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Everything posted by hoshi23

  1. Time timeless end of show. Oops sorry for doubleposting.
  2. Erm you guys are like my body is my own and already thinking about ten dimensions.
  3. you realise your lifes only now not the past yes?
  4. you pople dont quite understand the technological revolution at all. soon there wont be any work left anymore that machines cant do save for some experts. the harmonics they are changing.
  5. Simply stop being the doer then. No one is the doer. Anything you see is you. Kaboom.
  6. This is tragic indeed. My ancestor are polish. Hard to believe what happened there. I feel abit like in a movie.
  7. maybe the forest? nature? or something nice to eat and drink? there can be alot of happy places in very diverse circumstances.
  8. Quake (3) Live http://www.quakelive.com/ Battlefield Heroes http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/
  9. the yard where they got all the parts for megaton from? start a business there. a challenge in building settlements to specific conditions. new foes. more attacks. depth in character.
  10. there is a mod where you can build your own settlement out there in the wastelands with parts of the game and manage it - so you could populate the wastelands and roleplay the philantrop in all of us- sadly i forgot the name- maybe someone kindly can hep out :tongue: besides that there is of course the geck to play with- i mean- its basicly legos-actually much much more then that-but it takes time to learn the pieces and stuff-although it could proove to be great fun- you never know until you have tried
  11. i actually tried it and while the open world aspect is great otherwise its pretty empty. not even a house to store things? something like alittle bit immersion? but the biggest killer is: no modding tools. you can pay 5 dollar on steam for a monstetruck dlc. great gaming.
  12. yeah i played for two years so yeah it can be like a job and all that. my tip is not to go with any kind of exspectation. stay very down to earth you will be fine. do lots of pvp.
  13. The worst game? I usually dont remember those. :tongue: It probably gotta be Pacman and i know poeple gonna burn me for this one but i found Invisibly War actually quite enjoyable not thinking it to be another Deus Ex cause it clearly wasnt.
  14. Deep Space Nine was the best of them all if you ask me. It had some very nice episodes and honestly who could do without Ferengis? They are a must have in anyones fire squad. Anyway the best show or one thats very good is also Hogans Heroes. Thats just pure classic. Besides that something comes to mind that was quite educational to kids but still can be very much watched by grown ups even today: Il était une fois… (l’homme) It is about the history of man and its twist which i am sad why is there not more like this out there for kids? Also they got a similar one about the human body which is overly cool with having white cell polices in hover cars racing through the human body and stuff. Education actually CAN be fun. So you learn to respect and enquire into that. And then theres yet another one i just love. Alfred J. Kwak. It has a duck in it and comes with a theme song from venerable Herman Van Veen of the netherlands. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098737/ 14 out of 17 people found the following review useful. My favourite childrens anime, 21 September 2001 Author: stephen-63 from stockport, england Excellent childrens animation, animated in Japan, and associated with Dennis Livson who brought us The Moomins. Follow Alfred from hatching and the early death of his parents, through political and environmental adventures. In due course Alfred falls in love with a wonderful black duck called Winnie. Lots of allusions to the real world of the time and no holds barred presentation of apartheid and environmental damage. Intelligent, well drawn and animated, a delight (but be warned- some episodes have rather sad / down beat endings). Was the above review useful to you? So at the end in respect of the service done to countless children of humanity i simply have to go with that show out of my heart which still today is likewise as timeless as it was back then. :thumbsup: PS: On captains.... just because its cool.... 1: Picard 2: Sisko/Janeway 3: Kirk (honorable mention) Latest Movies..... Mass Effect *g*
  15. Wikileaks is a good source of journalism. No one exposed more and no one ever should be banned for naming it.
  16. actually nvm me. :blush:
  17. All theyve done is waste our enviroment but not our internets oh no !
  18. That statement is beautifull. Everyone can be an explorer. :smile:
  19. There always will be this type of extremist running around in the political landscape, but truth is they have no power at all least you give it to them. So for some is a learning experience i guess.
  20. the human being. the human evidently dies and is a process. the being simply is while the whole secret is: the human and being are no diffrence. so drop the whole show and be there. the rest is an experiment.
  21. Congratulations. Yes, Life is everywhere. Something else you did want to know? Like Nikola Tesla already used to say: The whole value is in between the atoms. 0 S0 there you go. 0 Alien spaceship passing by! 0 0h n0w its g0ne. 000 Thought i make a visualisation in letters.
  22. theres nothing bad about it being international. i suppose it can be very usefull too. so ching chang chong i say it gonna happen. let alone that in every country they have coca cola. smart move america! and who knows maybe in the future polar bears are gonna form a goverment and penguins gonna get shipped world wide from antarticta. it could be the next dominion or not incase global warming is true. really you never know whats gonna happen next.
  23. yes. basicly what i ment was dont try to fix santa in the sky. thank you trandoshan. the example with england and france is very good. today it seems very silly. likewise other things today will seem very silly tomorrow. it seems to be a process of constant unfolding.
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