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About Thallassa

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    United States
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    Modding Skyrim

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  1. Personally, I think it would be a lot simpler to just leave DP off. Then the pool is bigger for other mods, and all the listed people are going to be earning DP on their independent projects. That said, this mod wouldn’t have been possible at this time without Elminster and his tireless efforts decoding the plugin format in Starfield, so my vote is that 100% of Oct go to him. In the future, maybe track contributions and split the dp evenly per contribution? I think regardless of size because that gets too hard to judge. So if you have 8 contributors and two of them made two contributions each and the rest each one, the two people who contributed two would each get 20% and the others would each get 10%. I imagine this would be hard to track as the project grows or as fixes have multiple people working on them, but all the more reason to start now.
  2. Have you checked out [TrueHUD](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62775)? It’s not exactly what you described, but combined with the locked target features in True Directional Movement, should get you most of the way there.
  3. Update after the mods are updated… it’s really not that frustrating. Some things may have to be struck from my list in the end, but the hobby is modding, not playing so it’s fine. The most frustrating thing is the writing/guides I was working on that now have to be rewritten again. Oh well. While I’m waiting for the next Skyrim update and the last of the mod updates to roll in, there’s Starfield, ESO, and Baldur’s gate. Skyrim itch fully scratched.
  4. Unlikely guess but what is iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure set to in skyrim.ini? Since you have 6 grasses in this texture, you would need this value to be at least 6 for all 6 types to show in every area.
  5. SPID doesn't do anything on its own, but you may have mods that use SPID to distribute clothing to NPCs, which could possibly cause this issue.
  6. I can't quite figure out what's going on in that image - why do you think it's related to the body paint? It looks like GPU artifacting.
  7. I thought both programs were meant to use the windows setting for font size, which can be accessed under control panel > display > scale and layout. Try that and see if it helps. The themes in mod organizer 2 are editable. A quick google search led me to this theme, which increases the font size for the dracula theme. https://gist.github.com/pineapplemachine/454eacec21835fb61481b180d8d087d3 It includes instructions on how to add this to MO2. For SSEdit there is a setting in the settings menu for font size.
  8. What mods do you have installed? You can use load order library or modwatch to easily share your modlist.
  9. You should only need terrainparallax=true. If it still doesn’t work after that I’m not sure what else to try.
  10. Im not sure if the parallax fix is compatible with enb, but it does require some additional ini edits and engine fixes to work correctly per the mod description. You can edit enblocal.ini directly in your skyrim folder. Thats also how you set the keybind to bring up the edit menu in game.
  11. You dont have a parallax fix enabled. Either turn on terrainparallax=true in enb or use this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31963 Skyrim doesnt support parallax natively.
  12. Here’s a big playlist of “dark pagan” music, for example the type of music in the mod Yggdrasil for Skyrim Special Edition. Lots of low chants, drums, and tagelharpa (a gloomy sounding traditional Nordic instrument. It’s pretty big and I’m always adding new albums so if you like this type of music check it out! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/48LjCX3xRdSHPptbBeDGo1?si=-uofokEbSB6pvSLqQETwNg
  13. Theres no limit on bsa files in skyrim, and you dont need separate textures and main bsa files either. Nor do the plugins to load all those bsas count against the plugin limit because theyre all esl. So theres no technical issue. I do agree its a lot of noise in your data folder if you need to look for stuff there, but definitely less than if it was all loose files!
  14. Crashing when you set your gender to female is likely an issue with CBBE. I would reinstall CBBE and be careful with the options you select. *Dont select the physics option unless you have hdt pe and xpmsse installed and all their requirements*.
  15. In response to post #57200871. #57201036, #57201401, #57201461 are all replies on the same post. It doesn't let you overwrite loose files with BSAs. That's a terrible feature that never worked properly and will break every intention of every mod author. If for some reason you need files from a BSA to overwrite something else, unpack the BSA. What happens next is on you but at least you will have full control.
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