could tell me how well it functions. Is it playable? Comfortable, even? It it easy to set up? Anything to help influence my decision would be appreciated. :)
  10. This. But to compare the two, I like the setting of Fallout 3 more, but New Vegas is the better game in pretty much every other aspect.
  11. I would have suggested Divinity Original Sin, as it has "couch co-op", but it only allows for two players. The upcoming sequel supports up to four player, however.
  12. Great read. Let's hope many people see it. :)
  13. Yep, that fixed it for me. Thanks! EDIT: Heh. In hindsight, I kinda wish I never got it to work so I didn't have to go through the bethesda.net uploading process. It is mind-boggling how incompetent that entire website is! Like, I thought the modders were exaggerating its stupidity but bloody hell... it is absolutely, terribly bad. And now my frustrations have subsided, I shall now go and debunk issues that will likely arise from the Xbox Users. Seriously, the PC version I uploaded was 1.8 MB, and the Xbox One version is 35.3 MB! How the heck does that even happen?
  14. It's never too late to start. Just post on a few mod pages and eventually you'll get into it. :)
  15. Post here. This is the "general" mod author section - you want the Fallout 4 mod author section.
  16. I keep skulking in this thread but I have nothing of particular value to contribute. But then I realised that I don't need to say anything exceedingly interesting, for this thread is only about the win and nothing more. So I win. Muahahaha.
  17. I've just linked to Gopher's tutorials in my descriptions. He explains it better than I ever could.
  18. Try not to cripple your system by using large textures everywhere. My suggestion would be to use 2k-4k textures for characters, equipment, etc. and leave landscape, architecture, etc. at 1k resolution (unless the texture is very noticeable, in which case go higher). This is if you're planning on maintaining a high frame rate, anyway. You can try inject lots of 2k textures, but you'll just hurt your performance and stability in the long run.
  19. For some reason, Nifskope won't allow me to change it to 4097. It doesn't go past double-digits.
  20. I'll try that out soon. Thanks. EDIT: Sadly, it didn't fix it. This is really baffling... :pinch:
  21. It's just a simple mash-up of Jarl clothes and steel armour. The weight-slider works, and everything appears functional in-game, but for some reason, my character's body will randomly go invisible and then the game will crash shortly after. http://puu.sh/ng9nf/c70fd84e25.jpg http://puu.sh/ng9gq/6faf11a6d1.7z There's no .esp, so you'll have to replace something if you want to test it out quick. I replaced the Jarl's clothes (meshes\clothes\yarlclothes\m\torso_0.nif). So yeah, I have no idea what's causing this. If anyone can figure it out, that'd be cool (I'd like to know what I did wrong). Thanks!
  22. Dragon Age Inquisition, Dragon's Dogma, Oblivion, Morrowind, Kingdoms of Amalur... probably some more but I can't think of any.
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