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Everything posted by NexBeth

  1. I believe this is what is being referred to http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/611670/
  2. The problem is that eventually the updates stopped in Skyrim because the game itself was no longer being updated. However, the updates now occurring on SSE are Creation Club related and really have nothing to do with updating the game itself. Not only will SKSE64 have to be updated on a regular basis but all mods dependent on SKSE will also have to be updated with every CC update. For the most part, that problem was not ongoing in old Skyrim since Bethesda stopped updating after a year or so. As you know, mod authors after awhile may no longer support their old mods so something you are using now and may feel you can't play without, may not be updated on a regular basis a year from now. No more use of that mod then. I think the end result may be a for some mod authors to move away from using the script extender in future games, unfortunately.
  3. Ben446 is right about Darkfox127 having a lot of tutorials that can guide you through the basics of modding, including on navmeshing. Here is the one on navmesh: Also take a look at the Creation Kit Wiki: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Navmesh Here is a basic written tutorial very well done at TES Alliance: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/6839-ck-basics-lesson-2/ Darkfox also has tutorials on creating NPCs, including specific types of NPCs such as merchants, bards, blacksmith, etc. You can visit his YT channel for all of those. For energy levels, that can be set on the NPC (actor) located in the AI Data tab. Set it to 80 or 90. You can play around with that once you get your npc moving. There are also energy levels on AI packages that you can set, if you create your own packages, which I'd highly recommend you do. (Also tuts on that from Darkfox). After you've reviewed the tutorials I've linked above, then go to your navmesh to be sure that it is set up as it should be. Auto-generation is not the best option. You can make manual adjustments to the existing nav you've created. Once done you need to check the nav using the Find Triangle button on the nav toolbar. When pressed, a box will pop up. Press the Check Navmesh button. You will get a popup notification that will let you know if you have errors or if everything is ok. If you do have error(s), then you need to go to the offending nav and correct it. DON'T use Delete Warning Triangle, use, instead, Next Warning. You will be taken to the offending nav where you will need to correct the problem. Sometimes the nav looks perfectly fine but the warning is there so delete the nav, then make a new triangle adjusting the size a bit. Run the Find Triangle again after you have made corrections until you get no warnings. Be sure to clear the numbers listed in the Select Triangle boxes when re-running. When all is done with no more errors, press the Finalize button on nav toolbar. If you come back to navmesh the area and make changes, then this process should be repeated. Try to create some of your own AI packages that can better customize the actions that you want from your NPCs. If the npc has specific furniture that belongs only to him, such as a bed, then assign that furniture to the NPC by clicking on the object (such as a bed or chair) and opening the object's Ownership Tab and assigning the NPC. When using SLEEP AI packages, you can also link the bed to the NPC in the Sleep AI package, and the actor will use that bed. AI packages is something you have to play around with a good deal in order to get NPCs to behave as you want. One thing to note when adding AI packages is that you need to be sure the packages are stacked appropriately. For instance, the Default Sandbox package has the NPC sandboxing 24/7. If that package is at the top of your NPC's AI Packages list then the only thing that NPC will ever do is sandbox and never use the sleep package you gave him. Here is an explanation of this: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=AI_Packages_Tab
  4. When you say you gave the NPC an AI package for wandering, did you mean a Sandbox package? Did you create that yourself or just use default packages in the game? How are you testing the movement for your NPC? What energy level is your NPC (AI Data tap). Auto generation is not the best way to navmesh, but that is how it is done in the vanilla game. The problem may not be the navmesh.
  5. So that would leave patrols with idle markers out since they don't have keywords. And that explains why bookshelf containers can have multiple references. Thanks, OldMansBeard. Thanks for all replies. I was aware of the other ways of doing the patrols, but I wanted to see if I could learn why I couldn't do it the way I mention above.
  6. The problem isn't setting up the patrol. It's getting two separate patrols attached to the actor via linked reference. I can only get one attached to the actor, but not allowed to attach the 2nd patrol. Are you able to do that?
  7. Below is a detailed video guide on how to create a follower, but this guide only follows the vanilla way of doing a follower. You won't get info on how to do custom dialog. For that, you will also need to learn how to create new dialog and voice files which is actually a quest process. This can be done with creating a custom voice file that you have to do yourself, or find someone to supply the voice, or it can just appear as written dialog in-game which relies on the user to have subtitles turned on. There are video tutorials on that as well which you can search for on YouTube.
  8. Is it correct that actors can only have one linked reference? I want to create 2 AI packages with linked references to two different patrols, however, actor's linked ref area only allows for only one patrol. When I try to link up the 2nd patrol to the actor, the 1st patrol reference is deleted. This doesn't make sense to me. Thanks for any input.
