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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. Well I have way more issues with the implementation of the minigun than any other weapon in the game. The minigun is not a portable weapon and almost completely useless even if it is an infantry type with small ammo like 5mm and very slow muzzle. A minigun normally fires 7.62×51mm NATO rounds at a minum of 2000 rounds per minute (33 per second), but upto 6000 rounds per minute. It's impossible for a human to hang on to this weapon without being blown away by recoil. There's actually cases where a minigun killed it's wielder because it wasn't mounted correctly. There's so much force behind this thing it's nuts. Even if you use a portable variant. There have been attempts to create them so you can wield one with two hands and shoot, but the recoil is really high and requires immense strength to wield, but it's still impossible to aim correctly with it. You're better off with a normal rifle in most circumstances. So on one hand we have a minugun that can be hand held (and from the design it's not designed to be hand held, because hand held miniguns are much much smaller) and has 0 recoil. And then on the other hand we have a laser rifle that by definition should have no recoil, but does. Even has the most recoil in the game if you add a scatter muzzle on it. Can't hit the broad side of a barn with that thing. when we talk about balance, that is not something that you fix by altering numbers. You fix this through availability. Did you get a Power Armor in Fallout 1 at the start of the game? No. Was it the most powerful armor? Yes. Introducing things like miniguns, power armor, laser weapons at the start of the game is a mistake in game design. These are more powerful weapons that should simply not be obtainable at level 1.
  2. Well, considering the Brotherhood, and the Railroad, have basically diametrically opposed positions on Synths, that really shouldn't come as a surprise. :D Yea the BoS basically want to kill anything that isn't human and want to take all technology for themselves. (to keep it safe.) And the Railroad. Well they're just retarded. Wiping the minds of synts and then setting them free. They have no idea what technology they're dealing with. That plus they're the dumbest shadow organization you could ever have. But the thing that bothered me most about the Railroad is not that they're idiots with the iq of a potato, no it's that they value synth life higher than human life. they're like animal rights extremists. Those kinds of people are dangerous to any society.
  3. I did that the first time and the second time. I was like, but waitaminute he's still in there. Oh lol. But I don't think you get exp from that so now I just kill the Synths myself. Turning him into a female would actually be preferable. I might try that on another BoS run. The biggest downside is that the only BoS companion in this game gets ousted by the brotherhood. That's so lame. but my first PT was really weird. I made choices I thought were alright, but it all ended up crap. That's what you get when you join the Railroad.
  4. they have one conversation in Sanctuary if they find eachother. But other than that they're just two settlers with annoying voice/dialogue and a name. I don't care if their son was killed and if she was raped. It's not ffing my fault. I'm helping them and they just wallow in self pitty and annoy the sh*t out of me. I understand that it's a grueling experience and that some people will lose themselves in such an experience. I just wish they created characters that didn't. I mean they could have created Jun as an actual man that was angry instead of crying like a 10 year old. And I just hate Marcy. Don't understand why anyone would even want to rape her.
  5. So tell me peeps, what do you do with them? You can't assign them to a different settlement, or at least when you do they don't move there. And they stay annoying for your entire playthrough. Jun gets a bit better over time, but Marcy remains a biatch. In many of my playthroughs I lead them away from Sanctuary with console commands. Then set them as non essential and gun them down. Marcy more often than Jun. Also I always thought Marcy was his mother. Geezus it's his wife. Wtf this couple.
  6. Yea what happens is that the Railroad will exclude themselves from the main questline if their own main questlines are invalidated. Their own questline includes rescuing Synths from the Institute. Being kicked out of the Institute in any way will make that impossible. That's why she points you to the Minutemen. This also means that you either have to proceed with the Minutemen or the Brotherhood. As long as you aren't enemies with them that is also an option. Minutemen is the fallback default. You will always be able to complete the game through them. Railroad, BoS and Institute are optional.
  7. It tracks NPCs? So you build prefab houses that track NPCs? That makes no sense to me. Edit: Ok I just looked it up: A navigation mesh, or navmesh, is an abstract data structure used in artificial intelligence applications to aid agents in pathfinding through complicated spaces. So it's a construct with specific boundaries that assist in pathfinding. Got no idea if any of the other prefab houses have that, but I know that settlers can find their way around or in them pretty easily.
  8. The quest will also trigger if you go up the building. Perhaps everything will fix itself if you get on the elevator and go up.
  9. A fair bit of it is luck of the draw. Some folks never have issues with them. I have seen others that even loading ONE quicksave, and their game is toast. I learned not to trust them playing Morrowind...... and old habits die hard. :D Makes no sense as a quicksave is exactly the same as a regular save. The only thing it does is overwrite. If you got a bonky computer/harddrive then yea that might cause issues. In terms of what the quicksave is. There's litterally no difference with a normal save.
