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Everything posted by NexBeth

  1. Set it up using patrol idle marker. You can also set up the amt of time the npc pauses at the idle before moving to the next one in the Patrol Data tab on the idles.
  2. What do you mean it can't be edited again after you save? I've never created a new worldspace so I can't speak to problems along those lines, however the 1 mod I published and the one I am now working on are over 1/2 gb. I don't have too much trouble editing it to death with a good many (exterior) cells. Perhaps you need to reduce the number of cell grids to load: File\Preferences\Misc. I will say that I did experience a lot of crashes recently when redoing an underwater navmesh. In my case, not spinning around and looking at far off things while navmeshing solved the problem. Just because a mod author doesn't respond to requests for help, doesn't mean they are hateful elitists. I think you are more likely to get help without that sort of commentary and by asking others to help you solve the problem rather than asking for others to work on your mod to solve the problem for you. Is your own PC the problem? Working on larger mods requires a decent rig.
  3. For many nifs created for original Skyrim, you have to convert them to SSE format. You will need Nifskope 2.0. Open your nif in nifskope, then go to Spells. Click Update All Tangent Spaces then save. You may run in to this problem with other resources made for the original Skyrim as well. Some resources have been converted over to SSE by the MA in which case just download them from files in the SSE section. Otherwise, you mostly need to go through this conversion process.
  4. I think if I didn't get any endorsements, I would not mod. It took me a yr and half, many many hrs every week, to create the only mod I've published to date, and if no one gave me positive feedback, I'd not bother with #2 which I've been working on since just after SSE came out. Users who commented on my page were all pretty positive, except for one person who complained about the name of the mod (really that was the compliant). And I appreciated those comments and the 10% endorsement ratio. I think positive feedback in whatever form it takes does mean something to most modders because without it, I doubt they'd (nor I) would ever publish again. Thanks you to those that let me know they thought well of my mod and appreciated what went in to it.
  5. Take a look at this modder's resource. It's there. And you can use these scripts to apply to any items you wish to display. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59596
  6. I actually started to learn modding by taking DarkRider's farm build tutorial. The active class, though, was over by then, but the tutorial is still there and immensely useful for builder-type modders. A lot of it comes down to seeing how things are put together in other house mods, or even in the vanilla homes. So much is done with (and expected) from them now, it's not just about putting kit pieces together and navmeshing.
  7. I'd think that Bethesda will squeeze as much as they can out of ESO before they even get started on ES6. A lot invested in the MMO and they aren't going to want to sabotage that with a new release. Also, with the introduction of CC, I'm hoping Bethesda will not go the route of giving us a full-priced game that's hardly playable unless you throw more cash at it. CC is an investment for the company and will hopefully act as an add-on to the existing completed game and curtail the trend taken by some others in cash-cowing the game to death. Ultimately, though, it is those who buy such games that are to blame as they encourage more of the like. Companies won't make what they can't sell.
  8. I've never done custom voiced followers, but, it may be that you didn't include your custom voice in to one of the follower voice formlists and then assign that voice to your follower. If you don't have that voice on the list, then it's not going to be identified as a follower voice. Also -1 should be set to CurrentFollowerFaction.
  9. It looks like it's working to me. The light in the porch area is much lighter than surrounding area. Did you move it around to see if you can confirm that it is working....it has to work no ifs about it. Also, the bulb may be too high up. Play with positioning.
  10. I don't think it will be released until after the next console update and I believe Bethesda has as much as said so by saying that the technology isn't there yet for the the next ES game....they weren't talking about pc technology.
  11. The lights have to shut off and on if you have it set up correctly. You may not be hitting on the correct time when you are looking which should be around first daylight to shut off and night to shut on. If you want the light to come on during the day and off at night then use FXLightRegionSunlight. I'd suggest looking at this vid in its entirety which gives some basic info on lighting, but to what you want, specifically start looking at the vid at 14:45 and it will show you exactly how to set it up. As for CK crashing, if you didn't set up the script correctly, or tried to do something wonky with it, that could crash the CK.