  9. You can just bring the existing activator over to the Render Window from the Object Window that already has the scripts set up (DLC2ExpSpiderCraftingLever). Then create a unique ID for the container from the original (DLC2ExpSpiderCraftingChest). Link the activator to the container. Easier still just copy all of it directly from the DLC1 cell where it is originally located and paste it into your cell. Just remember to give the container a Unique ID. The activator should have all of properties pre-filled.
  10. You have to create a form list (In the Object Window under Miscellaneous you'll FormList) for each ingredient. Also each napsack needs to have a unique ID. Right click in the formlist area to create a new one, then drag the ingredient reference from the Object Window in to the form list. Attach your script to each sack. (You will have to create and compile that script and if you don't know how then that's another lesson). Open up the properties window by clicking on the compiled script attached to knapsacks. Fill in the properties listed there. The properties you need to fill in are the IDs for each ingredient. Here is an example of how to do it, but I think a different (but similar) script is used:
  11. I experienced crashes converting Argonians to SSE. Had to redo the one I had in my mod within SSE.
  12. I don't know about actually changing animations in skyrim using other games. Can't help with that. You should check out all of the furniture markers already existing in skyrim. For instance, there is already an a stand alone invisible chair marker. You can not make markers in to anything other than what they already are. You can place or add invisible markers so that they can be placed on areas where player or npcs can sit, say on a stump, custom chair, custom furniture that doesn't have a marker, etc. But a chair marker for sitting in a chair can't be changed into a ledge marker. Myself, I'd like to add animations for NPC to skyrim but have not come across a means to do that. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51554/ https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34950/
  13. Converting a mod in CK is not the only issue if the other mod has assets of its own.
  14. Sometimes an NPC can use this. Check out notes section with link. NPC around? http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Throw_Voice
  15. 11 Masters. This would mean that your mod requires all of vanilla esm Masters as well several other mods to be loaded by you and/or other users who play with your mod. I can't answer your question directly, as I haven't really heard of a set limit but I am curious why would want so many dependencies for your mod to work?
  16. It looks like the 2 examples are coming from separate games. The first example is coming from skyirm. Making your own marker in skyrim is easy enough and, I'd imagine FO is similar. What are you attempting to do and for which game?
  17. If it keeps crashing the problem is more than just the grey face issue. Likely you have an asset in your mod that is being troublesome in SSE.
  18. When you say you keep trying to do this what do you mean? Face Gen in SSE is automatically generated when save your plugin.
  19. Set it up using patrol idle marker. You can also set up the amt of time the npc pauses at the idle before moving to the next one in the Patrol Data tab on the idles.
  20. What do you mean it can't be edited again after you save? I've never created a new worldspace so I can't speak to problems along those lines, however the 1 mod I published and the one I am now working on are over 1/2 gb. I don't have too much trouble editing it to death with a good many (exterior) cells. Perhaps you need to reduce the number of cell grids to load: File\Preferences\Misc. I will say that I did experience a lot of crashes recently when redoing an underwater navmesh. In my case, not spinning around and looking at far off things while navmeshing solved the problem. Just because a mod author doesn't respond to requests for help, doesn't mean they are hateful elitists. I think you are more likely to get help without that sort of commentary and by asking others to help you solve the problem rather than asking for others to work on your mod to solve the problem for you. Is your own PC the problem? Working on larger mods requires a decent rig.
  21. For many nifs created for original Skyrim, you have to convert them to SSE format. You will need Nifskope 2.0. Open your nif in nifskope, then go to Spells. Click Update All Tangent Spaces then save. You may run in to this problem with other resources made for the original Skyrim as well. Some resources have been converted over to SSE by the MA in which case just download them from files in the SSE section. Otherwise, you mostly need to go through this conversion process.
  22. I think if I didn't get any endorsements, I would not mod. It took me a yr and half, many many hrs every week, to create the only mod I've published to date, and if no one gave me positive feedback, I'd not bother with #2 which I've been working on since just after SSE came out. Users who commented on my page were all pretty positive, except for one person who complained about the name of the mod (really that was the compliant). And I appreciated those comments and the 10% endorsement ratio. I think positive feedback in whatever form it takes does mean something to most modders because without it, I doubt they'd (nor I) would ever publish again. Thanks you to those that let me know they thought well of my mod and appreciated what went in to it.
  23. Take a look at this modder's resource. It's there. And you can use these scripts to apply to any items you wish to display. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59596
  24. I actually started to learn modding by taking DarkRider's farm build tutorial. The active class, though, was over by then, but the tutorial is still there and immensely useful for builder-type modders. A lot of it comes down to seeing how things are put together in other house mods, or even in the vanilla homes. So much is done with (and expected) from them now, it's not just about putting kit pieces together and navmeshing.
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