  10. There's none. The only explosive weapon I know of is Spray 'n Pray.
  11. Yea. I really dislike those kinds of things. If the whole "matrix" idea is not actually part of the story that drives the whole thing, but more like a gimmick saying "OMG but... THIS tadaa!" then I'm out. Lazy writing. Done to death. It's called the "it was just a dream" trope. Just like the "It's not real it's all in your head and you have to overcome XYZ to wake up" trope. They even did it in the Titan's series. What a ff-ing bummer. I remember that in Star Ocean 3 it was revealed that the entire universe of SO was actually a self sustaining video game created by other people and that really pissed off a lot of players. So no, not for me.
  12. True, it's not just to protect the other person, but also to protect yourself. If you'd have a glove that cushions your hands, but is hard on the outside then that's the sweetspot.
  13. Looks to me like CBBE is not correctly applied. Is that the body type you configured? Looks more like the vanilla body. Either it's an incorrect application of CBBE or it's a texture issue with the body textures. Looks like the face texture is applying. When using face textures you can always get the "brown" face bug, but that is always fixed by a quick save and reload. If you have a permanent issue then it's just missing textures or some sort of incompatibility.
  14. Quicksaves are never an issue. I use them all the time, and never ever have issues.
  15. I really doubt a boxer of any kind would use these as a weapon in a world like Fallout. I mean they are basically cushions on your hand to prevent serious injury on the opponent. Kind of counter intuitive. If anything it should lower your damage when you equip them ;)
  16. There's a couple things that aren't applicable in your statement HeyYou. First. Radiation pressure is only effective in outer space where there is no friction, because the momentum caused by radiation pressure is almost unnoticable. It's also not the same as a laser beam of any kind. It just works differently. A solar sail would simply not work inside the atmosphere. So a laser rifle has no recoil. At least not inside the atmpshere. It's as simple as that I'm afraid.
  17. It happens sometimes when characters are in the middle of an animation that takes priority like sleeping. They will stop and go back to their animation when they are done talking and should wait for a response. I don't know of any way to fix this.
  18. I'm talking about realism as far as you can take that within the confines of this game. I mean games like this aren't super realistic obviously, but they take certain facts and use them so you can understand and accept the environment. Such as gravity and the way you expect things to work on a basic level. When you put a scatter option on a laser rifle it becomes like you're firing a sniper rifle on full auto with one hand. On the other hand we have people holding a minigun straight without any sort of recoil nor injury to the user. Have you ever tried to use a full minigun without a proper anchored stand and hit a target? That's near impossible. Feels like it should be the other way around. It's energy, which is a type of mass, but it has no weight. so it cannot push, but it can be pushed.
  19. That would imply that there's a force going through the beam and coming back to the user. That's not the case with a laser, because it doesn't have weight. It doesn't push. At least not in the traditional sense. The fact that light hits something has no impact in the way you describe, otherwise a flashlight would also be pushed out of my hands due to the force it would give. There is no force.
  20. That makes no sense. A Laserbeam is made out of light. It has no weight and it doesn't produce a projectile and certainly no amount of force. It can go anywhere it wants without pushing anything.
  21. I think you need to download and install both "Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v8.6.0" and "Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v4.02a". And then overwrite whatever you already have from the main file with the optional file. Armorsmith Extended 4.6 notes that you need at least AWCKR v8.5 or newer. But AE requires all DLC. Maybe an earlier version of it has no DLC requirements I'm sure, but I don't know if they are still compatible with the game at the current version. Those versions are all abandoned. I think you may be better off spending 10 bucks to get the GOTY edition of this game with all DLC.
  22. Well that would technically be feasible, but if you implement it in such a way as it works in the game you're going to have to shoot them and then go back a few days later to see the results XD
  23. I dislike him. Or was that not the topic? XD Anyways, I think a flaw in the game is with the affinity system and the perks that come with it. Spending time with person X rewards perk Y. Meaning that if you want all those perks you're going to have to spend a tedious amount of time baby sitting them and pleasing them. That's just annoying. I like it far better when you select someone who can join you on your merry travels and is more like how YOU want to play. Nowadays I just add the perks through console and don't bother with them. Although I do like Curie, especially with my own preset for her. Paladin Danse is ehm, well I don't know. He feels like a soldier and he has a decent voice actor, but in the end he doesn't strike me as an actual person. And even if I join the BoS then I don't take him along either. I'm one of the older players and played FO1 around the time it came out. It was a really incredible experience and the BoS were as much mysterious as they were powerful and you definitely don't join or even meet them early on. Power armor and miniguns and the like which they grant access to are basically end game material. You find yourself in a random encounter with super mutants with miniguns you usually reload the game. Which is why I dislike the way it is set up in this game. They grant you end game material at the start including an introduction to the BoS, but have to dumb em down and make it weaker for it to work. It's just a disappointment. In FO1 the only way you get power armor is if you join the BoS if I recall correctly, but you have to earn it. You cannot find it anywhere else in the game. But it's been such a long time I may be wrong. I think the BoS are one of the more likable and enjoyable factions to join. Even if they're a bunch of facists. At least they're open about it. Unlike the Railroad or the Institute.
  24. Curie and Piper are notorious. Piper even more so. In order to change Curie you need to follow a guide because you need to summon her clone and make the changes there. Otherwise it won't work.
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