  12. I can't really see the items you've circled. Are they light bulbs? Also, while you can place light bulbs outdoors, they are mostly designed for indoor use since the light can't be seen that well outside. Hit the light radius marker (L on the keyboard). The radius of the light will show up as circular lines surrounding the light bulb and you will be able to see the boundaries of your light. Obviously, the the further from the center of the bulb the less light. You can modify the intensity of light by pressing Cont+Alt+S and moving your mouse up (brighter) or down (dimmer). Here is a keyboard map that should be useful to you. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Creation_Kit_Keyboard_Mapping I'm familiar with that script but you don't need it to adjust lights on and off. It is used more to turn fire sources on and off, such as firewood, torch lights, etc. The method I described above will do the job for what you want if all you have is the light bulbs. Be sure that the Emittance tab (EXTERIOR) has the correct emittance choice. Using the emittance modification comes in pretty handy indoors when you want to control lights around windows to have an effect of sunshine coming through windows, or candle and firelight showing up at night. Are you using the Original Skyrim CK or SSE?
  13. You will likely never find anyone who will do it for you, but maybe help you figure out how to do it. I'm assuming you don't know how to script or even compile a script? When you say light markers, do you mean lights (found in CK Object Window under WorldObjects), camp fires, candles? If you are just interested in turning on and off a light bulb (light) that emits lights, you don't need a script for that. Just click on the light bulb that you have placed in the Render Window and a Reference box will pop up. Navigate to the Emittance Tab and in the Exterior Light section choose FXLightRegionInvertDayNight in the drop down box. Click OK. Helpful Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/DARKF0X127/playlists?shelf_id=3&sort=dd&view=50
  14. Makes sense since the majority probably downloads mods via cell phone! Yea, makes sense when you can browse then queue you download from the smartphone for download later. In any case just because smartphone users are not the lion's share doesn't mean it's good business to blow them off (20% is not .05%).
  15. The new site was implemented largely to accommodate and be inclusive of cellphone users who wish to visit Nexus (20% of visitors according to Dark0ne). The site was pretty awful to use for that population of users and is vastly improved now for the phone. It's probably not practical from a business standpoint to overlook accommodating a medium that is being used more and more. Personally, I like the new website and the support section response during the implementation stage is fairly accommodating to getting things fixed on the new site. It's funny because when I first visited Nexus in 2014, I thought the site was difficult to navigate and not very accomodating. In reality it's a big site with lots of features and users just have to get used to it. I'm still wishing there was a link on the forums that would take users back to the mod pages.
  16. If you go to "My Nexus Acct" you can click the tap for Download History and the mods you've downloaded are linked there.
  17. Over the past several days, I've only gotten the new version. I assumed the old had been closed out.
  18. And the same can be said for your argument, lack of people on the forums doesn't represent people liking it, either. Nowhere have I posted opinion or data claiming that X% of users like the redesign. The idea that Nexus should post polls to see if the old design should stay or go or be replaced by the new site is audacious. The redesign of the new site has been in the works for some time, and Dark0ne has been courteous enough to actually share that redesign and what it will look like not just now but well over a year ago as well. Nowhere has the Admin of Nexus asked for opinions about whether the new site should be implemented. What has been asked for is feedback with bugs and features to get the thing going smoothly. It's pretty clear that the new site is made to work with all platforms and not just the pc. That is just good business sense clear and simple; particular when Dark0ne has been nice enough to tell us that a good chunk of browsers to the site (20%) are phone users. This site represents a business that needs to make profits to keep the door open. To do that smartly in this day and age, it is sound business sense to make the site user friendly for all platforms, including phones and tablets. It is still perfectly usable for pc users as well, but now it is usable for other devises as well.
  19. To my knowledge there hasn't been any data released demonstrating how many people like or dislike the new design. People posting on forums is not representative anywhere near the number of users of this site so making sweeping statements about most people disliking is not really based on anything that you actually know about.
  20. It does the fix the problem that phone users have with using the site, which is 20% user usage. 20% income coming into paying for the site?
  21. Try looking in your data folder to see if the mods appear there. Also, go in to Mod Manager and be sure that you have a green check beside all the mods confirming that they are active. Once you download the mods from MM, you also have to then make the mods active.
  22. You should be able to launch the game, select Mods, then choose Load Order to select the mods. The mods need to installed into your SSE data directory beforehand.
  23. If only the aggro is the problem for you, you can perhaps just disable the items in the area causing the aggressive attacks. Usually a simple marker in the vicinity of the house. Go in to CK, click on item you don't want, in reference box click disable. Moving the exterior navmesh becomes an issue in the cells from where the exterior was removed and where it is relocated. Also there is likely changes you'd have to make to the new area you wish to place the house, not the least of which is navmesh which can't be taken lightly in exterior cells. You should not delete exterior vanilla navs.
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